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Free Will Vs. Determinism Argument

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The "free will versus determinism" argument has been a progressing question since Plato's rise in the philosophical world. I personally believe that man has free will to an extent. For example, man has the free will to decide whether he wants to stay at home or travel to an island. However, man does not posses the free will to transport their body to either destination, simply because they "will" it. There are many cases such as this, but my belief remains the same, that man does possess free will, however there are limitations. To begin my argument, I must first explain the difference between determinism and free will. I will then explain why some believe in one more highly than the other. Lastly, I will defend my argument regarding man's possession of free will to an extent. …show more content…
A determinist would also argue that the current reality for any person is already predetermined. In this instance, I would like to mention the idea of genetic determinism. This is the theory that ones genetics or family genetic history determine whether one is healthy or ill. In these cases, a man who is genetically destined to be ill cannot simply "will" himself to be healthy. His genetics that were passed down to him from previous circumstances resulted in him living with illness. Determinists would say that the situation was unavoidable and the result of generations before him. Abnormalities in specific genes can prompt different types of mental and/or physical illnesses in people; so it can be said that individuals are physically dictated by their genes. However, for the sake of arguing the "free will" side of this debate, it does not necessarily mean that our genetics determine our moral

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