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Solar Energy In Southern Nevada

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Believe it or not, in the desert area, the energy that supports residents’ daily lives is alternative energy. For example, Southern Nevada heavily relies on alternative energy such as the solar energy, wind energy, water energy, geothermal energy, etc. In a dry area like Nevada, many of the residents say that solar energy is the best solution. The supporters say the reason to support alternative energy is that it brings huge economic benefits and job opportunities to Southern Nevada. Besides that, weather and geographical position in Southern Nevada are perfect for developing alternative energy. On the other hand, what the opponents say is that the cost of developing alternative energy is too expensive, using the cheaper traditional energy …show more content…
There are some conditions in Las Vegas are the most suitable for developing solar energy. Las Vegas has enough sunshine all year around and also has a typical hot desert climate. According to a daily high and low temperature chart of Las Vegas, Nevada: From January to December, the lowest temperature is rarely below 34°F or above 110°F (see fig.1.). The average temperature from April to October is high enough to collect abundant solar power which is a really long period to collect. Due to the plentiful sunshine in this desert area, the collection of solar energy becomes an easy process compared with other alternative energies in Southern Nevada. Geographical position is also a condition which makes solar energy be the best alternative energy to support Southern Nevada’s daily energy consumption. Fig.1. Daily High and Low Temperature (Average Weather For Las …show more content…
See the world atlas: “The Mojave Desert spills across the California border into southern Nevada. Conditions here are dry, hot and windy, especially in summer” (Nevada). The mountains provide high elevation areas, the large bare area with high elevation is perfect for the construction of solar panel stations. By associated press, the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is the world’s largest thermal solar power plant which is located in Nevada. To be the world’s largest thermal solar power plant, it must have thousands of panels built in an area. About 350,000 mirrors have the size of a garage door are controlled by a computer. The mirrors the sunshine directly to the tanks which are on the top of the 459-foot towers. The size of each mirrors is about 7 feet high and 10 feet wide (Skoloff, Blood). After the rough calculation, the total area need for 350,000 mirrors is roughly 24,500,000 square foot. Not all the states have these much of place for building solar panel stations. In Southern Nevada, there is both abundant sunlight and enough area to develop solar energy. The first choice of citizens in favor of alternative energy use should be solar

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