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Dysphagia Research Paper

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The majority of the population does not actively think about safely eating and drinking because their swallowing mechanism is properly functioning. The ability to eat and drink effectively and safely is a basic human need. Not only does it make eating and drinking more pleasurable, but it also reduces the amount of harmful health complications that may arise with its dysfunction.1 Patients with dysphagia have a disfunction in their swallowing mechanism that requires food alterations to increase safety and pleasure when eating. In addition, physiological and anatomic changes that occur during aging can compromise the swallowing mechanism in healthy older adults.1 The addition of sauces to foods makes them easier to consume by helping form a …show more content…
Adding more flavor to a dish whether it be through a sauce, stock, or seasoning can increase the pleasure of eating for individuals with medical conditions that affect their ability to taste, smell, or swallow. Genetic differences can also affect how food tastes to the individual.2 A “supertaster” would be more conscience of the subtly nuances in dishes while a “tolerant taster” may not be able to decipher taste profiles, ultimately affecting food preferences. Adding a sauce to a dish can add additional calories and nutrients. This would be important for individuals with an illness that requires an increase in their caloric needs. In chronic kidney disease, patients tend to lose their appetite because foods no longer taste the same which leads to less calories consumed and weight loss.3 As a nutritional professionals it is important to take calorie needs into consideration when conducting nutrition …show more content…
The materials included, the “Quick Chicken Stock”, Swanson’s® chicken stock, celery, onion, egg noodles, parsley, picked chicken leg meat from the chicken stock recipe, kosher salt, and freshly ground pepper. A red and an orange pepper were used instead of carrots. Half of the ingredients were used for the chicken soup with the prepared stock and the other half were used for the store-bought chicken stock. The soups were prepared following the recipe and tasted at 120 ˚F and 125 ˚F,

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