...decision has created issues within the education system. Even though, students have a freedom of speech there are certain stipulations. Schools may limit students’ autonomy of expression to a certain extent. In Teachers and the Law, chapter ten informs readers when can schools restrict freedom of expression between educators and scholars. According to Teacher and the Law, “when conflicts arise between the rights of teachers or students and the authority of school administrators, it is the job of the courts to balance legitimate rights in conflict and determine when to protect and when to limit...
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...First Amendment Research Paper: Freedom of Speech During the time the Constitution was being written, freedom of speech was mainly focused on political speech. People wanted the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions about the government without being reprimanded or unheard. People feared that if the government was able to censor unfavorable viewpoints, they would eventually form a politically powerful population and oppress those who did not share the same mindset. Along with concerns about political speech, freedom of religious speech was a common desire. Previous incidents in English and Colonial history had occurred where certain religious views were prohibited and the people wanted to make sure that they were safe from the government’s restrictions. During his speech to the First Congress on June 8, 1789, James Madison proposed the Freedom of Speech idea to congress. He included several amendments that specifically addressed the concerns of Anti-Federalists that certain rights were not strongly protected by the Constitution. Madison said in his speech, “The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments.” Congress agreed with this idea and it became part of the first amendment. Madison continued with, “No state shall violate the equal rights of conscience, or of the press.” Congress did not like this and thought that only the federal government should be prohibited from restricting certain rights,...
Words: 1900 - Pages: 8
...Gateway (Second Draft) Most of all of Supreme Court case from the time of Tinker V. Des Monies case have restricted the student rights of expression, student must be free to express themselves without unfair limits and the Tinker vs. Des Moines cases affirmed the rights of students to express themselves and the 1st Amendment prohibits laws that limit free expression. The case of Tinker v. Des Monies was rather a simple one. The case of whether the first amendment applied to students or just adults. The students argued that they should be allowed to wear armbands to display their praise for the people of the dead during the war. The staff thought this shouldn’t be allowed, mostly because of their influence of their actions might disrupt the learning environment of the class and (possibly) the school. This is understandable. They only wanted was best for the students. Although they are doing this for the best for the students, isn’t this a little restricting? Yeah sure, they don’t want the students to form a riot, but not allowing them to express their feelings from the war by not letting them wear arm bands, worse case not allowing them to return until they didn’t wear it? That’s the reason why the case was started in the first place. This could be avoided if they were allowed to wear the armbands in school…to a certain extent that is. Besides, this could be the exact reason why a riot might form, the restrictions is causing a stressful strain to the students and couldn’t...
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...Student Freedoms Tiffany Smith EDU 520 Dr. Kijanka April 29, 2012 2 Introduction One could define a leader as a way through which a person or group influences others to obtain certain goals and objectives, which in turn improves the coherency and efficiency of the group. The interesting thing is that very often when we define a leader, one thinks of one person who takes on all the responsibility and eventually all the glory, which is not so. No one can be successful without the help of others, it is a team effort. It is safe to say that a special person that leads people have special attributes that set them apart. Regardless if you are in higher education, an organization or corporate America, leadership does result in instruction, commitment and a deep concern for what is right; as well as for the best interest of others. They are modeled on a daily basis, tested and proven in times of trial and adversity. When it comes to freedom of expression in public schools, without question, Supreme Court decisions concerning student’s rights have greatly affected school policies. But do these decisions affect school policy just by drawing the line between the student’s rights, which the Constitution protects and those that it does not? Many studies of court’s rulings have revealed that the justice not only defines the meaning of the Constitution in the school context, but they often introduce their own views concerning pertinent educational policy. Some suggestions...
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...The Controversies of Protected and Unprotected Speech The Controversies of Protected and Unprotected Speech Without the ability to express free and open ideas and exchange those thoughts with other individuals, our country’s representative democracy would never have survived. After abandoning the British monarchy, the Founders desired an open democracy free of tyranny and control of information. In order to protect our civilian’s basic principle of freeness of speech, the Founders established the freedoms of speech and the press otherwise known as the First Amendment. Within the United States Constitution, the first amendment contains the right to freedom of speech. This idea has become the core basis and significance of the American society and democracy. Within this amendment, an individual has the right to express their opposing views compared to the popular majority regarding specific areas of speech, religion and expression. More specifically, the first amendment includes the right to freely express one’s religion as well as grant every citizen the right to express any religious belief without government involvement favoring any particular side of religion. This amendment allows and ensures that an individual is allowed to speak their mind and question their higher authorities when the opportunity arises. Moreover, free and open debate is highly favorable and viewed as an essential component for determining the genuineness of opposing and competing...
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...Kisteesha Lanegan was kicked out of a public high school in Whitefish, Montana for her hairstyle. Is the school overreacting or simply upholding the school dress code? Lanegan was suspended from her school on the grounds that her dreadlocks violated the school dress code, but that she would be allowed back once she “changed her hair.” This is a violation of Lanegan’s right to self-expression, and she should never have been suspended. The Whitefish High School policy violated the CROWN Act, Lanegan’s freedom of expression, and constitutional law. The “Creating a Respecting and Open World for Natural Hair” Act (CROWN Act) is a bill that was enacted to prevent discrimination based on an individual’s texture or style of hair. This bill protects students just like Kisteesha Lanegan from being discriminated against for their...
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...Songwriters have the same freedom of speech as anyone else who is trying to express themselves. Freedom of speech allows citizens to express themselves and state their opinions free of government restrictions. Composers and songwriters therefore have the right to express themselves freely without being at fault for the corruption of young people who come across their work. There is no need to censor music in order to protect children, or else they will spend their lives protected from what really goes on in the world. Song lyrics do not need to be censored in order for them to have value and meaning, and music is how songwriters exercise their right to freedom of speech. Freedom of Speech is one of the most prized rights United States citizens...
Words: 1958 - Pages: 8
...Tinker v. Des Moines was a significant Supreme Court case, which tested the limits of student’s First Amendment rights on school grounds. It was December 1965, and a group of students in Des Moines, Iowa, planned a civil demonstration to protest the war in Vietnam. The Des Moines school district became aware of this plan, and adopted a policy stating “any student wearing armband would be asked to remove it, with refusal to do so resulting in suspension,” (The Oyez Project 1969). The school district banned the armbands due to the belief that the armbands may disrupt class, yet other forms of campaigning, such as buttons, were permitted in school (Bill of Right Institute 1969). On December 16th, Mary Beth Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt were...
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...establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Students that have the opportunity and greats benefits of attending public school systems in America have rights that are protected by the twenty-seven Amendments. However, some of the students have the complaint as to not having these freedoms such as, freedom of speech, student protesting during school hours, and the act of your child being questioned and/or being searched at school. The government and United...
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...SCHOOL: EUCHARISTIC HEART OF JESUS MODEL COLLEGE, ASA-DAM, ILORIN. NAME: NWAKILE CHILOTAM MADELEINE CLASS: SS 202 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TOPIC: YOU ARE A SPEAKER IN A DEBATE ON THE TOPIC DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF GORVERMENT FOR AFRICA. WRITE YOUR SPEECH FOR OR AGAINST IT. DATE: 9TH JANUARY, 2015. DEBATE: DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT FOR AFRICA Good day the Honourable Moderator, Impartial Panel of Judges, Accurate Timekeeper, Co-debaters, My Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Nwakile Chilotam. I am here to propose the motion which states that “Democracy is the best system of government for Africa”. Before I go on, I will like to give a simple definition of the word, “Democracy”. Democracy is a governmental term which according to late Abraham Lincoln means “the government of the people, by the people and for the people. In other words it is a government where everyone has an equal right to choose their leaders. There is no doubt that democracy is the best system of government not only for Africa but for the whole world at large. I am going to prove this with the following points. Democratic governance involves election of leaders, freedom of speech, freedom of press, accountability, rule of law, equal justice among others and all these are bought about by the power given to the people. It gives people the power to choose who represents them. Democracy gives the citizens of Africa the chance to get involved in governance and in shaping...
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...address three fundamental liberties all citizens have: religion, speech and peaceful assembly. On closer inspection, there are six very different ideals melded together into one defining statement. When the U.S. Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787, it did not contain important freedoms that are now outlined in the Bill of Rights, because many of the Framers viewed some of the freedoms as unnecessary. However, after vigorous debate, the Bill of Rights was adopted. The first freedoms guaranteed in this historic document were expressed in 45 words written by James Madison that we have come to know as the First Amendment. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Freedom of expression, artistic or otherwise in the United States is governed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Without a doubt the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is one of the most important rights afforded to us as Americans. Our freedom of expression and right to freedom of religion from government interference is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Freedom of expression consists of the right to freedom of speech, press, and to petition the government for a...
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...“When the public’s right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press at risk, all of the other liberties we hold dear are endangered.” quoted Christopher Dodd. For many, many years, freedom of the press has been a notably controversial topic to be discussed. Some believe that the public has a right to know, while others waver that journalists should be limited on what they can write about. The real question is, should journalists be allowed the right of freedom of the press or should their writing be able to be censored if the topic is viewed as unacceptable? Although governments might have national security concerns or politicians might prefer to not listen to dissenting viewpoints, the assault on the freedom of...
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...CHAPTER I THE RESEARCH PROBLEM A. Research Background At home, house rules are set. Inside an educational institution, general directions are laid down. In offices, company policies are implemented. Indeed, regulations and set of laws are everywhere. Whoever professional individual, may he be a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, an accountant, a journalist and so on, conformity with moral standards is expected. In whatever profession, may it be in law, medicine, engineering, business, mass media and so on, compliance with the principles of professional conduct is needed. At wherever workplace, may it be in the court, hospital, construction site, bank, and so on, observance of the rules is required. Every professional men and women has to abide by certain rules and regulations. Practitioners of mass communication is no exception. The individuals working under this profession have to observe and follow the law and ethics of mass communication. These are not just standards of what is right and wrong nor based only on morality, as what most people think so. There is more to ethics than their misconceptions. These standards of conduct are highly essential and therefore strict adherence is recommended. These ethics drive the practitioners to instill self-discipline, professional attitude and sense of responsibility among 1 themselves as they are guided on how to deal with day-to-day situations involving ethical dilemmas. Here in the Philippines, there have been a lot of reported...
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...campus environment have been greatly discussed, debated on, and ruled on throughout the legal system. Over the past century, the rights of educators have greatly changed as landmark court cases have examined various topics of this vast and extensive educational issue. In the past, educators were held to strict and in some cases unfairly stern standards of behavior both in and outside of the classroom. In the previous generations, teachers were expected to exhibit almost picture-perfect behavior and were contractually bound to adhere to a code of conduct in their private lives that if broken was grounds enough for termination. In some parts of the country, teachers were prohibited from harmless and legal recreational activities such as, dancing, playing cards, drinking, as well as subjected to questioning concerning their church habits. Additionally, church attendance and participation was monitored, verified, and in many cases required in order to be in good standing within the profession (Utah Educational Association, 2009). While there are numerous court cases throughout the past century involving the rights and empowerment of teachers, the three cases that will be examined within the contents of this paper are Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, James v. Board of Education, and Breen v. Runkel. These landmark cases helped to shape the current structures, policies, and freedoms that educators enjoy today. While today’s educator is not bound by outlandish codes of conduct...
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...Discrepancies in freedom of speech and Gender segregation are the most striking difference between Iranian and American education. One of the important and bold discrepancies is freedom of expression in Iran and America, in Iran the student cannot summon their thoughts, the government has strict control over everything. But in America the students have freedom of speech and express their thoughts without fear of government oppression because of their views that may be contrary to government. Namely, American students can easily give negative comments about the president elect, who the student do not agree with. While in Iran, disagreement with the government or president can lead to jail, or cause them to lose their lives. The other discrepancy is gender segregation in Iran of male...
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