Premium Essay

Fred Maiorino


Submitted By okjapanstar
Words 1032
Pages 5
Fred Maiorino specialized in promoting asthmatics products at Schering-Plough Corporation. He worked for 35 years. He was the top-ranked sales representatives in the district with Serious of successful assignments, primary in the areas of eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey.
The District sales Manager Reed implemented new system replaced the sales quota system used before. This system measures quantitatively objective and quality aspect. Fred got low performance evaluation using this new system, therefore his boss Reed tried to motivate him to increase his performance by providing him medical journals to improve his sales and setting a realistic goals to be achieved.
On July 15, 1991 Fred had been fired by his boss Jim Reed for not performing up to company standards, not meeting company sales goals and excessive tardiness. Fred position was replaced by a 24 years-old Eric Adeson. Fred believes that the new evaluation and motivation system was unfair against the company senior sales representatives and his age was the real reasons for the firing, because he refused the Retirement Program offered by Reed and since then he starts collecting evidences against his performance and work.
This dilemma has two different dimensions: employee who served 35 years perspective and manager perspective. Fred has a proud history as a salesperson for the company and he is satisfied with that. He used to perform upon sales quota system which is simple system and achievable target. Through 35 years, he built many good relationships with the secretaries and nurses, learned how to finish his job quickly. His plan was to work till he reaches seventy.
Reed is the District Sales Manager; his view was to apply a motivation system to motivate, coach, counsel the staff. According to his opinion he has full right to apply such a system without Schering permission.

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