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West African American Imperialism

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Building Overseas Empires
Imperialism: domination by one country of the political, economic or cultural life of another country or religion.
Protectorate: a country with its own government but under the control of an outside power.
Sphere of Influence: an area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges.

The Partition of Africa
Usman dan Fodio: A scholar and preacher of Islam in the early 1800's that denounced the corruption of the local Hausa rulers.
Shaka: A ruthless and brilliant leader of the Zulus.
Paternalistic: The system of governing a country as a father would a child.
David Livingstone: A well known explorer and missionary who opposed the slave trade and wrote of the African people with less bias and …show more content…
King Leopold II: King of Belgium who dreamed of conquest and profit in the Congo. He and other wealthy Belgians took advantage of Congo. The natives were often brutally treated and received extremely meager wages.
Boer War: War between the descendents of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony (South Africa) and the British. The disagreement was caused because of the discovery of gold and diamonds in the Cape Colony. The British won.
Samori Toure: An Algerian who fought the French in West Africa, where he was building himself an empire.
Yaa Asantewaa: Queen of the Asante people. She led the fight against the British in the last Asante War.
Nehanda: A Shona military leader and a clever tactician. After her execution, the memory of her achievements inspired later generations to fight for freedom.
Menelik II: The reforming ruler of Ethiopia.
Elite: The Upper Class.

European Claims in Muslim Regions
Muhammad Ahmad: Religious Sudanese leader who claimed to be the Mahdi of Islam, or a Muslim savior of the faith. He and his followers resisted British expansion into …show more content…
Sultan: Muslim ruler; many officials within the Ottoman Empire rejected these rulers of the Ottoman Turkish Empire because they (the rulers) rejected reformed and were ultra-conservative autocratic rulers.
Genocide: A Deliberate attempt to destroy an entire religious or ethnic group.
Muhammad Ali: A Muslim soldier who was appointed governor of Egypt by the Ottomans.
Concession: Special economic rights given to a foreign power; the European powers of Britain and Russia compelled Persia to extend these special economic rights to them in order to gain control of Persian oil fields.

The British Take Over India
Sati: Sati is Hindu custom that called for a wife to join her husband in death by throwing herself on his funeral pyre.
Sepoy: A sepoy was a native of India who served as a soldier for the British East India Company.
Viceroy: The Viceroy was the governor of a country or colony who rules as the representative of a king or queen.
Deforestation: The destruction of forest land.
Ram Mohun Roy: A great scholar who is hailed today as the founder of Indian nationalism.
Purdah: Isolation of women in separate

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