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Song Lyrics Should Be Censored Essay

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Songwriters have the same freedom of speech as anyone else who is trying to express themselves. Freedom of speech allows citizens to express themselves and state their opinions free of government restrictions. Composers and songwriters therefore have the right to express themselves freely without being at fault for the corruption of young people who come across their work. There is no need to censor music in order to protect children, or else they will spend their lives protected from what really goes on in the world.
Song lyrics do not need to be censored in order for them to have value and meaning, and music is how songwriters exercise their right to freedom of speech. Freedom of Speech is one of the most prized rights United States citizens …show more content…
Children recognize music at a young age, as early as five months old. The developmental stage of the young child dictates much of the music listening experience. Recognition of pitch develops later however, their most likely response is learning to determine the difference between music to the sound of normal speech. Children develop musical taste around the age of five, which means they have a specific, defined reaction to the sound of some music. More than half of parents report singing or playing music for their children each day. Children between the ages of five and seven listen to about forty five minutes of music per day. By the age of six, children are focusing more on popular music as opposed to the songs their parents had them listening to. They start recognizing and forming opinions about hit songs of the day. Interest in popular music grows steadily, and openness to music decreases as they reach adolescence (Arnett...). Music will always play a huge role in the lives of these children, and will teach them how to stand out and be assertive. Music should not be censored in order for it to be helpful to children developing. If the music business censors music that tells what goes on in the world, they will not know what goes on outside of their own lives. If a child is hidden from the reality of musical expression, by the time they get out into the real world, they will not be used to what they are

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