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Al-Anon Meeting Reflection

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The first meeting that I attended was an Al-Anon meeting on Monday, June 12th. This meeting was located at the First Baptist Church of Ashville and it began at 12:00 P.M. I went with Brook and we ended up running into Wendy once we were at the meeting. This was the first time I had been to the First Baptist Church and I was struck by how beautiful the location was. The meeting was held in a room within the church that was located close to the gymnasium and the youth center.
The room was tricky to find, however, there were lots of people who graciously pointed Brook and I in the right direction. This meeting was extremely structured and was a discussion based meeting. The leader of the meeting read a short passage that dealt with letting go and letting God, then opened the floor for discussion. Since there were about 30 attendees, not everyone was given the opportunity to share their thoughts on the reading. Individuals who did share …show more content…
One aspect of the experience I enjoyed was the structure. I appreciated the fact that the meeting began and concluded exactly on time. Another aspect of the meeting I enjoyed was listening to the stories and experiences that were presented. Even though the accounts were brief, all of the stories were incredible powerful.
For example, there was a gentleman who was describing how hard it was for him to let go and let God with his son because as a parent, he desired to protect his son. Hearing his disclosure allowed me to realize how painful it must be for parents to watch their children go through suffering like addiction. Clients who would benefit the most from an Al-Anon meeting would be a spouse or parent of someone struggling with addiction. Having a support network in a situation where an individual is virtually powerless can assist parents or spouses with the grieving process and finding light at the end of the

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