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Military Leaders

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Leaders and Mentors Throughout 20 years of military service I have seen and experienced many types of leadership styles. I have also had many leaders, good and bad. The introduction to FM 6-22 states, “An ideal Army leader has strong intellect, physical presence, professional competence, high moral character, and serves as a role model” (FM 6-22, 2006). I will describe 3 individuals that fit that example of FM 6-22, and served as a leader and mentor to me.
SGT Tackett The first of these leaders was Sergeant (SGT) Tackett. He was my first Squad Leader and first introduction to a role model in the Army. SGT Tackett was my first example of a leader that led by example. One day our squad had latrine cleaning duty. Well needless to say someone …show more content…
His name is Sergeant Major (SGM) R. Lamb. Figure 2-2 on page 2-4 of FM 6-22 has a model of Leadership requirements. They are the attributes of what an army leader is: A leader of character, a leader with presence, a leader with intellectual capacity. Also it has the leader competencies of: leads, develops, and achieves. SGM Lamb lived these attributes and competencies. SGM Lamb is the epitome of warrior ethos. He has been involved in several of America’s conflicts since the 1980s. It started in 1984 when he was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry. He was part of the fire fight that ensued when a defector crossed the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) of South and North Korea. He was involved in the battle of Mogadishu, or better known as Black Hawk Down. There he led Rangers in the battles that happened in the streets of Mogadishu and was wounded. Even after being nearly fatally wounded in Somalia, he continued to serve his country and in various roles in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Most recently, although now retired, he was awarded the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Bull Simmons award for life time achievements in special …show more content…
He would not only lead them, but he would mentor and help them too. I remember a new soldier arrived at the unit, the Army doing what they does best, messed up his pay and this soldier received a no pay due. Well SGM Lamb took a few hundred dollars from his wallet and gave it to that soldier and his family. He told the soldier, “go buy some groceries for your family, and don’t worry about paying me back until your pay gets straightened out”. To this day I have never seen a leader do that. Most point their subordinates toward the Army Emergency Relief to get loaned money. Even when SGM Lamb had to discipline men, he would always follow his “ass chewing” with some kind of guidance to learn and help improve. These are also examples of leadership traits outlined in FM

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