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Fire Exit Signs

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Today in the UK there is numerous regulations in place with respect to health and safety not just in the workplace but also where large numbers of people will be congregating. Not only must all businesses ensure that they have the relevant fire extinguishers and first aid kits available but they must ensure that the right sorts of fire exit signs have been installed.

Every building where people will be whether the office, supermarket or shopping centre must have signs above the doors which will be used as the final point to exit the building from in the event of a fire. Also at all main entrances a fire sign should be situated along with them being placed above the doors inside the building which are part of the fire exit route should have …show more content…
However, in some cases along with a picture the words "fire exit" may also be included. In some cases other types of fire exit signs will be used to help explain where the exits are and which should be used in the event of a fire.

One sign that some buildings may choose to install is one that has a floor plan on it which clearly denotes the route that must be taken in the event of a fire to exit the premises. On these types of signs the route to be taken will be clearly marked in red whilst all other routes used normally will be highlighted in black.

The height at which the fire exit signs are installed is important and they should not be too high up. Also these signs must be clearly visible to everyone no matter what part of a room they are in. As a lot of companies do not have the funds to install emergency lighting they are instead opting to install photoluminescent fire exit signs instead.

In the UK today it is mandatory that all fire exit routes must have signs above them that clearly display what they are to be used for. It is also important that the signs that are used are ones that meet with current fire regulations. If a person or company is unsure what these are they should speak to their local fire officer or a professional fire risk

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