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Friday Night Lights


Submitted By beezy07
Words 709
Pages 3
Friday Night Lights Questions

1. For Brian Chavez, football does not play as large as a role in his life as it does for the other players. Chavez is very smart and works hard at school, therefore he plans to have a career from his education, not from football. Boobie Miles is relying on football as a career and does not perform in school, therefore football plays a very large role in his life as he is relying on football to make money as a career. The people of Odessa are similar to Boobie as they only care about football, not education. Football does not play a similar role in my community. Chavez will be much more prepared for life after football as he has a good education to fall back on, whereas Boobie has made his life revolve around football, therefore when it is finished he will have nothing.

2. They are making “unwitting sacrifices” for the people of Odessa and they are also the “strange and powerful god” to whom they were being sacrificed.

3. Conclusions can be drawn that there is not much going on and not much to do in the town of Odessa therefore the high school football team is everything to the town. My community back home in Australia does not put a lot of value into high school sports.

4. Labeling them as “the hearty, hair-trigger temperament of the place” gives us the view that they are very eccentric and passionate about their team and place and they are not afraid to be temperament about something they care about. On the national level, you do see people with similar behavior to this as sporting events who are very passionate about their teams, as fights are started in the stands. It can be seen as characteristically American as a lot of Americans are very passionate about their local sport teams.

5. Race influences the attitudes of Odessa’s high-school athletes, coaches, teachers, parents, and fans as they believe the black players

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