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Guyana Research Paper

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Guyana is a South American country which lies North of Brazil. It’s filled with palm trees, exotic wildlife, and waterfalls. It is an adventure at anytime of the year. Guyana has three countries that border it such as: Venezuela, Suriname, and Brazil. It lies on the northeastern coast of South America. “ Much of the land is difficult to reach, and some areas have never been explored” (“ “).
This country includes unique physical features, mild climate, a republican form of government, out of this world culture, an okay economy, and very different but cool facts.
The psychical geography of guyana consists of many different land and water features. The size of guyana is about 83,000 square miles, that is about 214,969 …show more content…
Guyana is ruled by a chief of state ( president ) , David Granger. The population of guyana is 760,972, with a republican type of government. The capital of Guyana is Georgetown. There is a National Assembly that makes all the laws then there is the Court of Appeal with the highest Judicial Body. Guyana is also divided into ten regions, and they are each headed by a chairman who presides over a Regional democratic council. Guyana has a government system similar to the united states …show more content…
In the country guyana they have currency called guyanese dollars. $1 for them is about equal to 48 cents in the United States. They have many good exports: Bauxite, Diamonds, Gold, Rice, Sugar, and Timber. They have some good imports that could really help their county if them used them wisely: Machinery, motor vehicles, and petroleum products. Even though they have good imports and exports they still manage to be one of the poorest countries on the western side of the hemisphere. There is only two main jobs in Guyana that is mining and agriculture. They have a big mining business for mining bauxite, and if you aren't doing that you are them growing crops on a farm. They have 2 really important crops in guyana they are rice and sugarcane. As you can see agriculture and mining is a big part of guyana's

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