Premium Essay

Future of Marketing


Submitted By drmona965
Words 5872
Pages 24
• 1. the future of marketingWhite PaperThe future of marketing 1 >>
• 2. Foreword In these challenging times, marketing and a marketing orientation have rarely been more important. Yet time and time again we see the value of marketing being questioned and marketing budgets cut. White Paper: I believe marketing is essential to the success of organisations. However, sometimes marketers are their own worst enemy, failing to account for their often considerable Marketing’s decline: budgets, falling back on dull and uninspiring campaigns, and floundering when questioned on the financial impact of their strategies. a wild exaggeration? Dr Evmorfia Argyriou, Aston Business School, UK This White Paper, the result of research completed for The Professor Peter Leeflang, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands Institute by Aston Business School, reveals how marketers themselves perceive their role and importantly how they are Professor John Saunders, Aston Business School, UK and AUDENCIA Grade École, Nantes, France perceived by their colleagues in the finance department. Professor Peter Verhoef, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands Whilst marketing is unquestionably central to business success – with marketing orientation and the influence of marketing within a firm critical to business performance – our Paper shows that marketers must overcome their own Contents weaknesses if they are to prove the value they add and earn the respect of their peers. 2 Marketing’s decline? 4 Marketing now David Thorp Director of Research and Professional Development 6 Marketing is loved! The Chartered Institute of Marketing 7 Calling our bluff 8 Stuck in the muddle 10 Win-win strategies for marketing 18 Marketing ahead! cpd 1 hour 22 CoursesChartered CPD Programme 26 ReadsReading this publication can count towards yourannual CPD record. However, additional hours maynot be claimed for