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Freshman 15 Research Paper

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The “freshman 15” is an expression commonly used that refers to an arbitrarily set weight gained during a students’ first year at college. This can be due to a variety of different reasons such as alcohol consumption and poor judgment, but mainly it is due to a new atmosphere and a wide array of food options. A college diet is not ideal. It consists of cheap, quick, on-the-go meals, late night snacks and unlimited food at dining halls. If one wants to live in that lifestyle, they have to sacrifice a little. That sacrifice could entail separating time out of one’s busy schedule to go work out. According to Kayla Hedman, a nutrition graduate of Champlain College, exercise ensures that all the easy access to unhealthy foods on campus will not …show more content…
According to a few Ph. D. contributors to the novel “Preventative Medicine,” “Young adulthood is characterized by a steep decline in the level of physical activity, but few theory-based studies have examined characteristics associated with regular exercise in this population,” (Wallace et. al.) According to Nakeeya Deas, a wellness coordinator at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, states that “College is the absolute best time for students to learn the importance of making time and dedicating energy to a health and fitness program,” (Hedman). Research has shown that exercising for just 30 minutes a few times a week can help relieve the stress of academics, myth-bust the “freshman 15,” improve sleep quality and your mood and boost your brain power (Hedman). Lizzy Pope, an assistant professor and Director of the didactic program in dietetics claims that “Only approximately 50% of college students are moderately active for 30 minutes on 5 days a week or vigorously active for 20 minutes on 3 days a week which may contribute to the documented weight gain among college students,” (Pope 192). Giving students extra hours in their day to attend the gym may raise these statistics to a more satisfying

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