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Fredrick Douglass Hero Essay

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“Heroes are people who make themselves extraordinary” (Gerard Way Online.) Heroes such as Batman and Spiderman were each given the title of being a hero because the go out of their way to protect their communities and the world as well. Making them extraordinary. By thinking deeper about heroes and what it mean to you, you can find that anyone could be a hero as long as it makes the a better person and they have good intentions. A hero is someone who helps for the benefit for others like Police men and women by enforcing the laws and keeping people safe. Nurses and doctors help save people’s lives. Firefighters risk their lives to save others from burning buildings and houses. For us, a hero takes on many traits an ordinary human would not have. Traits like the ability to run fast or to fly much like the many Marvel super heroes. Although he is a hero, Abraham Lincoln did not have and of these traits but that didn’t …show more content…
As you may already know, Douglass was a slave who eventually stood up for all the other slaves. ‘I was yet able to all the tortures of slavery.” The autobiography then continues to say, “From that time until now, I have been engaged in pleading the cause of my brotheren-with success, and with what devotion, I leave those acquainted with my labors to decide” ( Douglass 72). With what he did he became a hero because instead of giving up because of the hard things he’d endured he continued on to fight for not only himself but for the others who weren’t as brave and courageous as him. Defining him as a hero. Anyone could be defined as a hero but that doesn’t always mean that they are. For example, Abdul Aziz Ghazi says “Osama Bin Laden is a hero for us all. He stood up to America and one. He inspired the mission of the school” (Mobeen Azhar Online). Aside from the destruction Bin Laden caused the many people of where he comes from sees him as a hero for “standing up to

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