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Summary: The Consequences Of Child Abuse

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Abuse can come in many forms: emotional, psychical, verbal, neglect, and everything in between. Although these types of abuse and who it affects varies, the consequences can potentially be universally harmful for any victim. When someone is abused during childhood and adolescence, it can have immediate, and sometimes long-term physical and developmental effects. Examining the different consequences of abuse on people’s development may emphasize the importance of not only treatment for victims, but of intervention when and where abuse may begin.
Abuse, maltreatment, and neglect are not limited to any one type and can occur at different periods in one’s life. It is not confined to the walls of a person’s home, the boundaries of their school, …show more content…
Abusers can possibly employ different types of physical abuse, while also being manipulative, neglectful, and more. According to Witt, Münzer, Ganser, Fegert, Goldbeck, and Plener (2016), in their study of 358 German children, around 85% of victims reported experiencing more than one type of abuse (Witt et al., 2016). An example of this type of co-occurrence is childhood emotional abuse, which tends to “overlap with varying forms of neglect” because it includes the disregard of psychological and emotional needs of a child (Maguire, Williams, Naughton, Cowley, Tempest, Mann, Teague, & Kemp, 2015). This means not only does the abuse reflect a certain type of neglectful parenting style, but it does not act alone. Different types of abuse can be similar to one another; however, they may easily overlap, possibly causing further damage on …show more content…
Along with this, different research studies show evidence that abuse causes issues in development from almost all age groups. Unfortunately, one’s experiences in childhood do not necessarily disappear with or without treatment as they age. Because of this, studies emphasize the similarities and differences between age groups, usually for treatment purposes, and to add to the rising body of evidence that abuse has serious consequences, some lasting lifelong, and some causing the cycle of abuse to continue. Research usually varies depending on the participants being examined and what abuse they choose to focus on. Specifically, some studies examine three age groups: school-aged children, adolescents, and

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