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Functionalist View of Society


Submitted By lwilliams1990
Words 619
Pages 3
The functionalist view of the sociology of health and illness
Talcott Parsons – functionalism provided a complete theory of society, all social actions can be understood in terms of how they help society to function effectively or not i.e when a person is sick they are unable to perform their social roles normally. Compared illness to crime, acts as a deviance disturbing the functioning of society, which needs to be controlled and the deviant helped or forced back into their social role once again. Illness is just one of a number of forms of deviance that could be harmful to society.
The sick role – argued that the idea of sickness was not a biological concept, instead it was a social one. So when you are ill, you are acting in different, deviant ways compared to the norm. Being sick was one social role, where the deviant acted in a certain way according to the culture of society. In Western societies, this involved four elements: rights x 2, and obligations x 2.
Rights of the sick role: 1. the sick person has the right to be exempted from normal social obligations such as employment, and family activities. How much the sick person took on this role depends upon the seriousness of the illness and other people’s acceptance. 2. The sick person has nothing to do with the sick role and therefore cannot be blamed – they must have the right to be ‘looked after’ by others
Obligations of the sick role: 1. The sick person must accept that the situation is undesirable and need to recover as soon as possible. 2. Must seek professional help
Parsons believes that if the sick person doesn’t take on the obligations then their illness is not regarded as legitimate and they are seen as putting on the sick role. Being ill becomes a social abnormality aswell as physical abnormality. Illness is deviant and dangerous to society and must be controlled. The

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