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Functions of the Blood Bank


Submitted By TuneetheKidd
Words 631
Pages 3
Functions of the Blood Bank: An Overview
The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) is one of the main or crucial international association of blood banks and this includes hospitals, community blood centers and transfusion and transplantation services, as well as those involved in transfusion and transplantation medicine. Standards concerning patient care and donors in all facets of blood banking, transfusion medicine, and hematopoietic, cellular and gene therapies are established by the AABB. It is usually the organization responsible for accreditation while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the agency responsible for regulation.
“The blood bank laboratory is a place of business where donated blood and blood products undergo extensive testing, and every task associated with the work performed is scrutinized to ensure the quality and safety of both the services and the products provided.” (Harmening 2012). It may be an isolated free-standing facility but is typically part of a larger laboratory associated with a hospital or community blood center. The blood bank is responsible for collecting, storing, processing and distributing human blood and blood products for the purpose of transfusion.
The blood donated and collected is whole blood and is separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets. Each of the preceding components can be separately transfused to different individuals depending on their needs. If the component to be prepared is platelets then the whole blood is permitted to cool to room temperature, which is 20°C to 24°C. However, if frozen plasma is to be prepared then the unit must be cooled to 1°C to 10°C. Additional processing can be done on frozen plasma to produce cryoprecipitate. Some components can be prepared via apheresis. This is one procedure that is increasing in frequency and involves the removal of a specific blood

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