...ENERGY Renewable Energy: An Overview DOE/GO-102001-1102 FS175 March 2001 EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY What is Renewable Energy? Renewable energy uses energy sources that are continually replenished by nature—the sun, the wind, water, the Earth’s heat, and plants. Renewable energy technologies turn these fuels into usable forms of energy—most often elec- tricity, but also heat, chemicals, or mechanical power. Why Use Renewable Energy? Today we primarily use fossil fuels to heat and power our homes and fuel our cars. It’s convenient to use coal, oil, and natural gas for meeting our energy needs, but we have a limited supply of these fuels on the Earth. We’re using them much more rapidly than they are being created. Even- tually, they will run out. And because of safety concerns and waste disposal prob- lems, the United States will retire much of its nuclear capacity by 2020. In the mean- time, the nation’s energy needs are expected to grow by 33 percent during the next 20 years. Renewable energy can help fill the gap. Even if we had an unlimited supply of fos- sil fuels, using renewable energy is better for the environment. We often call renew- able energy technologies “clean” or “green” because they produce few if any pollutants. Burning fossil fuels, however, sends greenhouse gases into the atmos- phere, trapping the sun’s heat and con- tributing to global warming. Climate scientists generally agree that the Earth’s average temperature has risen in the past century...
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...CHAPTER FOUR Student’s Name Institution of affiliation Summary Renewable energy is that which uses natural phenomena such as wind, tide, sunlight, plant growth ( biomass), geothermal heat among others. In fact, it is said, “Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly. In its various forms, it derives directly from sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. Included in the definition is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources.” (Conference on New and Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development, Afgan & Carvalho, 2004). This chapter attempts to look at the various sources of renewable energy and how they can be applied in the shipping industry. The renewable energy resources are available across the globe. Unlike traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuel which is located in specific and limited areas, renewable energy sources can be found in most parts of the world. It is believed that with the rapid development of renewable energy coupled with the efficiencies, economies of various countries will sprout and the energy sector will pride itself with having achieved sustainability and stable supply of energy (National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.), & United States. 2010). History of Renewable Energy Research has it that biomass is the oldest form of renewable energy whose use dates...
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...RVS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DUAL EFFICIENT SOLAR PANEL (A BREAKTHROUGH IN RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES) AUTHORS: 1)SATHYA N 2)VIJAYALAKSHMI K 3)SUMITHRA S III Yr – EEE III Yr – EEE III Yr – EEE sathya.sathyanatesan@gmail.com v2.28.kavi@gmail.com sumithras60@gmail.com PH : 82209 90854 PH : 97892 21605 PH : 99655 27343 CONTENTS * PROBLEM STATEMENT * ABSTRACT * INTRODUCTION * CONVENTIONAL SOLAR PANEL * WORKING OF SOLAR PANEL * PROPOSING SYSTEM * A THERMIONIC EFFECT * THERMIONIC CONVERTER * PARABOLIC CONCENTRATORS * PROPOSED SET UP * CONCLUSION PROBLEM STATEMENT: Generally the solar panels are considered to be inefficient for harnessing electrical energy due to the fact that the efficiency we are obtaining out of solar modules is of the range of 20-30%. Because the light energy only utilized by the solar panel for the production of electricity in the meantime the heat energy from the sun is left wasted in current situations. ABSTRACT: In our paper we are proposing some ideas in which it is possible to harness the light energy as well as heat energy from the same solar panel modules to generate electricity. Solar panels utilizing light energy. So we don’t have much more problem in it. But to make use of the heat energy Caesium coating is provided. By using...
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...Electricity: What Powers Our Planet To Whom It May Concern: It’s dark and you are trying to sign paperwork. You want to turn on the lights so you can see better. With one flick, the whole room illuminates. But, congressman, let me ask you. Have you ever wondered how electricity works? What is it that makes electricity possible? What did it take for light to have the ability to stream out of the light bulb? We take electricity for granted, but not many of us actually look into it. People often do not know how electricity is the way it is, but instead they see electricity as something that is very accessible and plentiful. So, congressman, you have the money, and I have the brains. You want to know how to spend the 200 billion? I’ll tell you. Let’s start off with what electricity really is. You hear that word so many times in your daily life, but few have heard the scientific definition. Electricity is a type of energy produced from the existence of electrons or protons, either statically as a build-up of charge, or dynamically as a current. It is usually categorized into two different currents: alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). Alternating current is a constant flow of electric charge that reverses its course from time to time. Direct current is the opposite; it only runs in one direction. Within those two currents are things such as volts, watts, amperes (or amps), and ohms. Volts are the SI unit of electromotive force, the distinction of potential that would...
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...relates to the movement or flow of electrons Light —— relates to on electric change or magnetic field that produce electromagnetic waves Heat —— relates to the motion of particles, atoms or molecules in a substance Nuclear —— relates to the potential energy stored in bonds between particles in the nucleus of an atom Conservation of energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed, if only changer forms Class 2 10 Sources of Energy |Renewable |Non Renewable | |Biomass 4% |Coal 20% | |Solar 0.1% |Crude oil 36% | |Hydro 4%...
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...Coventry University Pre-Sessional Programme ------------------------------------------------- ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION To be affixed to all assessed work ------------------------------------------------- Name | Mohamad Idkhil | Student Number | 4982812 | Class and Literacy Tutor | Newton 1 | Project Number | 1 | Title | Discuss The role of technology in your subject area and examine how this role could change or develop in the future | Word Count | 960 | Academic Course after Pre-sessional | Electrical and Electronic engineering | Academic Course (tick) | /□ PG | Coventry University Pre-Sessional Programme ------------------------------------------------- PLAGIARISM DECLARATION To be affixed to all assessed work ------------------------------------------------- For an extensive account of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism, see Appendix 1 of the University’s General Regulations, which may be found on the Faculty’s Web. 4. Definition of cheating 4.1 Cheating is defined as a) […] b) any attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an assessment (including examinations). This includes (but is not confined to): i. copying from other candidates; ii. collusion; iii. impersonation; iv. plagiarism i.e. presenting the work of others as if it is one’s own (this includes buying or acquiring work/effort/programming code from another party (in full or in part) for the completion of an Assessment); v. the unacknowledged...
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...is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources.” Renewable energy resources and significant opportunities for energy efficiency exist over the world. Compare to other traditional energy resources like fossil fuel, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. The rapid development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, and the technological diversification of energy resources, would provide a sustainable and stable supply of energy and a significant growth in economy for the world in a foreseeable future. History of Renewable Energy Prior to the development of coal in the mid 19th century, nearly all energy used was renewable. The oldest known use of renewable energy, in the form of traditional biomass to fuel fires, dates from 790,000 years ago (K. Kris, 2013). The second oldest usage of renewable energy is using the wild to drive ships over water. This can be traced back 7,000 years ago, to ships on Nile (The Encyclopedia of Alternative Energy and Sustainable Living, 2013). Moving into the time of recorded history, the primary resources of traditional renewable energy were human labor, animal power, water power, wind and firewood (traditional biomass). By late 19 century, people concerned of running out of coal, so they promoted experiments with using solar energy. The development of solar engine continued until...
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...Solar power as away of providing heat and electrical energy from heat The Sun the heat of the sun is about equivalent to burning a billion trillion tons of coal an hour. Even though only a small fraction of that heat ever reaches the earth it is still more then enough to power the whole world. People seemed to realize the importance of the sun around 30,000 BC. This was when people first started planting crops of wheat. They realized plants did better when planted in the sun over the shade. This caused them to worship the sun as a God. Many cultures built large and extravagant temples to worship the sun in. Other cultures built places to observe the sun in, such as Stonehenge in England. Different Types of Solar Panels There are three main types of solar panels. They are flat plate collectors, focusing collectors, and solar cells. The first kind is a flat plate collector. Flat plate collectors are fastened on the top of the roof of a house. They usually either heat the house or its water. A flat plate collector consists of a black rectangular frame, two or three sheets of glass, and copper plumbing. A flat plat collector uses the greenhouse affect. The sun rays go through the glass but can’t get out through the glass. The sun rays heat the water-filled copper tubes. Then the water is used to heat the home or water. Another type of a solar panel is a focusing collector. They consist of a mirror or mirrors...
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...industry to invest in, which is that of contracting the installation of solar panels. Cindy, has read, that families and businesses are saving money by going to solar for their power needed. Also, that there are government back regulation to make solar more assessable to people. For Cindy, she is looking pass the business opportunity for installing solar planes, but that this product can reduce pollution and help save the environment. GDP and Solar Energy In the United States and most nations in the world, energy is vital in keeping society stable and expanding. Energy provides the ability to aid in transportation, activities in daily living and employment. In the United States, $1.2 trillion dollars were spent on energy in 2013 or 8.3% of the GDP. That translates into an annual cost of 3,895 dollars per person was spend on energy consumption. With the great environmental impact seen by the production of energy, there was been more of a call, for renewable energy forms, as that of solar panels. The United States dose consumes 19% of the world’s energy supply and a 19% total of the world’s GPD. With the large needed for energy, companies are looking for new way to produce this produce that cost less and reduces the environmental impact. Renewable energy consumption is projected to increase annually at a rate of 1.6%, on average, between 2011 and 2040, compared to 0.3% growth in total energy. Solar photovoltaic electricity and cellulosic ethanol are projected to grow fastest...
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...January 2003 • NREL/CP-550-33209 A Parabolic Trough Solar Power Plant Simulation Model Preprint H. Price To be presented at the ISES 2003: International Solar Energy Conference Hawaii Island, Hawaii March 16–18, 2003 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 NREL is a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Operated by Midwest Research Institute • Battelle • Bechtel Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337 NOTICE The submitted manuscript has been offered by an employee of the Midwest Research Institute (MRI), a contractor of the US Government under Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337. Accordingly, the US Government and MRI retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for US Government purposes. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation...
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...Electrical Power Assignment 1 Task 3 – Q4 3 Phase Transformer Construction Diagram Description As shown in the diagram above, a three phase has three sets of iron cores instead of the one of a single phase transformer. Each ‘leg’ of the transformer has its own primary and secondary windings. Each primary winding will have the same amount of coils as will each secondary winding. The three primary windings (shown above as P1, P2 and P3) and the secondary windings (shown above as S1, S2 and S3) can be connected in either a star or delta arrangement to give a required output. Also the output could be wired in a zigzag arrangement for special purposes where a phase shift of 30° is required. Core Types There are a few different types of core that are used in transformers, some are described below: Solid Cores Solid cores are just made of solid iron and are used in circuits such as switch mode power supplies which operate above mains frequencies and even up to a few kHz. The materials used in these cores combine high magnetic permeability with high electrical resistivity. Laminated Steel Cores These cores are made from layers of high permeability silicon steel and are usually used at power and audio frequencies. They are used because in a solid core at high frequencies ‘eddy currents’ are formed. The laminations confine eddy currents inside each lamination and so decrease the losses. Air Cores An air core is simply a transformer without any core at...
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...Earth-centered * Solar system: the Sun and all the objects that orbits it * Our solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago * Galaxy: great island of stars in space, having from a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars * Milky Way Galaxy contains more than 100 billion stars; our Milky Way is in the Local Group * Galaxy cluster: collection of galaxies bound together by gravity. Small collections (up to a few dozen) are generally called groups, while larger collections are called clusters * Supercluster: gigantic region of space where many individual galaxies and many groups and clusters of galaxies are packed more closely together than elsewhere in the universe * Universe (cosmos): the sum total of all mater and energy * Observable Universe: the portion of the entire universe that can be seen from Earth * Universe is expanding, Big Bang occurred 14 billion years ago * Planet: moderately sized object that orbits a star and shines primarily by reflecting light from its star; an object is a planet if it (1) orbits a star, (2) is large enough for its own gravity to make it round, and (3) has cleared most other objects from its orbital path * Dwarf planet: object that meets the first two criteria but not the third, like Pluto * Moon (or satellite): an object that orbits a planet * Asteroid: a relatively small and rocky object that orbits a star * Comet: a relatively small and ice-rich object that orbits a star * Small solar system...
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...Title: SOLAR ENERGY: “SUNLIGHT into USEFUL ELECTRICITY” >Introduction< In today's climate of growing energy needs and increasing environmental concern, alternatives to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels have to be investigated. One such alternative is solar energy. Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly by the sun and collected elsewhere, normally the Earth. The sun creates its energy through a thermonuclear process that converts about 650,000,000 tons of hydrogen to helium every second. The process creates heat and electromagnetic radiation. The heat remains in the sun and is instrumental in maintaining the thermonuclear reaction. The electromagnetic radiation (including visible light, infra-red light, and ultra-violet radiation) streams out into space in all directions. Only a very small fraction of the total radiation produced reaches the Earth. The radiation that does reach the Earth is the indirect source of nearly every type of energy used today. The exceptions are geothermal energy, and nuclear fission and fusion. Even fossil fuels owe their origins to the sun; they were once living plants and animals whose life was dependent upon the sun. The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy. Solar energy is radiant energy from the sun caused by nuclear fusion in the sun’s core. The sun’s radiant energy reaches the earth in rays of sunlight. Solar energy in the form of heat and light sustains life on earth. Solar energy can...
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...Simulation of a Stirling Engine Solar Power Generation System Using Simulink Mehdi Zareian Jahromi∗ , Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini Bioki† , and Roohollah Fadaeinedjad‡ , Member IEEE ∗† Electrical ‡ Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Kerman Graduate University of Technology, Kerman,Iran. and Computer Engineering Department, Kerman Graduate University of Technology, Kerman,Iran. Telephone: +98-3426226517, Fax: +98-3426226618, Email: rfadaein@ieee.org ‡ International Center for Science, High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Kerman, Iran. could be especially useful in developing countries since they will run on any fuel, including biomass; or when incorporated in parabolic dish systems, they can use solar energy. Cogeneration is possible using the cooling water that maintains the cold sink, so heat-and-power systems for homes are provided. With higher efficiencies, their quiet vibration-free operation, very low emissions when burning natural gas, simplicity, and potentially high reliability could make the Stirling engines an attractive alternative in the near future [6]. Simulation and modeling can be used to evaluate the operation of the solar Stirling engine based power generation systems. Considerable research has been performed on the modeling and control of Stirling engine systems. Most of this research, however, has been done using mechanical and thermal models of Stirling engines that neglects the electrical parts of the system [5], [7], [8]. In this research...
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...Solar Energy: The Present and Future of the Middle East Aalim Saleem The American University of Sharjah Dr. Victoria Amador November 22, 2015 Abstract Solar energy, a pure and limitless amount of energy, has been one of the rising and popular forms of power in the Middle East. A region that is solely dependent on oil and gas as a form of energy. Since oil and gas is non-renewable and also damages the environment severely, countries in the Middle East have turned to a different form of energy. solar energy has become its direct competitor in recent years. The different projects and prospects that each country in the Middle East is pushing towards is a clear example of how important solar energy has become to these countries. Increase in economy and the many advantages of having solar energy for the environment are two benefits that this source of power is capable of providing to these countries. A limitation of solar panels is an aspect that helps gives both sides to this research paper. Accordingly this research paper discusses how all these factors are benefiting the Middle East and hence should solar energy be the main source of energy in this region. Solar Energy: The Future and Present of the Middle East Solar energy is the energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. It is one of the most abundant and cleanest renewable energy sources available, since it’s directly obtained from the sun. Solar energy has been around since the time...
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