...Future Trends in Health Care Future Trends in Health Care Twenty years ago no one in the health care industry could have dreamed of the advancements we are experiencing today. The technology has advanced treatments, equipment, and delivery of care. Information is key to successful problem-solving and health service delivery (Hovenga & Heard, 2010). Combining and progressing in the information technology field has and will continue to advance care. Change and potential progress in health care are influenced by many factors, one important factor today is progress in information and communication technologies (ICT), leading to new pervasive or ubiquitous ICT, providing new opportunities to support or even enable new types of health care services (Haux, Howe, Marschollek, Plischke, & Wolf, 2008). The use of the Internet, e-mail, and other electronic services like telemedicine has helped this industry touch out of reach areas and specialties. Just try to think of where the health care industry can go from here. The development and refinement of the Internet has helped the industry explorer and research faster. It has also allowed health care to be exposed to the public for research and education. The use of e-mail for a form of communication reduces time, which may be critical in a health care issue. Telemedicine allows the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve patients' health status (ATA, 2011). The...
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...The Future Challenges for Health Care Management Name Institutional Affiliation The Future Challenges for Health Care Management Introduction Health care is one of the fundamental aspects of a developed country given that it is a requirement of every single citizen. Many countries over the world exhibit a similarity in the managing health care. Modern health care management systems result from past strategies that were implemented to address past challenges. It is therefore misleading for health care managers to think that the future is going to be stable. Apparently, health care management is facing many challenges that call for proactive approaches in addressing those problems at present and in the future. The aim of this paper is to discuss the future challenges facing health care management. Past researches indicate a change in the demographics, particularly an increase of the elderly. As of 1990, the elderly hit 31.2 million and increased to 35 million by 2000. According to statistics collected in 2010 in US, the number of the aged reached close to 40.3 million people accounting to 13% of the whole population. Future projections indicate that this group of people will hit close to 88.5 million accounting for 20% of the US population by the year 2050. This increase presents economic challenges bearing in mind that the elderly are prone to chronic illnesses. Chronic diseases are expensive to treat and therefore the health care management needs to inject more financial resources...
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...Instructor: Roy Redman HCM307-1304A-03: The Health Care Industry Phase 4 Individual Project November 4, 2013 A See PowerPoint Presentation Well Done Joann: Future Healthcare Trends: - provided and discussed the major areas of technology in healthcare and how the innovations will apply to the field in 4-6 slides with speaker notes. Points - 43 /45 Critical Thinking Skills: student advances the discussion by synthesizing some information and drawing most of the required conclusions; additional details could be provided, but basic content is covered. Points - 33 /35 Application of Material to Real Life/Professional Experiences: answers are mostly complete and encourage understanding of the subject matter. Points: - 29 / 30 Organization of Material – thoughtful, thorough, well developed responses to the object of this assignment. Points - 25 / 25 APA Format, Grammar, and Sentence Structure: - Grammar and sentence structure are correct; APA format is followed. Points 15 / 15 Total Points 145 / 150 Be curious, Roy Redman Shi and Singh; Chapters 5, 12 & 14 Task Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: PowerPoint Presentation 4–6 slides with speaker notes (not including title/referencce slides) with s Points Possible: 150 Due Date: 11/4/2013 11:59:59 PM CT One of the high points of the campaign will be a look to the future of Healing Hands Hospital. Mr. Wood asks you to help the public relations committee come up with some ideas that can be used in...
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...Future Trends in Health Care Future Trends in Health Care Health care industry have experienced and still experiencing increase in advancement of technology, there have been advancement in patients’ treatment, deliver of quality care, and hospital equipment. Through advanced technologies, health care boundaries have been push to enhanced integration of health care information. Health care information integration has been critical to the effectiveness of fragmentation of health care system. How Internet or any new forms of electronic communication can be used as an external delivery source in communicating patient-specific information and the impact of distance delivery on health care will be evaluate in this paper. Also consideration will be given to the use of e-mail, telemedicine, and electronic transfer of records and assessment of how these issues affect health care today and how they may impact health care five years from now will be discusses in this paper. Assessment of Internet and how it may be used in communicating patient specific information externally Internet service was used by U.S. Defense Department and researchers initially, but presently, Internet is available also to health care providers and patients enabling them to have access to worldwide library health care resources and patient specific health information. There have been an increases in the popularity in utilizing Internet and other forms of electronic communication...
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...Running head: Future trends in Health Care Future trends in Health Care HCS 533 April 23, 2012 Robert Ropnow PH.D. The findings of a review of trends in health care delivery that are associated with innovations in electronic communications are topic of discussion in this paper. The review focuses on four specific issues. The first issue concerned the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information. The second issue centered on the impact of distance-delivery on the effectiveness of health care. The third issue involved a determination of the effects that the use of electronic communications have on health care delivery today. The fourth issue required a projection of the likely affects that the continued use of electronic communications will have on health care delivery. These interrelated issues are addressed in separate discussions in this paper. The Ways in which Electronic Communications May Be Applied Effectively as an External Delivery Mechanism in the Communication of Patient-Specific Information When considering the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information, it is useful to first (a) identify the parties who will likely be involved...
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...Health care Industry Paper Shantelle Price HCS/449 Health Care Administration Capstone May 5, 2013 Tionna Jenkins Abstract The health care industry has evolved to increase the quality of health care and to increase patient satisfaction. Also the performance of health care facilities will be a vital aspect of the health care industry as well as the design of health care facilities. This paper will show how health care has changed within the last 10 years, what changes the health care industry is expected to see within the next ten years, and what role will I play as a consumer in the health care industry and how I will adapt my health care skills to evolve with the health care industry’s needs. This paper will explain my perception of health care changes over the course of this program, what has had the most significant impact, what role will technology play in health care organizations in the coming decade and what financial and economic issues will affect the health care industry within the next 10 years? Health care Industry Paper How has health care changed in the last 10 years? The health care industry has evolved drastically over the last 10 years; health care is more patient-centered and patient friendly (Harrington & Voehl, 2010, p. 15). The goal of the health care industry over the last 10 years was to embrace consumerism and encourage consumerism to allow patients to be responsible for their own health care decisions (Harrington & Voehl...
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...Read Me First HCS/533 Week Six Introduction THIS WEEK FOCUSES ON FUTURE TRENDS IN HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS. THE INTERNET HAS CHANGED MUCH ABOUT HEALTH CARE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. PATIENT INFORMATION IS NOW READILY AVAILABLE WHEN NEEDED BY A DOCTOR OFFICE OR HOSPITAL WORKER. NO LONGER IS THIS INFORMATION ONLY AVAILABLE VIA HARD COPY FILES THAT MUST BE SHIPPED FROM A MEDICAL RECORDS REPOSITORY. DOCTORS CAN ALSO COMMUNICATE WITH THEIR PATIENTS ELECTRONICALLY USING E-MAIL, THOUGH THIS REMAINS A WORK IN PROGRESS. Health care can be provided to individuals in remote locations using technology, bringing quality health care to communities who might not otherwise have access. Medical students can also be educated remotely by learning from professors who are hundreds of miles away and viewing live medical procedures via satellite, or the Internet. Radiologists can interpret the results of an X-ray scan taken at an office thousands of miles away. Technology will continue to provide exciting opportunities in distance-delivery of health care. Medical professionals are using robotics to improve precision during surgery and other medical procedures. This practice will continue to grow, along with performing procedures—including surgery—remotely. As electronic medical records become standard, we may see individuals carrying their health information in wallets or purses so the information is immediately available when needed. This exciting development would present...
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...Future Trends in Health Care Schell D. Caradine HCS 533 March 3, 2014 Suzanne Paone Future Trends in Health Care Long ago patients relied on their doctor to provide them with information about his or her health condition. The patient took what the doctor told him or her at face value. When doctors began to implement computer systems in their offices, they would print off medical information for the patient to take home to read in order to have a better understanding of the diagnosis given by the doctor. Most times the doctor will have pamphlets that he or she provided to the patient. However, that is mostly a thing of the past. Patients are already armed with tons of information they obtained from the internet. Health care has changed drastically over the years. Advancements in technology played and continue to play a huge role in the ever-evolving delivery of health care. The internet empowers patients in many ways. Sites such as the Mayo clinic allows patients to research their symptoms and even find a specialist. Many health care organizations have patient portals that allow the patient to book appointments and communicate with their physician. However, it is not just patients who use the Internet for health care purposes. Health care organizations use websites and social media such as Facebook to connect with a large demographic of potential patients. Health care organizations can advertise new treatment programs they have available by using Twitter,...
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...Future Trends in Health Care Chrisitna Gallas HCS/ 533 Steven Fowler April 28, 2014 Future Trends in Health Care The delivery of healthcare services is administered by a multiplicity of variances of different health care providers integrated to provide individualized services to the consumer of healthcare services. The healthcare system has undergone new forms of legislation and changes in billing practices, healthcare technology has innovated to support new improvements in quality, financial, and legislative regulations. The health care industry is intent on embracing new healthcare technologies, as well as new innovations in medicine, which precipitates the entire healthcare system. The healthcare system is great advocates through the past and present of healthcare technology to create a safe, quality-driven, individualized, and cost-efficient healthcare system. Additionally, over the past twenty to thirty years, the use of technology has allowed the patient and medical professionals to be able to endure several changes, not only in the medical field, but, in the patient’s environment also. Healthcare technology has evolved in such a manner that the individual is able to see the transformation in the organization through enhancement of workflow and operations. The decision-making process in the organization is also supported by innovations in healthcare technology, as more research can be supported through the internet which has increased in use over the past...
Words: 2011 - Pages: 9
...The Future Challenges Facing Health Care in the United States Battina HSA 500 December 11, 2010 Identify and describe at least three of the most difficult issues facing health care in the United States today. Three of the most difficult issues facing health care in the United States today are the uninsured and the disenfranchised, the future of the pharmaceutical industry and the shortage of health care personnel. According to Williams and Torrens (2010), there are an estimated 50 million people which includes children that are uninsured. The lack of access to care leads to the compromise of the quality of care, especially for the uninsured. A recent study of the uninsured has shown that they receive only about half as much care as people who are continuously insured. Several studies have shown that when they have a serious disease the diagnosis is not received promptly, nor do they get a more innovative and expensive treatment, according to Slutsky (2007), The pharmaceutical industry issues are endless. As much as the government tries to contain and develop the guidelines for the production of what can improve and extend life lines the market controls pricing , which varies internationally. Of the underinsured, there are the Medicare beneficiaries who cannot afford prescription drugs or long term care services due to lack of coverage. The more innovative and experimental drugs are too expensive and not covered by Medicare or Medicaid. One of the major challenges...
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...The Future Challenges Facing Health Care in the United States Liz M. Santiago Dr. Watson HSA 500 March 11, 2012 Identify and describe at least three of the most difficult issues facing health care in the United States today. Our health care system is complex in the way it is setup and the way it operates. There are many key issues that face the health care system in the United States today. Three of the most difficult issues include diseases, health disparities and paying for health care. As we are capable of preventing diseases through preventive medicine and advanced technology, the mortality rate of the United States will continue to decline. Although this may be true, macro trends such as illnesses, diseases, injuries, and population groups are of concern. “Differential morbidity and mortality between men and women, among different ethnic groups, in different age groups within the population, by geographic region, and in other important population comparisons raise red flags about our limited successes for certain populations, and the challenges that we face” (Torrens & Williams, 2009). Health concerns such as hypertension, obesity, injuries and chronic diseases surround individuals in the United States today, regardless of their race, gender, income status or geographical location. Although a steady income, health insurance and access to care may exist for some individuals across the United States, health disparities are still...
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...Assignment 4 The Influence of Health Policies and the Future of Health Care in the U.S. Based on the changing environment, as well as demographics in 21st Century America, there are many burgeoning issues and hurdles the U.S. Health Care System faces. As part of the preparation for your assignment, view the video titled “Health Care Issues and Problems in USA” (7 min 36 s). Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1.Based on the video, analyze the main points presented by the narrator concerning issues and problems inherent in overall health care in the U.S. 2.Ascertain whether the narrator’s views are in sync with your opinion of 21st Century U.S. health care. Provide support for your rationale. 3.Provide a financial rationale for following the current U.S. health care policies. Discuss your position in which you highlight, at a minimum, economic and ethical considerations. 4.Reflecting upon the material covered in this course, outline a five (5) stage plan which articulates the main ways in which you would improve the present U.S. health care system. Introduction Our health care system is complex in the way it is setup and the way it operates. There are many key issues that face the health care system in the United States today. Three of the most difficult issues include diseases, health disparities and paying for health care. As we are capable of preventing diseases through preventive medicine and advanced technology, the mortality rate of the United States...
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...Health Care Changes and Challenges Dindi White HSC490 May 18, 2015 Jennifer Johnson Health Care Changes and Challenges Some people may believe that health care is not changing. However, today's health care system is changing. Today’s advanced technology and growing population have required health care organizations to evolve. Changes in health care can present challenges, and the challenges must be addressed and dealt with accordingly. Today’s health care system is changing. In order for health care to remain a competitive force in today’s business world, it must be aware of the shifts taking place that will affect them. Social media, advancements in technology and awareness of consumer behavior are three shifts currently taking place in the healthcare field. Knowledge of how these shifts work to improve health care is beneficial to assist health care organizations in providing quality care. Social media has grown in popularity in the last decade. Health care organizations have begun to utilize social media to reach out to their consumers and provide preventive, managed health care. “Social media provide people with additional opportunities to enhance their knowledge and their ability to care for themselves, and online communities are attracting older and broader audiences” (Thielst, 2013, p. 3). By using social media to communicate and collaborate health care providers and consumers can work together to develop a plan of care. Advancements in health care technology...
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...Vision for the Future of Nursing Speech Dear peers, colleagues, fellow professional nurses, Slide 1: We are here today to discuss the future of nursing, a vision of nursing have you? Here we meet on the heels of a thirty plus year push toward professional legitimacy. Hinging on the precipice of integration of nursing research and utilization of evidence based practice at the bedside. Yet our voice is still clouded by the past. To be the successful force of change which our predecessors knew we were and could be we need to make the final push. Slide 2: As Florence Nightingale once stated “May we hope that when we are all dead and gone, leaders will arise who have been personally experienced in the hard, practical work, the difficulties and the joys of organizing nursing reforms, and who will lead far beyond anything we have done.” That time is now. We live in a time where this vision is actually in reach. The reins of the future of healthcare are obtainable. In the past we made strides, improving patient care on all fronts of healthcare. Now we need to hit the classroom and the boardroom. The future includes a shift from an acute and infectious disease focus to that of a rapidly aging population with chronic disease. In order to meet the challenges of the future we must embrace advanced technology, work on partnerships across the care continuum, encourage collaboration across settings and disciplines, ensure quality and continuity of care and promote nurse led and nurse...
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...University of Phoenix HCS/440 Health care economics has changed significantly over the course of history of the United States. Many think these changes are due to the evolutionary changes the US has undergone since its creation, the major contributing factors that influence the changes in health care economics are advances in technology and medical care. Other factors that have contributed to the growth of health care spending include increases in personal income and the growth of insurance coverage. The rapid advances in technology and pharmacology have contributed to rising health care costs. By comprehending the history of health care economics, and recognizing the flow of funds within the health care system, financial managers are able to be more prepared for the future. It is important to remember that the driving force behind health care economics is money, and it plays an significant role to the success of the health care industry. There are a number of factors responsible for rapidly rising health care costs. The demand of health care tends to rise as real family members’ income increases. In addition to the aging of the population, new treatments, technology, the growing numbers of uninsured and underinsured. In order to understand the health care industry, comprehending the history of health care as well as acknowledging the significant events that has lead the country to where it is today. The United States health care system had its origin in 1798 as...
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