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GI Nurse Research Paper

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On November 3rd, rather than spending my time on 8S, I spent my day in the GI/GU unit. This experience allowed me to see what a typical day looks like for a GI nurse. I arrived on the site at seven and I stayed until noon. I worked with several of the nurses throughout the day. They passed me around according to what would be the most interesting to see. It was a busy day in the unit with thirty scheduled procedures and some add on procedures throughout the day. I was with Louisa, Jeff, and Golda. They had different backgrounds in ER, OR, and ICU. These nurses were great to work with. According to these nurses, the only requirement to work here is two years prior nursing experience. Nurses fill a variety of roles while working in the GI unit. This unit had a variety of procedures scheduled. Nurses are responsible for prepping the room for procedures such as colonoscopies. They are also responsible for administering medications to keep the patient properly sedated under conscious sedation. For the colonoscopy I watched, the …show more content…
He has a history of esophageal strictures. He regularly gets his esophagus dilated to stretch the walls to prevent complications. However, he did not attend his last appointment, scheduled for 6 months ago. Therefore his risk of having a trapped food bolus was very high. This is exactly what happened in that he ate a hotdog without his dentures and a piece became lodged in his esophagus. This was causing the patient extreme discomfort. I was able to go to the OR to watch the EGD. I watched them insert an arterial line to constantly monitor his BP. The anesthesiologists then used Propofol to put the patient under general anesthesia. They used a scope to visualize the hot dog sample and to push it into the stomach. He then used a balloon to dilate the esophagus at the narrowed area. This resulted in the balloon widening the area by tearing it

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