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Submitted By millad23423423
Words 430
Pages 2
The Five Forms of Domestic Violence
Inflicting or attempting to inflict physical injury
Withholding access to resources necessary to maintain health

Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact without consent
Attempting to undermine the victim' sexuality
Instilling or attempting to instill fear
Isolating or attempting to isolate victim from friends, family, school, and/or work

Undermining or attempting to undermine victim sense of worth

Making or attempting to make the victim financially dependent

Treatment for domestic Violence

Rehab ( For people committing domestic violence due to drinking addictions or drug addictions)
Councelling (To possibly help repair your relationship with the abuser)

Statistics * The majority of spousal violence victims are women, representing 83% of all victims (2007). 2 * Women are almost four times more likely than men to be victims of spousal violence (2011).3 * More than 6% of married, common-law, same-sex, separated and divorced female spouses in Ontario report experiencing physical/sexual assault by a spousal partner (2009). * 4 in 10 women victimized by their spouse report being physically injured (42%), more than twice the proportion of male victims (18%) (2009).5 * Women are three times more likely to report being beaten, choked, sexually assaulted, or threatened with a gun or knife by their partner or ex-partner (2009).6
All of the statistics i found were generalized towards women only i couldnt find any good ones.


Resolution 18/147
In 2004, the UN General Assembly also specifically addressed domestic violence in Resolution 58/147, entitled “Elimination of domestic violence against women.”[7] In this important resolution, the General Assembly, recognizing that domestic violence is a human rights issue with serious immediate and long-term implications, strongly condemned all forms of domestic violence against women and girls and called for an elimination of violence in the family.[8] The resolution also recognized: (a) That domestic violence is violence that occurs within the private sphere, generally between individuals who are related through blood or intimacy; (b) That domestic violence is one of the most common and least visible forms of violence against women and that its consequences affect many areas of the lives of victims; (c) That domestic violence can take many different forms, including physical, psychological and sexual violence; (d) That domestic violence is of public concern and requires States to take serious action to protect victims and prevent domestic violence; [and] (e) That domestic violence can include economic deprivation and isolation and that such conduct may cause imminent harm to the safety, health or well-being of women.[9]

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