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Brainwashed and Not Understanding


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Brainwashed and Not Understanding
Gustavis Martin
Liberty U

Everyday our children are becoming more and more exposed to negativity as a result of the media and electronic devices. Most parents do not realize the danger our kids are placed in from this mass exposure. In today’s society our children can be brainwashed excessive time listening to certain music on the radio, watching certain television programs and playing some types of video games and other social media outlets by wanting to emulate what they see, read and hear. Much of this is leading to hazards to their mental and physical health. It is really an epidemic which can only be stopped by parents and other responsible adults gaining an understanding of the technology and devices our kids use, and learning what should be censored. [pic] So much of the music on the radio contains large amounts of cursing, with the lyrics requiring to be beeped out. This situation is worsened with our kids listening to these same songs on their iPods, mp3’s, Zune, etc. A majority, if not all, of the music on the devices will have cursing, derogatory sayings, and violent references that parents and other adults would not want their children to hear on a regular basis, but continue to let them do so mostly because of a lack of knowledge about how to use this technology. Though rap is not the only genre of music which frequently includes these concerns, it is a prime example. It is stated in Voxjuvenis that research done at the University of South Carolina indicates that “The negative messages in rap music mainly targets teens and young adults” (Samantha, 2011). Even this age group of young adults and teens are still very impressionable. [pic] Younger children are listening to rap music and are at a greater risk of receiving the negative messages. Under the Influence of Music documented, “Our children on a daily basis hear 251 negative and derogatory references” (Parker-Pope, 2008). Doing the math, that’s on average 91,615 times annually a child will hear words that parents or parental figures have explained to them are not good words and they should not repeat them. In fact in, Trace/Decay Theory explains that “To remember something you have to hear or do it at least 20 times has a long term effect. It is same principle as applied to getting rid of a bad habit” (Henthorn, 2010). Realizing this, adults cannot not be surprised our children are regularly cursing and emulating that to which they are continuously exposed. Music affects children in many different ways. One of the ways that is a concern is that they want to mimic their favorite artist and others that have a wide yet negative appeal. Kids are tempted very often when listening to rap music and want the lifestyle of entertainers and artists because they make it appear to look fun and glamorous. Many music videos portray a lush and lavish way of living that anyone would desire. Many rappers talk about how they made it to the top and things they did to make it while all this was going on. So many kids are tempted into believing this lifestyle is desirous and then end up successfully emulating what they have seen and heard. Typically they hear about selling drugs, money backing the operation, dressing up in the hottest most popular clothes or doing things to their body which will be regretted. [pic] Parents must limit how much influence the negative role models that our kids select have on their lives. Many of the songs are either degrading to certain groups or genders or used incorrectly affecting the type of grammar they use. Are you aware of what the word “thot” means? Neither did I until my younger cousin told me. “Thot” has the same meaning as calling a woman a bitch. This word, is among many bad ones, is commonly used in some rap songs. Music is not the “lone ranger” which should be held accountable for the negative influences. Video games can be just as negative. Many games are either extremely violent, incredibly fantasy based, or too much of both. Some prime examples are: Grand Theft Auto, God of War and Metal Gear. There is an article on Feed about a six-year old who stole his parents’ car to make it to school on time after missing the school bus. “He said he was determined to make it on time and “learnt” what to do from Grand Theft Auto” (R_pad, 2009). Is this what we want our kids to learn and emulate! [pic] Each of the above games has violent content, bloody scenes and promotes lying, cheating and stealing. Another social media Is media violence damaging to kids states that, “When looking into the statistics on video games, mainly first-person shooter games, 12 earlier cases found a link between individuals having violent behavior tendencies that show up later life in comparison to the amount of violent games played” (Emmons, 2013). Parents understand that children need outlets, but it has become more and more apparent that allowing our kids to play games such as these is not healthy for them. In Is media violence damaging to kids a 2004 study indicated that video games, because of their “physical activity” and “be-the-character” interactivity can lead a child to be desensitized to violence on a greater scale than watching TV (Emmons, 2013). Kids that are immersed in video games tend to desire the fantasy life they play over the real life they should live. It is very confusing to young lives and especially youth who are less fortunate. A good indicator of negative effects of video games is the impact on school and grades (Essays, 2013). Even though many believe that games help hand and eye coordination, the potential impact on their mental health is a greater concern. Children world-wide are staying inside getting less exercise and are turning to games instead of playing outside. Many turn to games when they’re upset or depressed and have been influenced to think that resorting to detrimental acts like shooting some imaginary people will give relief to their situation, instead of confronting it by receiving some adult assistance for counseling. The game becomes their life and their life becomes the game. [pic] Last but not least, the television shows our kids watch! TV shows like Family Guy, American Dad, and Ridiculousness have no educational or moral value. Worse is that a majority of them are on kid friendly networks. It is a known fact that Adult Swim comes on the same channel as Cartoon Network. Many parents allow their kids go to sleep watching the TV or so parents believe they are going to sleep. So what’s stopping kids from staying up past their bedtimes to try and catch these harmful shows! “Family Guy has made its way into the 20 most watched shows among 2-17 year-olds (StarPulse, 2007). When a 2 year old is allowed to watch a show such as this a parent cannot be surprised when they imitate what they have seen such as Stewie’s favorite sayings “Bloody Hell” or “Blast you Woman”. Are these the types of words our kids should be hearing and emulating? [pic] One of the worries parents must have with this show is the amount of violence it contains. ‘Family Guy’ is a TV show that should be catered to adults and not children at all. But still they’re allowed to watch them if nothing more than the fact that it is animation. We must understand that the characters on Family Guy kill, stab, fight, and even run over each other. There is the wrong message to send in helping to establish the necessary morals that we must require of our kids. This show portrays the opposite. It is common for sexual references and innuendos; there are even scenes that show the characters having sex. This is not something adolescence should be experiencing and not the manner in which teenagers should be exposed to sex. [pic] No good results can come from this show for children. Bullying is even common on Family Guy. It’s a fact that kids can be cruel to each other and this show encourages such behavior. Adolescents are modeling behavior from this show. Children imitate what they see, so why let them watch something that leads to this behavior in their life or even a future employment issue that leads to a possible sexual harassment situation. The negativity of this type of television show easily influences the lives of our children and society in the worst possible way. Parents are setting themselves up and their children to become a part of the criminal justice system where someone will be required to straighten out the problems which never should have occurred in in the first place. The power of social and technological media today is astounding and parents and parental figures have to be careful for our children’s sake. Listening to certain music, watching certain types and too much television, playing games and media outlets all have different ways of trapping the minds of our youths, and have the potential to harm them physically and mentally as they attempt to imitate what they observe. Adults must be on the lookout for such traps and prevent this destruction in our kids’ lives. We all really want a healthy and successful life for all of our children.


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Impact of Video Gaming On Society. Copyrights 2003-2014 UK Essays Retrieved from

Sasha Emmons, February 21, 2013. Is media violence damaging to kids – Video Games
Copyrights: 2011 The Parenting Group, 2014 Cable News Network Retrieved from

Tara Parker-Pope, February 5, 2008. Under the Influence of… Music Copyrights 2014 The New York Times Company. Retrieved from

Samantha, July 2011. Vox Juvenis: Voice of The Youth Newspaper: The Effects of Negative Music on Today’s Youth. Retrieved from:

R_Pad, January 6, 2009. G4TV/TheFeed- Six-Year Old Steals Parents’ Car, Says he Learned from ‘Grand Theft Auto’. Copyrights 2012 G4 Media, LLC. Retrieved from:

Ben Henthorn, April 15, Repetition, Memory, and Trace/Decay Theory – You’re who? And what is it you do? – What do people actually remember? Retrieved from:, November 1, 2007. ‘Family Guy’ Named Worst Show for Young Audiences. Copyrights 1999-2014 Retrieved from:

Mateo Rivero, January 3, 2013. We Are A Brainwashed Generation. Copyrights 2006-2014 Adobe System Inorporated Retrieved from:

Rock Star, 2014. Grand Theft Auto. Copyrights RockStar 2013 Retrieved from:

Da Rich Kids, August 27, 2013. Copyrights 2013 Retrieved from:

Clander, November 18, 2008. Stuff White People Like- #116 Black Music That Don’t Listen to Anymore. Retrieved from:

Trevis Agena, 1 years ago. Stewie Griffin. Retrieved From:

Andrew Pollard, November 25, 2013. Revealed! Major “Family Guy” Character Killed Off. Retrieved From:

Diabolical dr Voodoo, April 25, 2011. Picture of Family Guy. Copyrights 2014 Retrieved from:


In today’s society our children can be brainwashed with the use of the radio, television, video games, and other media outlets by wanting to copy what they see, even if it could be a hazard to their mental and physical health.


1st set of paragraphs 1. Songs played on the radio • Raps songs 2. Negativity of the songs • Words being used 3. How this can affect a child • Desiring to emulate favorite artist • Degrading or miss use of vocabulary
2nd set of paragraphs 1. Popular video Games that are violent • Grand Theft Auto 2. Impact on a child’s brain • Violence being demonstrated • Fantasy life 3. Possible outcomes • Tendencies in game acted out in the real world
3rd set of paragraphs 1. Television shows and the ratings non positive shows receive • Family Guy 2. Impact from the lack of education in the show • Violence being shown • Lack of morals 3. Possible outcomes • Sexual references can lead to sexual harassment • Stupidity show and the can of mimicking • Humiliation and how it can bleed into the real world
4th set of paragraphs 1. Revise what was said 2. Reintroduce thesis 3. Finish strong

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