...The Future of Energy: Rooftop Solar Panels Coal fired energy plants have long been recognized as extremely damaging to the environment. The role of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in precipitating climate change is well documented. Carbon-dioxide emissions have increased manifold since the Industrial Revolution and have led to an increase in the Earth’s temperature in the past 50 years, worsening forest fires, drought and coastal flooding among other disastrous side effects of climate change, according to the U.S. Global Change Research Program. (NOAA National Climatic Data Center). In Kentucky where 91% of its power is generated from coal (Department for Energy Development and Independence; Kentucky Coal Association), there is a great impetus for utilities to cut down on carbon emissions. Unfortunately current efforts to reduce carbon emissions are largely insufficient because they do not attempt to reduce America’s and Kentucky’s overreliance on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Rather, currently adopted technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS) and natural gas-fired plants that halve carbon emissions merely seek to reduce the environmental impact while still relying on fossil fuels for energy. (Nijhuis) (Breeze) For a solution to be viable in the long run, it must propose an alternative energy source to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels for energy which is the root cause of excessive carbon emissions. Investing in renewable energy like solar power is...
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...Solar Energy: The Present and Future of the Middle East Aalim Saleem The American University of Sharjah Dr. Victoria Amador November 22, 2015 Abstract Solar energy, a pure and limitless amount of energy, has been one of the rising and popular forms of power in the Middle East. A region that is solely dependent on oil and gas as a form of energy. Since oil and gas is non-renewable and also damages the environment severely, countries in the Middle East have turned to a different form of energy. solar energy has become its direct competitor in recent years. The different projects and prospects that each country in the Middle East is pushing towards is a clear example of how important solar energy has become to these countries. Increase in economy and the many advantages of having solar energy for the environment are two benefits that this source of power is capable of providing to these countries. A limitation of solar panels is an aspect that helps gives both sides to this research paper. Accordingly this research paper discusses how all these factors are benefiting the Middle East and hence should solar energy be the main source of energy in this region. Solar Energy: The Future and Present of the Middle East Solar energy is the energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. It is one of the most abundant and cleanest renewable energy sources available, since it’s directly obtained from the sun. Solar energy has been around since the time...
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...Nguyen Randy Gifford English M01A March 16, 2015 Cause Paper for the Development of Solar Energy Our modern industrial civilization is based mostly on using fossil fuels for power plants to produce electricity and to fuel vehicles for transportation. Oil, which is the most precious and efficient source of energy, has already started to be exhausted due to heavy overpopulation, industrial demands, and scarcity of resources. The oil crisis in 1970 caused scientists all over the world to look for substitutes to fossil fuels to avoid economic and industrial collapses. Experts in the field of sustainable energy have turned their attention towards solar energy. Thomas Edison, the father of energy once said, “We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature's inexhaustible sources of energy — sun, wind, and tide.... I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that” (Mathews 79). Solar energy is the safest, the most environment friendly, and one of the fastest developing sources of energy. The reasons that solar energy will dominate all other energy sources in the future are environmental concerns, renewability of the source, and technological adaptation for using solar power as a source. Solar technology utilizes the sun’s energy to produce electricity and does not rely on continual mining of raw materials. Consequently...
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... Weighting: 25% The concept of renewable energy within Australia, particularly Solar Energy has a huge scope of serious development and benefit to our future energy needs. Our country to this date has the highest average solar radiation per square meter of any country in the world (Geoscience Australia, 2012). Even our solar radiation in the southern regions has a higher overall radiation than countries like Germany, who are one of the most developed nations in terms of Solar Energy. Since late 2012, 10% of Australian energy relies on renewable sources of which 0.03% is Solar (T. Flannery, V.Sahajwalla, 2012). Although this percentage is small, due to the continual evolution of the concept and the current state of the economy and particularly the feed-in tariffs schemes; Solar Energy in Australia is becoming progressively affordable. The current state of Solar Energy in Australia is advancing, though obstacles such as ecological impacts & risks, the heritage & cultural boundaries placed within Australia and the production disadvantages of solar systems itself act as large limitations in the development of the concept. Developments in Solar Energy facilities for large areas such as towns require a large amount of land. This is largely the case for the use of solar photovoltaic systems (AAS, 2010). Although within Australia, around 18% of mainland is considered desert and...
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...Abstract Solar Energy: The Eco-Friendly alternative energy source for The world? Solar Energy: The Eco-Friendly alternative energy source for The world? Solar energy is energy provided by the sun, it is in the form of solar radiation, it can be converted into electrical or thermal energy. Around the world a movement has begun, one started by environmentalist, this movement is known as the Go Green Movement. The goal of this movement is to make people aware of the damages that we are causing and effective measures to reverse them. The Go Green Movement focuses on creating alternative energy sources so that non-renewable energy resources such as: coal, petroleum and fossil fuel are not exhausted. Most fossil fuels are obtained through mining processes, which can damage the environment. They damage the environment by releasing acid, mercury and sulfates into the atmosphere. Christina Nunez, in her article for National Geographic states that fossil fuels such as coal should, “be left untouched in order to prevent global temperatures from rising more than 2°C.” (Nunez, 1) This indicates that the burning of fossil fuels such as: coal, oil and gas are factors which contribute to global warming. They contribute to global warming by releasing carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere. In recent years the quandary of having alternate sources of energy has arisen. Solar energy is energy provided by the sun, it is in the form of solar radiation, it can...
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...INTRODUCTION HERE – WENDY Solar energy is one of the cleanest energy sources available and some of the richest resources in the world. With modern technology the solar energy can be harnessed for many different uses from providing electric, to heating and cooling, even heating up water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use. The solar market faces both challenges and opportunities; the industry is working to scale up production of solar technology. Solar energy can be stored in what they call solar cells which are then made into large panels. By catching the solar rays the sun puts out including the suns heat it gives off it can be all used to provide all of us with the resources we need each day. Some utility-scale solar plants can store energy produced for use, and set it to be used after the sun sets in the evening. PLACE RAYKEYIA’S INPUT HERE Since the solar industry is now a big market that is propagating at a rapid past, it has also had a great impact on the economy. Companies and manufacturers in the USA that can be identified in this market are First Solar, Sun Power, United Solar Ovonic and many others that helping in the trend of solar energy. According to SEIA.com, the Solar Foundation's Solar Job Census 2012, there are more than 119,000 solar workers in the U.S., a 13.2 percent increase over employment totals in 2011. These workers are employed at 6,100 businesses operating at over 7,800 locations in every state. The increasing value of solar installations has...
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...We want to start up a solar energy company, which manufactures products utilizing solar energy work. Below are several reasons why we would like to start up this company. Solar products have a huge market in domestic and overseas. Because solar products haven't promoted on a large scale yet. If we start up the solar energy company now, we will capture a large market share; Besides solar energy is a kind of free resource, people don't need to spend money on it, so people can be more pleased to accept solar products,and now we can manufacture many solar products, such as solar power generation system,solar cells, solar water heater, etc. Solar products will go into people's life soon. Here is another reason,solar products is the trend of future prouducts. Because exploiting and utilizing solar energy is becoming popular, and many countries have established "sunshine plan" already; The most important is that Solar energy can replace increasing shortage of natural resources, such as oil,coal and other non-renewable resources, it can relieve the current energy crisis; Meanwhile solar energy is a kind of clean resource. there is no pollution,when we use it, therefore I believe that most people will choose our products. In my opinion, the nature resource is impossible to satisfy the needs of the long-term development of human. Human must look for alternative sources of energy, and solar energy is the best choice of human. The future of solar energy's development will bright...
Words: 258 - Pages: 2
...the desert area, the energy that supports residents’ daily lives is alternative energy. For example, Southern Nevada heavily relies on alternative energy such as the solar energy, wind energy, water energy, geothermal energy, etc. In a dry area like Nevada, many of the residents say that solar energy is the best solution. The supporters say the reason to support alternative energy is that it brings huge economic benefits and job opportunities to Southern Nevada. Besides that, weather and geographical position in Southern Nevada are perfect for developing alternative energy. On the other hand, what the opponents say is that the cost of developing alternative energy is too expensive, using the cheaper traditional energy...
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...FUTURE STATEMENT Solar Technology Although not widely used, I believe the future of Solar energy technology products such as Solar panels is bright. Solar technology is one of the green energy sectors that is making a lot of difference here at home and around world. For instance, the use of solar panels in homes is very popular in most third world countries since energy cost is expensive. The cost and accessibility of this technology is much easier than here in the U.S. For instance in Africa, the use of solar panels in homes is very common. Cheap imports from China have made it affordable for most home owners. The panels are easily available and are installed by contractors without any red-tape if the person can afford it. Although, most of these countries are poor and lacks basic infrastructures, solar energy has given them the opportunity to be less dependent on fuel imports and benefit the technological advantages of a clean energy economy. On the other hand, here in the U.S. the use of solar panels in homes is not as popular as other countries. The average American homeowner doesn’t know where to buy these panels or how to get them installed. Home buyers have the perception that solar panels are not affordable so they are reluctant to consider them as an option when they build or buy a new house. Furthermore, the burden of getting licensing and permit scares off a lot of homeowners who otherwise would have benefited from this green energy technology. Regardless, I am...
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...2/21/2016 Org Policy & Strategy JA Solar Holdings Co, a publically traded company, competes in the energy industry and specializes in the manufacturing and sale of solar sell products. They primarily sell their product through sales personnel and provide business to business distribution of their products and overall they create modules which turn sunlight into usable forms of electricity. Their competitors include Hanwha Q Cells Co, JinkoSolar Holding Co, Trina Solar Ltd, and a newer entrant, Vivint Solar Inc. In the past, efforts to move the world towards solar energy have faced a series of challenges but seem to differ in priority between societies in the developing world. Countries that are known to be more economically deprived have focused on the use of fossil fuels because of their reliability and ease of use. In areas like the U.S., people have been hesitant to adopt solar power cells because of how expensive installation costs were in years past. Often time’s people fail to have a futuristic mind set to see the added benefits and money saving opportunities that you get from installing solar cell panels around your home. However with recent tax incentives and major efforts to make solar cell products more accessible and affordable for households, more and more people have begun to adopt the technology. In China, efforts to move into renewable energy solutions like solar power have increased dramatically and many of the world’s largest solar cell manufacturers can be found...
Words: 1783 - Pages: 8
...ones are: Energy, Building and Purchasing. Green Energy is made of wind, tide and solar. Green Building is the process of building houses and offices that are efficient. Purchasing green just like it sounds. Green energy technology has always existed ever since civilization began. For instance, we have been utilizing water, wind, and the sun, among others for decades now. But of course, how we use these technologies now is completely different than what it was before. However, green technology has come again to the forefront because of the changes that our home, the Earth, has been experiencing thanks to our actions. There are different technologies that were developed that made “green” technologies feasible ones. What exactly are they? When we think about green energy, the first thing that comes to our mind is the sun. The center of the solar system, capable of generating near-infinite amounts of energy. Before, it is just being used for functions such as drying and heating, but now it is now used to harness electricity. Because of the previous strength of the sun, it is undisputedly the most intriguing green energy technology of all. The better news is that this technology is constantly improving. From solar panels to GREEN TECHNOLOGY 3 inverters, individual parts of the solar energy system are being improved, making it a better energy source for the future....
Words: 1375 - Pages: 6
...of unlimited, sustainable, renewable energy, it is no wonder why solar energy systems is being used worldwide from country’s in poverty to homeowners in the United States. From large scale utility plants to urban communities, more solar energy systems are being used to generate electricity for many different reasons. Whether it’s saving our planet, saving money, or increasing the value of a home, these are just a few reasons why solar energy is growing. Over the past three decades SunPower Corporation has been able to improve the technology in renewable energy to generate the most energy from the sun. SunPower has been leading the quest to improve lives and our world for a better future one day at a time. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration in September of 2014, utility-scale solar power plants generated over 12,303 gigawatts- hours of electricity compared to September 2013which generated 6,048 gigawatts-hours. This is enough energy to power 1,513,703 average U.S. homes, (Danko, 2014). With the trend of solar energy and clean carbon emissions, the numbers of solar companies has risen. From manufacturing to installing, having a solar energy system has been easier and cost effective especially for homeowners. To motivate homeowners to start using solar energy system, local and state wide government has offered many incentives such as, “the eight-year extension of the Investment Tax Credit for renewable energy that was part of the 2008 Bush economic...
Words: 3909 - Pages: 16
...Solar Energy Wilmington University Consumer Behavior Abstract This paper will focus exclusively on solar energy as an effective improvement process. The research presented in this paper will examine the issue on hand and reveal the impact it has on companies across the globe. A history of solar power will be discussed as well as the primary types of solar energy that are used today. This paper will also address the cost advantages solar energy provides along with the environmental enhancements and energy reductions that are associated with solar power. In conclusion, this paper will analyze the future of solar power in regards to business and the long term effects this process will have on the world as a whole. Solar energy is an effective improvement process that helps companies save money, reduce their energy output and enhance the environment. The development of solar energy dates back to 400 B.C. when the Greeks built their houses on the side of hills to harness the suns heat. “Native Americans and the ancient Greek built their houses into the side of hills to take advantage of the heat storage from the sun during the day that would then be released during the night.”(historyofsolarpower.com) The Romans also made use of the sun as a natural source of energy by using glass windows to trap the warmth of the sun in their homes and creating the right conditions to grow plants. Even though many previous...
Words: 1293 - Pages: 6
...Use of renewable energy technologies for desalination Wang Shuxian z3452701 Abstract Only about 0.25% of total fresh water, which is only 3% of total water in global world, could directly supply for the most needs of human beings and animals. Another significant impact is due to rapid population growth, causing severe fresh water scarcity. Other factors include rapid industrial growth, industrial wastes and sewage discharged and climate change. It would be feasible to overcome the water scarcity through seawater desalination; however, if seawater containing high salinity is converted to fresh water by desalination, it consumes large amounts of energy. Therefore, it is important to find suitable alternative energy resources for the desalination technology due to conventional fossil fuels crisis and environmental pollution. Renewable energy is commonly alternative energy sources considered for desalination, including solar thermal energy, solar photovoltaics, wind energy, hybrid solar PV-wind energy and geothermal. Renewable energy can power the desalination systems comprising comprise the phase change processes, which include the multistage flash, multiple effect boiling and vapour compression and membrane processes, which include reverse osmosis and electrodialysis. Finally, the paper will discuss the best renewable energy powered desalination systems. Keywords: Desalination; Renewable energy; Solar thermal energy; Solar PV energy; Wind energy; Geothermal energy 1. Introduce...
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...‘‘PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE’’ Solar power is a viable source of energy. ‘INTRODUCTION’ ATTENTION GETTER: It’s the human condition to underappreciate what we are given when we become accustomed to its presence .The everyday convenience of electricity isn’t fully appreciated until a power line goes down and you’re thrust back into the colonial times with candles and fire stoves. Unfortunately as Pakistani’s we visit the dark ages several times a day. So now I ask you to imagine a Pakistan where unlike the false promises of politicians there is actually electricity in every house, where you don’t have to hear the gyrating noise of a generator everywhere you go. A Pakistan which isn’t plunged back into the dark ages every 3 hours. BACK GROUND: With the depletion of the energy resources in the world, governments, industries and scientists are in search of cost effective and readily available energy resources that can be exploited to satisfy the increasing energy demands in the world. Solar energy has been regarded as one of the most paramount and cardinal sources of renewable energy. As per scientists, the energy received from the sun in one hour is more than the whole world’s total produced energy in a year. It would take only around 0.3% of the world's land area to supply all of our electricity needs via solar power. Pakistan is going through a very severe energy crisis right now. Though Pakistan has got a lot on its plate right now, solving this issue would eradicate dozens...
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