...2009 “Future of Computers, What Do You Think?” Today we see a computer as something we sit down at. It’s a machine with a monitor, keyboard and a case. That’s what it is in today’s society, but what do you think the future of computers will become or even what they may be capable of? I think that computers in the near future won’t be on desks, won’t have a monitor, very small, no keyboard and no case, also as the future comes the computer definition will change, the computer itself will disappear, the computer might have ears, eyes etc. Future computers will be more human oriented, knowing how to track the users' behaviors and habits, thus better serving their individual needs. Everything we own know will become computers. Ex: watches, microwaves, doors etc. everything will be controlled by one network. Computers are already giving us access to large amounts of information. As the future nears computers will grow more intelligent and they would begin to design and build other computers. Computers in the future will be able to switch off for years, then start when turned on; very handy for travelers; they will be capable of controlling tiny machines and work together in networks to solve big problems. However I believe there will be negative results as computers increase and impact on our lives. We might become too dependent, we may never read books, and we would rely on computers rather than try to memorize it. There are a lot of things. Sitting down and using a computer will...
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...The Role of Computers in Our Future As far as computers in the future, I feel that they are going to play a major role. They will be in everyday life, in everything we do. There will be many areas affected by the wide use of computers. Areas such as: home, work, schools, automobiles, electronics, and humans. Although these areas are already affected, they will be even more as we move into the future. To begin this discussion I will show you the effects on the work place and humans. As for humans in the work place, work will become easier. So this means less stress for humans because the computers will be doing all the work. This in turn means that humans will be doing less and less because the computers will be slowly taking over. As for a human going to work, this may only consist of telling a computer what to do all day. Or even from your own home, waking up and telling your computer what to do so you do not even have to go into work. Now for communication with computers, this may get so advanced that your computer may even ask you questions about the work it is doing and that you are getting paid to do. So this is where I see computers going as far as work and humans. Now for computers in the schools, I feel we will soon have no books and all work will be done on computers. Even homework will be done on the internet and e-mailed to the teacher. Children will be taught about computers at a younger and younger age. This in turn will make the younger generations...
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...With the advances in computer technology it is now possible for more and more Canadians to have personal computers in their homes. With breakthroughs in computer processing speeds and with computer storage capacity, the combination of this with the reduced size of the computer have allowed for even the smallest apartment to hold a computer. In the past the only places to have computers were military institutes and some universities; this was because of their immense size and price. Today with falling computer prices and the opportunity to access larger networks, the amount of computers has grown from just 10% in 1986 to 25% in 1994. Also, of the 25%, 34% of them were equipped with modems, which allow for connection to on line services via telephone lines. The primitive start of the computer came about around 4000 BC; with the invention of the abacus, by the Chinese. It was a rack with beads strung on wires that could be moved to make calculations. The first digital computer is usually accredited to Blaise Pascal. In 1642 he made the device to aid his father, who was a tax collector. In 1694 Gottfried Leibniz improved the machine so that with the rearrangement of a few parts it could be used to multiply. The next logical advance came from Thomas of Colmar in 1890, who produced a machine that could perform all of the four basic operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. With the added versatility this device was in operation up until the First World War. ...
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...In my opinion computers and technology is the wave of the future. Other people want everything simple. Computers solve complex problems. Computers also connect us though the internet and connect us world wide We use computers in our everyday life. My first point is Supercomputers have become a critical tool for analyzing Complex problems like climate change. And Counting: to solve mathematic problems - Navigation and astronomy Weather prediction. The computer was created to perform mathematical computations automatically and was Intended to be useful in a number of areas. It wasn't invented to solve any specific problem, but was conceived a a tool that could be developed to be useful in a number of areas. The original computers were slower than Humans at performing calculations, but the fact that something could now do them automatically was a Breakthrough in itself. Through time, the speed of computers has increased dramatically and their size has diminished. My second point is This is how the internet works The first thing your browser has to do is to establish a network connection to the machine where the document lives. To do that, it first has to find the network location of the host www.tldp.org (‘host’ is short for ‘host machine’ or ‘network host'; www.tldp.org is a typical hostname). The corresponding location is actually a number called an IP address To do this, your browser queries a program called a name server. The name server may live on your machine, but...
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...reality. Talking, thinking, responsive computers and tiny personal communication devices, for example, just seemed like science fiction. Now they are not only a reality, but they are an indispensable part of everyday life. I can hardly imagine the developments in technology that my children will experience. Thinking of the future and trends in technology, at this time I believe there is almost no limit to what humans are capable of creating. Technology developments happen faster and faster each day. This is especially true for computers, both personal and business and industry based models. My first computer was Commodore 64 and it was a neat thing to have but it didn’t do much. After I joined the Navy, I worked with an aircraft guidance radar system that was powered by a UNIVAC computer. In fact the Navy somehow kept that system running well past the year 2000. Now, we have progressed well past these dinosaurs. Computer developments are the wave of the future, and development in that respect will shape events worldwide. Moore’s Law, formulated in 1965, predicts that the number of components in an integrated circuit chip will double every 18 months (Shahan, 2013). Considering the power of computers today, if Moore’s Law continues to hold true, the developments in computing power will produce computers that are exponentially more powerful than today’s computers (Moore’s Law, n.d.). Considering this, I believe that in the future, computers will become thinking machines that...
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...The Evolution of Human Computer Interface and Beyond Contents 1. Abstract 2 2. Introduction 3 3. Evolution of HCI 4 4. Important features and facts to ponder 5 4.1 Operating systems and their role in HCI 5 4.2 HCI in the making of a virtual reality 6 5. Glimpse towards the future of HCI 7 5.1 HCI for enhancing human life 7 5.2 Uses and Impacts of HCI 9 6. Conclusion 11 7. References 12 Abstract “HCI concept came into the spotlight after various researches; the improvement of GUIs paved the path for a better and advanced interaction between humans and computers. Interaction with computers has become so close; it almost devoured the human life styles. Future human life will be much dependent upon technology than ever before.” Introduction People live in a curious and modern world where they go to no lengths to embrace technology. It is people who pick and choose what to use more efficiently. HCI (Human Computer Interface) is one of the catalysts which revolutionised the computer technology to a greater extent during the past three decades. HCI concept came into the spotlight after various researches which had been done on various universities and other research labs mainly across USA. But HCI took the centre stage after the rapid growth of GUI (Graphical User Interface)...
Words: 1895 - Pages: 8
...Shuvradeb Podder. Owner FUTURE COMPUTERS Shuvradeb Podder. Owner FUTURE COMPUTERS ALL KIND OF GRAPHIC DIGINE & ONLINE FORM FILLUP DONE HARE. ALL KIND OF GRAPHIC DIGINE & ONLINE FORM FILLUP DONE HARE. 85/1, Bangha Bandhu Road UkilPara, Narayanganj-1400 85/1, Bangha Bandhu Road UkilPara, Narayanganj-1400 Mobile: 0167-4287388 0192-2038334 E-mail: shovopodder@yahoo.com shovop4@gmail.com Mobile: 0167-4287388 0192-2038334 E-mail: shovopodder@yahoo.com shovop4@gmail.com Shuvradeb Podder. Owner FUTURE COMPUTERS Shuvradeb Podder. Owner FUTURE COMPUTERS ALL KIND OF GRAPHIC DIGINE & ONLINE FORM FILLUP DONE HARE. ALL KIND OF GRAPHIC DIGINE & ONLINE FORM FILLUP DONE HARE. 85/1, Bangha Bandhu Road UkilPara, Narayanganj-1400 85/1, Bangha Bandhu Road UkilPara, Narayanganj-1400 Mobile: 0167-4287388 0192-2038334 E-mail: shovopodder@yahoo.com shovop4@gmail.com Mobile: 0167-4287388 0192-2038334 E-mail: shovopodder@yahoo.com shovop4@gmail.com Shuvradeb Podder. Owner FUTURE COMPUTERS Shuvradeb Podder. Owner FUTURE COMPUTERS ALL KIND OF GRAPHIC DIGINE & ONLINE FORM FILLUP DONE HARE. ALL KIND OF GRAPHIC DIGINE & ONLINE FORM FILLUP DONE HARE. 85/1, Bangha Bandhu Road UkilPara, Narayanganj-1400 85/1, Bangha Bandhu Road UkilPara, Narayanganj-1400 Mobile: 0167-4287388 0192-2038334 E-mail: shovopodder@yahoo.com shovop4@gmail.com Mobile: 0167-4287388 0192-2038334 E-mail: shovopodder@yahoo.com shovop4@gmail...
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...The Rise of the Internet The Rise of the Internet Over the past 30 years, computers have doubled in computational speed every year while dropping in price almost as precipitously (Marshall). This directly affects the rise and success of the internet. The eventual takeover of internet access is quickly coming to reality. When you look around, all you see are people playing with electronic devices all of which are accessing the internet. This essay will argue that through the rise of the internet, people have changed their old ways of thinking, shopping, and communicating, which has changed the future of books, television, and computers. Kenneth Jost stated, “The book-publishing industry is all abuzz over electronic books”. The new way students and people who love to read are learning is through electronic books. Some people like the old way of reading books, but now everything has changed. This has changed the future of books, which are now on the downfall. With the rise of the internet, new devises are created almost daily, leading to a new way to enjoy reading and other leisure activities such as looking at maps or pictures. This occurred due to the “cool factor” of possessing a computerized device and the quickness of accessibility. Furthermore, once someone gets a new device, their surrounding family and friends must also have one. They are portable and allow people to access useful computerized information or any book they would like...
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...as machines, computers, and vision. Scientists express their opinion about the future technology, using ethos, pathos, and logos to get their audience attention. Steven B. Harris uses an authority voice and vision when addressing issues in his article. He expresses his tone to make improvement in technology in the world. Harris is a medical Doctor that's interested in medical resources. He's a part of the Biosphere II projects and the best known for discussing artificial intelligence research. He had major discussions thread on the internet. In his article, he explains how several authors express their opinion on a variety of technology. Harris ethos in this report, argues how the technology will change throughout the future. From his writing, he appears to have the knowledge about how a computer will become advance and how it will affect humankind in the future. Harris states how machines are used in moving making. He describes how a movie in 1950’s are made with the Krell machines and ultimate machines. By 1986, they were using microscopic construction-machines. Harris argues that software is now popular and is used in movies, whether than machines. Harris said that certain machine is still being used from time to time, but the computer has full control. In the article, Harris uses pathos and feeling to get the reader emotions. He uses this article to place technology in the hands of the future and cause pressure on humankind. He argues that computer and other technology...
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...Start of the Future Spencer Joudrey University of Central Florida CGS 2100 November 12, 2010 Abstract The computer illustrates how when man pulls together their technologies and abilities they can accomplish anything. The computer has created many specialized training abilities that will be used for thousands of years in the future. There is some controversy over it though. Some people think that the computer is getting too sophisticated ad that it might one day replace the human mind. Start of the Future The invention of the computer started around 2,000 years ago. The computer started out as an abacus. An abacus is a rack made of wood with two wires running parallel to each other. On the wires there are beads. By moving the beads, anyone can solve simple math problems. Next, there was the Astrolabe, used for navigating. The first digital computer was invented in 1642 by Blaise Pascal. It consisted of numbers entered in dials but, it could only add. However in 1671 a computer was invented that was eventually was built in 1694. The man to credit for this invention is Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. Unlike Pascal’s Leibniz’s could add and multiply. Perception and Data Entry Until the start stored programing computers in the 1950s, punched card machines were the state-of-the-art. During 1890 in U.S. Census, Hollerith developed a punched card reader that could repeatedly tabulate and sort (Jobs, 2007). The key event that signaled the end of the punched card era...
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...Computers Will Replace Human Teachers (Final Essay) Mao Mao Professor Barzso English 105 4 May 2006 Image this: a student sits in front of a computer at home, looking at the screen. On the screen, there is a simulation of computer climate and crop model. The simulation predicts that excess rainfall may cause an estimated loss of $5 billion in agricultural production. In addition, a “virtual” (virtual: created, simulated, or carried on by means of a computer or computer network. (Online Degree Zone)) teacher provides a clear guidance. That student enjoys the lively class, and could learn both geography and economics at the same time. This situation will come to true in several years, and at that time, learning could be much easier and more interesting. There is no doubt that technology can improve our lives. Historically, humans have used a range of technologies to mediate between themselves and the world. Technologies such as writing, printing, telegraphy, radio, film, television and computers have improved communications and have become a normal component of daily life. (Russell) In the late 20th Century, the rapid development of computers and their use in school education has received a lot of attention. Recently, a range of applications has come to school, such as simulations, games and learning information by the World Wide Web. Beside these, a number of educational providers have launched various forms of “virtual” schools. In the future, students may study...
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...The Future of Cloud Computing Melissa Gilchrist INF 103: Introduction to Digital Literacy Brent Ferns March 3, 2014 The Future of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is defined as being a replacement of all computers with “dumb” terminals that have no software or complex operating systems on them (Bowles 2013). This means that applications and the data used are being housed online rather than being put on your computer. As Americans these days we at some point are already using some of the cloud applications. With the future of technology rising in this day and age some wonder what the future actually holds for cloud computing and just how it will play a major role in society. After reading my textbook and the two scholarly articles I chose for my research paper, they all discussed the importance of cloud computing in the future and its advantages. This will have a large impact on technology and the use of computers. One advantage of cloud computing discussed in the course material Introduction to Digital Literacy (Bowles 2013) was the start-up time of the actual cloud. Software companies such as Google are now building operating systems that exist on-line rather than on your computer you use. This means that there would be non complex systems to boot up the computer. You would only have to press the power button and in seconds you will be connected to the internet as long as you have an internet connection. Another advantage would be the fact that computer...
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...University Bookstore Student Computer Purchase Program Case Study Pamela Hurdle Dr. Vargha Azad Quantitative Methods MAT 540 December 11, 2009 Case Study 2 Table of Contents Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 Case Information 4 Case Study 5-9 Conclusion 10 Reference 11 Case Study 3 Abstract Case problem, “The University Bookstore Student Computer Purchase Program” will forecast the bookstore use of computer demand for the next fall semester. It will show the history of computer purchased and the projected demand for the upcoming semester. It will also show the effectiveness of staff and production. They are operating on a very small profit margin. Case Study 4 Case Study Case Problem: The University Bookstore Student Computer Purchase Program Bernard Taylor in this chapter gives us the understanding of how to use forecasting to predict the future of demand of business for our entities. Forecasting is the prediction of what will occur in the future. We can forecast any aspect of life. Mathematically and through management, we can forecast the guideline of decision making for our entities and everyday living. There are many different aspects of forecasting. Short range forecast envisages the near future. It usually do not surpass a few...
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...The world has become very dependent on computers. The king of the block used to be the traditional desktop computer. With the rise of the laptop computer the demand for the once revered desktop computer has declined. This raises the need to investigate the current and future state of the laptop computer and why it is dominating the market. Overall, research will show that the advantages of moving to a laptop computer can far outreach the benefits of the disappearing desktop computer. Laptop versus Desktop Computers Computers are a very important part of our lives both in business and personal use. The decision between laptop and desktop can be a difficult one. Laptop computers provide many advantages over their disappearing predecessor, the traditional desktop computer. Many of today’s manufacturers are focusing on mobile computers because the demand for them is much greater than for the traditional desktops. As this technology advances and becomes quicker and easier to use, the traditional desktop computer is slowly joining other dinosaurs like the record player and 8 track player. The Rise of Laptop Computers Just ten years ago laptop computers served a small group of people in the business world. Their processing power was slow and capabilities were extremely limited compared to the standard desktop computer. The cost for a laptop was far from affordable to the average person. They did have one advantage at the time; mobility. They could be carried almost anywhere;...
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...without! Yes, my speech today is about Computers. Could you all take a few seconds to imagine a life without computers? Firstly, we all agree that computers have changed our lives tremendously but what I would like to argue is that computers have impacted us in such a positive way. Computers run in the veins of our society, it is the fuel that drives our lives and it is an integral part of our daily existence. It has brought efficiency in the life for every common man with the potential to create things unimaginable before their inception. It has brought distant places closer, simplified our work and saved human effort to an incredible degree. Computers have made the world a smaller, simpler, and better place, while transforming the way our society interacts, evolves and lives. But not everyone thinks so. There is actually a belief that computers are destroying our world. They believe that computers make us weaker in the future as we become over reliant on technology and might be completely helpless without it. Others against computers, believe that it is making us self centered and less social. And there are some who think computers are driving creativity out of our souls. There will always be skeptics of progress and I think that computers represent not just evolution of technology but hope for a brighter future OK, so let us start with the obvious benefit that everyone in this room is experiencing, everyday, communication. Computers have definitely affected the way people...
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