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Rise of Internet


Submitted By riwiey5778
Words 1148
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The Rise of the Internet

The Rise of the Internet Over the past 30 years, computers have doubled in computational speed every year while dropping in price almost as precipitously (Marshall). This directly affects the rise and success of the internet. The eventual takeover of internet access is quickly coming to reality. When you look around, all you see are people playing with electronic devices all of which are accessing the internet. This essay will argue that through the rise of the internet, people have changed their old ways of thinking, shopping, and communicating, which has changed the future of books, television, and computers.
Kenneth Jost stated, “The book-publishing industry is all abuzz over electronic books”. The new way students and people who love to read are learning is through electronic books. Some people like the old way of reading books, but now everything has changed. This has changed the future of books, which are now on the downfall. With the rise of the internet, new devises are created almost daily, leading to a new way to enjoy reading and other leisure activities such as looking at maps or pictures. This occurred due to the “cool factor” of possessing a computerized device and the quickness of accessibility. Furthermore, once someone gets a new device, their surrounding family and friends must also have one. They are portable and allow people to access useful computerized information or any book they would like to read at any time. People nowadays are using the internet so much, they don’t have the time to read conventional books anymore. The new technological advancements that have been made in recent times have caused books to fade out of our life and the new electronic book start to take over the market. This is leading to a population of internet ready people who have changed their thinking, shopping, and communication about reading books conventionally, and can access any information they want to learn about or see at a click of a button through the online books and new devices they have out for consumers now.
The rise of the internet has also caused television to change the way organizations advertise and develop changes to the way they design them. People don’t just watch television, they think about advertising, shopping and communicate through their television. Viewers are ignoring broadcast schedules and watching programs via Internet “streams” and iPod downloads (Greenblatt). The approach marketers are using has changed the future of television. Nobody wants to watch commercials, so they are turning their attention to computerized devices that can also be advertised. The new technology brings more options for advertisers looking in the direction of entertainment and family activities. They are designing televisions that are internet ready and do much more than produce a picture. Additionally, television has become a new past time for families. For all the ferment, however, Americans are watching more television than ever; using the new devices not to avoid traditional TV but to catch up on shows they otherwise would have missed (Greenblatt). The rise of the internet has changed television and the way families enjoy spending quality time together. They can record favorite shows and watch them later with the new technological advances that have occurred in recent years. Who wants to sit down to a family dinner without television anymore?
The rise of the internet caused the computer market to make drastic changes and improvements. As Patrick Marshall stated, “For the past two decades, the nation's unprece-dented economic boom has been driven in large measure by the computer industry. But many experts believe that further high-tech innovation will stall if engineers continue to rely on silicon-based microprocessors, which have limited computational capacity. Other futuristic technologies -- including molecular processors and quantum computers -- are being developed that promise radically better performance”.
This new technology needs to continue to be researched and explored to maintain the level necessary to produce products consumers are interested in and want to buy. The rise of the internet has changed the thinking people use when it comes to computers. As a result, the rise of the internet has changed the improvements and funding of computers. This is a direct effect of the success of the internet. The computer industry is at a standstill due to all the other devices that are currently being marketed. With the rise of internet more popular than ever, people who never knew how to use a computer are now accessing the internet to chat with friends, purchase products, and just for entertainment or leisure time. On the other hand, the rise of the internet has not changed books, television, and computers. They say vital government funding for research into new technologies has steadily eroded, that the number of U.S. science graduates has plummeted, resulting in a shortage of talent, and that U.S. immigration policy doesn't admit enough foreign computer experts (Marshall). This has changed computers and television. Many people are not into the internet and will never be. These “old fashioned” people will always enjoy reading books. The success of the internet might have changed the way people access the information they need, but it won’t change the book industry. They are still going to print textbooks, magazines, and leisure reading books for many different people to enjoy and or study. They have seen these technological advances before, yet they are still publishing books, televisions are still the same except they are a little advanced, and computers are still in just about every home.
In conclusion, this essay argued that the rise of the internet is the future of books, television and computers. As a result, the electronic devices are the future and very profitable. The old ways used to communicate and learn have diminished. The rise of the internet has caused many changes in books, television, and computers. The way people interact with each other, the way students and people read and learn, and the way their lives have changed since the rise of the internet has affected the new devices overnight success so rapidly. The rise of the internet and the future of books, television, and computers have all seen progress in a positive way for their respective industries. This essay has argued that through the rise of the internet, people have changed their old ways of thinking, shopping, and communicating, which has changed the future of books, television, and computers.

Works Cited
Greenblatt, Alan.” Television’s Future.” CQ Researcher. 16 February 2007. Retrieved 4 November 2011 from the CQ Researcher <
Jost, Kenneth. “The Future of Books .“ CQ Researcher . 23 June 2000. Retrieved 4 November 2011 from the CQ Researcher <
Marshall, Patrick. Future of Computers. CQ Researcher. 26 May 2000. Retrieved 4 November 2011 from the CQ Researcher <

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