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Submitted By atom2011
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Gambling has grown immensely across the world, and you can bet on that. Gambling today is more mainstream now than ever before. Since this boom in popularity many new on-line web sites have been created to take advantage of this growing craze. Internet Gambling has shot up the most these past few years. In 2005 the first online betting web site started. Today there are over 2,000 online gambling web sites. Take time to think about the rise in television shows that involve gambling, and the stations that air the shows. Bravo, ESPN, ESPN2, Spike, Game Show Network, FOX, NBC, CBS, and ABC all have aired a show that has had some type of gamble involved. Shows like Deal or No Deal, World Series of Poker, Celebrity Poker, Black Jack, some of these shows may not seem like gambling but as long as there is a risk there is a gamble. How many people knew of Texas Hold’em before ESPN started covering tournaments? And now you can’t go a day flipping through the channels without seeing some kind of poker or celebrity blackjack on television. As technology has improved our world by making things easier and more convenient, it has also made the gambling world easier and more convenient. With the rise of Internet gambling web sites, it is easier today more than ever to place a bet.

You can see gambling every time you watch television. Whether it be game shows, card games, or just commercials, you see it. I love sports, so I watch ESPN to catch up on news and to see what is going on in the sports world. One day about 4 years ago I turned to EPSN and I saw a card game going on. I had no idea what it was, but I was interested and kept watching. Then, in between hands, the broadcaster introduced the game. The screen changed from a full casino with a lot of people, to just a table and a dealer showing how the game was played. After the overview of how to play the game, the show returned to the card game that I was watching. The card game I was watching was actually “The World Series of Poker”, and the game was Texas Hold’em. Up to that point in my life I had no idea what Texas Hold’em was, but after watching it and learning how it is played, it became my new favorite thing to do.

When watching stations like ESPN you may see commercials for places on the Internet to “practice” your game. The advertisers in the commercials are usually well-known card players, or a player who has just won a big tournament. They make claims in the commercials that these particular web sites are free sites to learn and become a better card player, and that is how they became better players. Although they are not making a false claim, they’re not exactly telling the whole truth either. As part of my research, I decided to watch ESPN until I saw a commercial to “practice” my game. It didn’t take long for this commercial to air. During the first commercial break of Monday Night Football, I saw an ad for The person in the ad was the 2006 World Series of Poker champion. The ad claimed that it was a free site to practice your game.

So I went to the web site and checked it out. What I saw was great. Not only could I play for free and practice my game, but also I could play for money. Another thing that caught my eye was that I could gamble on sports. How convenient! I could practice my game, then play for money, and make bets on football games, all from this one site. All Bodog needed was my bank account number. Soon after, I was having a good time making bets on all the games, and playing cards for money. Playing cards for fun got old really quickly. So that web site I saw advertised as a way to practice my game for free had now become my sports and card gambling web site. wasn’t the only web site I saw advertised, but it was the only one I saw that was advertised and had a lot more to offer. Others I saw were Party Poker, and Paradise Poker. These, too, claimed to be free sites to practice your game, but when I went to the sites they offered the chance to play for money, as did The only difference was that these sites only had only card games to gamble on, and had card games and sports. Another thing I saw while online was Yahoo. Although does not allow you to make bets, it gives you the spreads for several sports-gambling web sites. These web sites included,,,,, and

The start of the football season is the time when the most bets are being placed. Football gambling, whether it is NFL or college, generates the most money for these online web sites. With football being so popular the online web sites like to take full advantage. That is why there are so many ways to gamble on football. Here are some ways that you can bet on games. The obvious bet is the bet on who is going to win. The not so obvious bet would be who is going to win the coin toss. Basically, anything that goes on in the game of football whether it be rushing yards, passing yards, sacks, what ever it may be, the chances of finding a bet are very good. Those are just some examples of what you can place wagers on with online football gambling. The online gambling web sites pocketed over 7 billion dollars in 2005 from football alone according to the article “gambling on the rise” posted in the National Post this past october, and that number is expect to be around 10 – 12 billion dollars at the end of the 2006 season. To me, this rise is because of advertising and the availability of on line gambling and how easy it is.

Another subject mentioned in the article by the National Post was that Casinos are popping up everywhere now, and in Macao China they are making land to build more casinos. That’s right making land. Not clearing land, but making land but dumping countless tons of earth into the ocean off the shore of china to make islands of casinos. China is not the only country making land off shore. Small Middle Eastern countries with high profits from the oil industry are also making plans to accommodate the growing popularity. But with that aside Macao will soon be the gambling capital of the world surpassing Las Vegas. To compete with China, Singapore last year lifted a ban on gambling in an effort to keep pace with Macao, and now multi-billion-dollar bids for casino licenses are under way. Japan is also looking to build its first casino by 2012 and plans to introduce legislation in 2008. So now you have the world trying to compete to be the next gambling hot bed in the casino world. This could be a fun experience for the gambling world to see what kind of new casinos are going to be built.

The problem today is that gambling is affecting more people and younger people. And some of these numbers are shocking. 80 percent of high school students have reported gambling for money at some point, according to a report published by McGill University in the article “youth Gambling on the Rise” published by the North Bay Nugget, a newspaper in Toronto. Also, in that report it is mentioned that eight percent of teenagers have gambling problems, and that fifteen percent have gambling habits that could result in addiction. Those numbers, though, are similar to other things teenagers do. Why make such big deals about gambling? What about teenage drinking, and smoking? A lot of teens try things in high school. It happens. We have bars and liquor stores for people who drink. We also have cigar shops and places that sell cigarettes for the smokers. So there is nothing wrong with casinos or online gambling. They are just places to go and have a good time. Sure, you are going to see abusers who gamble too much, but you see abusers of alcohol and smoking all the time, and a lot more than gambling abusers.

Gambling is not all that bad if you can handle yourself. Like anything there are good and bad things that go with it. You just have to be aware that the rise of all these gambling web sites and new casinos are not because of people winning all the time. It is because people lose most of the time. Like mostly everything in this world, it is about money, and the gambling way of life is here and they want to take advantage of it. So make sure that you are aware of the things that can go wrong and have fun gambling. Don’t make it a way of life. For the people who can handle themselves, this is just a better way to make the weekend more interesting in sports. This could also be the chance to travel to other parts of the world to do something that you enjoy. So sit back relax and let the good times roll! Just be sure you are responsible in gambling as you are with anything else your life, and these easy ways of gambling can be a good thing.

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