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Free Mary Jane


Submitted By Devinyayo
Words 1037
Pages 5
Devin Mayo
English 101
Free Mary According to government surveys over one-hundred million Americans have used marijuana in their lifetime, Twenty-five million have used in the past year, and fourteen million use on a regular basis despite the laws against it. It has been reported to be the third most popular recreational drug in America (only behind alcohol and tobacco). It also has been proven to be less harmful than alcohol and tobacco in numerous occasions. Which brings up the question why is this drug not legal.
In 1905 El Paso, Texas banned marijuana as a way of discouraging Mexican-American subcultures from developing. By the 1930's it was banned over thirty states in America. Marijuana related arrest for possession sadly affect African-American and Hispanics reinforcing the perception that law enforcement is biased and prejudiced against minorities. According to the New York Times "Minorities were nearly four times as likely as whites to be arrested on charges of marijuana possession, even though the two groups used the drug at similar rates, according to new federal data". The laws against this drug are executed primarily against minorities in this country.
On June 18, 1971 President Richard Nixon held a press conference regarding our nation’s drug abuse and prevention, the day that he introduced our country to the term "War on Drugs". On this day he declared drug abuse to be "public enemy number one", stating his devotion to more federal resources to the "prevention of new addicts, and the rehabilitation of those who are addicted". This was in response to the cocaine and heroin splurges in the 1970's but this epidemic focused on all illegal psychoactive drugs such as weed, meth, cocaine, heroin, etc.
A "War on Drugs" Federal law passed in 1986 which allowed law enforcement agencies to seize drug money, and use it to supplement their budgets. Grabbing cash connected to drugs that would profit police departments by funding more tools and training. Also Like the fee-for-service model in medicine, that pays doctors for performing procedures, not for making people healthier. Which I believe gives doctors incentive to press risky surgeries and operations. Same as the "forfeiture laws" effectively pay the police departments for making busts - not for protecting our streets, giving them incentive to make and pursue petty arrest instead of protecting the people. All of these laws seem to be counterproductive just as the "War on Drug" laws, as these laws turn normal minority citizens into real criminals by making them apart of the incarceration system with petty marijuana arrest.
The incarceration system in America is one of the most profitable institutions in the world. Significantly the beginning incarceration institutions major profiting started in the Reagan era as the development for non-prison profit companies and their political affiliations took over the incarceration system. Prisoners now-a-days manufacture and assemble products for Microsoft, Starbucks, Victoria's Secret, Boeing, as well as body armor for soldiers and handcuff cases for law enforcement officers. Lots of profit generated with dirt cheap prison labor from our minorities who majority populate these institutions. Even though we as taxpayers spend 70 billion annually average on prisons, with the largest percentage increase of prisoners going to non-prison profit companies. So, the “War on Drugs” isn't just racist. It's also a means of government agencies and private companies profiting from the incarceration of minorities. Which is today's slavery as minorities are thrown in these institutes as it is an injustice that someone should have to serve time in one of these institutions for a racially based marijuana offense.
Marijuana was banned under the terms that it's was an uncontrolled position. The use of marijuana influences pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, sensor, time perception, and coordinated movement. It over activates the end cannabinoid system in your brain, causing the “high” and other effects that users experience. These effects could include altered perceptions and mood, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory. But how extreme are these side effects, are they no more extreme than your everyday over the counter vitamin or prescription drug.
Marijuana does have some harmful effects short term and long so I can see why they banned it. But alcohol and tobacco's effect are just as harmful and more harmful in certain situations. If you intake too much alcohol at once you could catch alcohol position and die that same day. That is much more harmful than marijuana that with the millions of users there are no reported deaths. While at the same time it has been known to treat illnesses such as Cancer, seizures, ADHD, muscle spasms, and more. As smoking cigarettes lower your chances of obesity.
I believe that the legalization of marijuana would be greatly beneficial to our country socially and economically. Three hundred economist estimated that the legalization of marijuana would said the country more than 13 billion dollars in prohibiting it, also more saving prison spending. At the same time this will keep more minorities out of jail and keep crime down. This is billions of dollars in savings and not to forget the numerous amount that the government will be collecting in taxing the product to make what I believe is a socially responsible change.
These facts show that on paper legalizing marijuana would positively affect American society. So again “why is marijuana illegal?” the million dollar question. With the research I have done, I am left with only one answer that came to mind for me. The same way that the drug was first passed to keep Mexican out of the country and the laws now show biased against minorities. I truly believe that the reason why Marijuana is still illegal is to oppress the minorities in our country with petty criminal arrest and institutional slavery. References

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