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Comparing Two Paragraphs

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Have you ever think about the similarities or differences between two obvious things? Well there are many obvious things out on Earth that people do not notice that can be compare and contrast with. The main obvious items that people do not think about is what they used daily. The items that they used daily is handwriting and typing a paper. Many of the authors used both of these and did not notice that it could be compare and contrast. There are many differences between handwriting and typing a paper.

The first difference is the structure. Some of the structures between the two are the organization, sentences, and grammars. The organization in handwritten paper is much easier. It is easier because you can move around the sentences when you need to and write on it as opposed to copy and paste and you cannot write on it. When you are moving around the …show more content…
In typing a paper, it takes longer to finish your thought because you have to highlight the word to copy and paste to where you need it and then delete it the sentence where it was before. Later, when you are rereading your paper, you will discover that you put your sentence in the wrong location because it did not flow with the topic sentence. Many people who write have problem with sentences structure. When they are writing them, they cannot see what kind of sentence structure it is and notice if there is an error in the sentence or not. Sentence structure is when you have different type of sentences like compound sentences, complex sentences, even independent and dependent sentences. But when they are typing it, the system can tell you if there is something wrong with your sentence like if you have dependent clause and need independent clause or

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