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8 Hours Research Paper

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A major problem for me at the moment is sleep and how much of it I’m getting. It’s known that the average person should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep daily, but it’s not that easy for me. I have had problems getting sleep for as long as I can remember. Rest is a big part of what mood you can be in and even how much you pay attention. So, for a highschool student like myself, I need to be getting as much rest as I can with my hectic schedule filled with school activities and homework. However, I find myself wide awake every night and never getting enough sleep to keep me energized for the entire day.

I have tried constantly to sleep at an earlier time, but before I know it it’s 3am and I’m laying in bed wide awake. Whether it’s the weekend or weekday, I can never be like other people and get 8 hours of rest. If anything, I get 5 hours on a good night which is a loss of 3 whole hours. With this inability to sleep early, it causes me to feel drowsy in the morning and I often fall asleep in a majority of my classes, missing important lessons that could possibly be on future tests. Missing these important moments cause my grades to falter and makes my parents unhappy. On top of that it’s a constant struggle to try to pick my grades back up and get them where they need to be. Having my scores low is bad for my rank and could possibly affect my college life in the near future. …show more content…
It’s affected the way I learn and how much information I can retain in my classes. I’ll fall asleep in class and the next thing I know it’s time to pack up in leave. I leave the classroom wondering what I’ve missed and usually have to ask people for their notes. On top of that, even if I do sneak in a little nap in one class that doesn’t prevent me from dozing off in the next. It’s become a reoccurring problem since throughout my high school years and I don’t know what to

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