Premium Essay

Friday Everything Changed


Submitted By MoistedTofu
Words 499
Pages 2
Daniel Gee May 5, 2016 Block: 5

Gender Inequality in “The Friday Everything Changed”

In the short story “The Friday Everything Changed”, Alma Niles, a girl who is well-liked among her peers is joined by many other girls such as Minnie Halliday and Doris Pomeroy to rise against tradition and decided to defy the rule: That getting water for the class was a boy's job. The story is trying to tell us that gender should never be something that should hold one back from doing what they can do. We arrived at the conclusion that the story is discussing about gender inequality because it is truly what the story is about. a little girl, Alma Niles, who decides that girls should be allowed to carry water to the school instead of just the boys doing. It’s sexist in the way that society's image of boys and men being stronger than females so they get to do the “hard” jobs. But Some people such as Alma Niles have the determination to want to be treated as equal as the boys. On that fateful Friday, Alma ask the teacher Miss Ralston “Why can't girls go for the water too? “Silence filled the room instead of a spark of uproar where everyone instead of just bursting out laughing at Alma right away. This act of righteousness triggers the boys in the class and they start to bully Alma but, the girls stood up to the boys and protected her. The following Monday, the bullying persisted as the boys did not allow the girls to play softball with them but, either way the girls had to wait for the boys to pick out who they want on their team and force the girls

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