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Donald Trump Argument Essay

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****A letter to everyone who says that we have to "ACCEPT" Donald Trump's Presidency****

If you're an opponent of Donald Trump, you've probably heard one of his supporters insist that "he's your president now, so you have to accept him," or some variant thereof. The implication here is that, because Trump cleared 270 votes in the electoral college, Americans must refrain from criticizing him and root for his unabated success instead. But that is nonsense — accepting that Trump is our president now does not mean what a lot of Trump supporters think it means.

I vehemently oppose Trump and his agenda — but I accept that he's my president now. To be more specific, I accept the fact that Trump has completed the legal process necessary to serve as president of the United States. It is factually correct to say that, as of Jan. 20, he is America's 45th president, and I accept this.

But that's all I accept. The rest, I reject.

I reject the implication that just because Trump is president, we aren't allowed to condemn him anymore. To the contrary: We most definitely are allowed to condemn him, whenever we like and as strongly as we see fit. One of the nice things about living in a democracy is that we're allowed to freely criticize our government. This is the constitutional right of every American, and I'll exercise it under any …show more content…
But I condemn his unabashed bigotry, and his hateful comments about women, Muslims, Hispanics, and other marginalized groups. I condemn him for mocking Serge Kovaleski, and for welcoming white supremacists into his administration. I condemn him for running a campaign based on division and for lying to the American people. I condemn his inability to admit personal fault. I condemn his lack of intellectual curiosity and his disrespect for American norms and values. On the most fundamental level, I condemn Trump as a human

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