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Seminole War Research Paper

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The experiences of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole
The removal of Southeastern Tribes began after Revolutionary war with pro mises for land-treaties…buy outs and broken truths. The depravity that Andrew
Jackson and others sunk too, makes me un-proud to call myself an American and would never feel honor to call him a father of my country. From 1814 to 1824 Andrew Jackson as a military leader was instrumental in
9 of 11 treaties ceding native lands from the east for lands in the west, to
U.S. This period is known as the voluntary migration. 1830 The Indian Removal Act passed both houses of congress and Jackson signed. The 5 tribes were …show more content…
Had ex slaves fighting on team. The cherokee took legal recourse- failed

but not in concept only in successful application.

The most effective resistant strategy would be between the seminoles

fighting hard not giving up and the cherokee seeking legal recourse. It is just

that it seems the cherokee paid a higher price.

The first Seminole war was between 1817 to 1818 against Creeks and U.S.

after the U.S. went into Florida and destroyed fort at Prospect Bluff “Negro Fort”

held by Seminoles and fugitive slaves. then a full invasion of Florida. Slave

Holders did not want a major slave revolt because so many slaves were going to


in 1819 Spain ceded Florida to U.S. So now we had a open door for U.S.

settlement. Resistance to forced removal brought the second Seminole war, 1835

to 1842 resulting in because of Seminole successes The U.S. resorted to deception

and captured Seminole leader who later dies but other prisoners escape, leading to

a force of 1000 soldiers led by Zachary Taylorand The U.S. getting more land

from the Seminoles. The Seminoles who stayed to defend turn into 3rd Seminole


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