...PRIVATIZATION OF EDUCATION AND THE 6-3-3-4 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN NIGERIA: A CRITICAL (RE)ASSESSMENT By: Paul-Sewa Thovoethin, Department of Political Studies, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535 Cape Town, South Africa. E-Mail:3168726@uwc.ac.za Or paulsewanu@yahoo.com Phone: +27788580086, Or +2348037258409 Being a Paper Presented at the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa Organized Conference on Globalization, Regionalization and Privatization in and of Education in Africa, Held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa, from 12 th-13th October, 2012 1 Abstract With the dire need for technological development occasioned by the need to move with the trend of globalization the Nigerian government in early 1980 introduced what is now popular referred to as the 6-3-3-4 educational system. Under this system a student is expected to spend six years for primary education, three years for junior secondary education, three years for senior secondary education and four years for tertiary education. The focus of this policy is to build technical capacities of students right from their secondary school level which will prepare them for engaging more in engineering and technological related courses in higher institution. To achieve this, the government was expected to equip secondary schools with modern technological equipments, so that the first three years of students in Junior secondary is concentrated in the teachings of technological related...
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...Game Theory and the Prisoner’s Dilemma Business Strategy Antoinette Monteiro Grand Canyon University DBA 815 January 13, 2016 The Definition of Game Theory The game is the object of game theory, which is an interactive situation. There are several players involved in the situation; a game with only one person is a decision problem. According to game theory, the players, their preferences, their information, the strategic actions available to them, affects the outcome. Game theory is conflict and cooperation; the agents are interdependent on the actions of others. These agents are individuals, groups, firms or a combination of these combined. Game theory provides a language to formulate, structure, analyze and understand different circumstances (Turocy and Stengel, 2001 p.4). History and Effects of Game Theory An example of game analysis is the idea of two players dominating the marketplace which was introduced by Antoine Cournot in 1838. Emile Borel, a mathematician proposed a game theory in 1921 and this research was expanded by Neumann in 1928 called the “theory of parlor games.” This theory was solidified in the publication, “The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by Neumann and Morgenstern. This book pioneers the basic terms and problems that are still in use to this day (Turocy and Stengel, 2001, p.4). The mathematician, John Nash showed that finite games have an equilibrium point in which players choose actions which give the best outcome for themselves...
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...GAME THEORY & ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION LITERATURE REVIEW NATHALIA PALOMINO ID# 0501605 MARCH 1, 2014. FACILITATOR: SHELLEY WHITTLE Introduction This paper will firstly address game theory, Prisoners Dilemma which is a very prominent game and Bargaining. Asymmetric Information is also discussed along with a few examples of how asymmetric information relates to the business environment. The writer gives the reader a basic understanding of game theory and asymmetric information uses in a logical manner. As many opinions are combined to critically analyse the aforementioned. Game Theory A definition of Game Theory or something that appears to be a definition may be applied as such: An analytical or mathematical approach of examining strategic interaction when dealing with competitive situations in business decisions. As Keat, Young & Stephen (2014) did not give a clear definition of Game Theory. This definition stated business decision however, Martin (1978) stated that Game theory has proved useful in only war and economic. He states, “I see that at least three ways in which game theory has proved ‘useful’. First, it has led to practical advice on tactical decision-making in certain well defined situations, especially in military areas involving missile tracking and similar task (where the theory of differential games has led to results equivalent to control theory). Second, it has provided an occupation and amusement for thousands of government bureaucrats...
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...( c Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart) p. xxx–xxx Herbert Gintis Behavioral Game Theory and Contemporary Economic Theory Abstract: It is widely believed that experimental results of behavioral game theory undermine standard economic and game theory. This paper suggests that experimental results present serious theoretical modeling challenges, but do not undermine two pillars of contemporary economic theory: the rational actor model, which holds that individual choice can be modeled as maximization of an objective function subject to informational and material constraints, and the incentive compatibility requirement, which holds that macroeconomic quantities must be derived from the interaction and aggregation of individual choices. However, we must abandon the notion that rationality implies self-regarding behavior and the assumption that contracts are costlessly enforced by third parties. 1. Introduction The articles that serve as the focus of this Symposium on Altruism are among the best of a new genre. The genre is behavioral game theory, which may be loosely defined as the application of game theory to the design of laboratory experiments. Behavioral game theory aims to determine empirically how individuals make choices under conditions of uncertainty and strategic interaction. It is widely believed that experimental results of behavioral game theory undermine standard economic and game theory. This paper suggests that experimental results present serious theoretical...
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...Introduction The assumption that economics and psychology are directly related disciplines rests upon various inferences made during the last decades and advanced by famous researchers such as Daniel Kahneman, W. Brian Arthur, Hugo Münsterberg, George Katona or Günther Schmölders. Although the perception today is that both fields are closely related, throughout history, the homogeneity between economics and psychology was not adequately elaborated. The challenge to introduce psychological concepts into economics appeared to be difficult and it was even more daunting 30 years ago, (Kahneman, 2003). Up to the present time, both disciplines have borrowed concepts from each other and tried to contribute to the improvement of theories developed...
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...Essentials of game theory 1. Introduction Game theory is the study of strategic decision making. More formally, it is "the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers."[1] An alternative term suggested "as a more descriptive name for the discipline" is interactive decision theory.[2] Game theory is mainly used in economics, political science, and psychology, as well as logic and biology. The subject first addressed zero-sum games, such that one person's gains exactly equal net losses of the other participant(s). Today, however, game theory applies to a wide range of class relations, and has developed into an umbrella term for the logical side of science, to include both human and non-humans, like computers. Classic uses include a sense of balance in numerous games, where each person has found or developed a tactic that cannot successfully better his results, given the other approach. Modern game theory began with the idea regarding the existence of mixed-strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum games and its proof by John von Neumann. Von Neumann's original proof used Brouwer's fixed-point theorem on continuous mappings into compact convex sets, which became a standard method in game theory and mathematical economics. His paper was followed by his 1944 book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, with Oskar Morgenstern, which considered cooperative games of several players. The second edition of this book provided...
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...A Short History of Economic Thought Hans-Walter Lorenz FSU Jena Winter 2012/13 Hans-Walter Lorenz (FSU Jena) A Short History of Economic Thought Winter 2012/13 1 / 93 Outline, Relevance, and Contents Outline, Relevance, and Contents Outline Very brief overview of a few dominant authors (starting around 1700 and ending in our times) Due to time restrictions: selection is to some extent arbitrary Emphasis on authors with a major influence on the development of economics Note: Empty entries are open for students’ presentations Hans-Walter Lorenz (FSU Jena) A Short History of Economic Thought Winter 2012/13 2 / 93 Outline, Relevance, and Contents Outline, Relevance, and Contents Relevance: Reasons for concentrating on the history of thought General historic interest (assumed!) Developing a sense for connections between political/technical history and the emergence of new economic ideas Many recently discussed topics in economics have ancestors in previous decades and centuries; many ‘brand-new’ approaches actually possess long beards (however often forgotten). Hans-Walter Lorenz (FSU Jena) A Short History of Economic Thought Winter 2012/13 3 / 93 Outline, Relevance, and Contents Outline, Relevance, and Contents Contents The Classics – Quesnay, Smith, Ricardo, Say, Malthus, Marx The Neoclassics – Marshall, Walras, Menger, Gossen The Keynesian Revolution The Neoclassical Synthesis and the New Classical School Strategic...
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...Economics for the Global Manager BUS610 AIU Abstract An economic company has contracted out to establish the financial structure and potential actions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the difference between a monopoly, an oligopoly, and a cartel along with examples of each. It will discuss the welfare effects of monopolies and oligopolies. It will discuss how game theory explains the relations of firms within oligopolies and cartels and the financial purpose of OPEC and the past five years of the oil prices. Economics for the Global Manager The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, economic structure and future actions are predicated on a contract from an economic firm. The difference between a monopoly, an oligopoly, and a cartel are simple and examples of each will be given. The welfare effects of monopolies and oligopolies will be discussed. Game theory explains the relations of firms within oligopolies and cartels. The economic purpose of OPEC and what has happened to oil prices over the past five year will be discussed. Differences /Examples One seller of a good or service which has no close substitute and has substantial control over the price and protection from rivalry through a barrier to entry is a monopoly. An industry that has moderately diminutive number of firms, barriers to access, price searching behavior and mutual interdependence is an oligopoly. A cartel...
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...to « Game Theory », and its applications. ! ! ! ! IBMEC - EM Strasbourg Business School ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GAME THEORY "1 SUMMARY ! ! ! ! ! A brief introduction to the origins of the Game Theory……………..…3 What is a game ?………………………………………………………….……4 What is the purpose of a game ?……………………………………….….….….4 What defines a game ?…………………………………………….…….…….….4 Typology of the actual know games………………………….……….……….…4 How can we represent a game ?……………………….………….………….…..5 Strategies and actions in a game…………………….………………….…..6 Dominant/Dominated Strategies…………………….……………………….….6 Mixed Strategies……………………………………………………………….…6 Notion of The Pareto Optimum…………………………………………………7 A complete, concrete (and classic) example : The Prisoner’s Dilemma………….7 Commitment & Credibility………………………………………………………8 A concrete example of a commitment problem…………………………………9 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….10 Sources………………………………………………………….…………..…11 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GAME THEORY "2 A/ A brief introduction to the origins of the Game Theory… ! What is Game Theory ? It is the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers. An alternative term would probably be Interactive Decision Theory. Even if this concept is, basically, pure economics, today we can see it in various range of application, from political science to psychology, logic or biology. The first thing that we should question ourselves, speaking of Game Theory, is probably...
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...ADYSSA RISKA L. Z. 291 12 089 Business Economics – YP47A A Beautiful Mind – Movie Review A Beautiful Mind is a story based on the life of the famous mathematician John Forbes Nash. His contributions to mathematics are outstanding. When he was an undergraduate, he proved Brouwer's fixed point theorem. He then broke one of Riemann's most perplexing mathematical problems and became famous for the Nash Solution. From then on, Nash provided breakthrough after breakthrough in mathematics. In 1958 John Forbes Nash was described as being 'the most promising young mathematician in the world'. John solved problems in mathematics that many mathematicians deemed not solvable. On the threshold of such a promising and outstanding career, he then went on to suffer through three decades of a devastating form of paranoid schizophrenia. He lost his teaching professions and his job. He refused all medical treatment and spent years in and out of delusional states. Remarkably, in 1994 John won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science for his work on Game Theory. Game Theory is an analytical tool to understand the phenomena behind the way decision-makers interact. Nash's work on Game Theory in the early stages has Nash comparing it to football, pigeon feeding habits and picking up women. It's the bar scene where Nash has his big 'Ah Ha' moment. While Nash and his friends all have their eyes on the same blonde woman, he surprises his colleagues with the question that if we all want the same woman...
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...Tour de France’. Furthermore, there will be also given an introduction to an economic principle that can refer to the ‘Le Tour de France’. Strategic interaction is a term that identifies the process when different parties try to achieve common goals which relies on intensive communication between these parties. This intensive communication is needed to make any progress in pursuing a goal. The meaning ‘Strategic interaction’ comes from ‘Game Theory’. This is the study of strategic interaction between people in a structured environment. A game theory is used in practical ways to predict, explain and prescribe events (Camerer, 2003). “Game theory attempts to determine mathematically and logically the actions that players or team members should take to secure the best outcomes for themselves in a wide array of games” following Avinash Dixit (Dixit, 2008). This is why the goal of game theory is getting benefits from using these strategic interactions. Game theory is what happens when people, genes or nations interact. Strategic interaction could occur in the most simplest situations but becomes more complex and more complicated when it will occur in bigger events. It is a very common term in the business world in firms and between relationships of those firms but it occurs also in sports, so as well in cycling. Actually it occurs on every single day in every single life. A clear example of game theory in sports could be whether tennis players serve to the right or to the left....
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...GAME THEORY Game theory has found its applications in numerous fields such as Economics, Social Science, Political Science, and Evolutionary Biology. Game theory is now finding its applications in computer science. The nature of computing is changing because of success of Internet and the revolution in Information technology. The advancement in technologies have made it possible to commoditize the components such as network, computing, storage and software. In the new paradigm, there are multiple entities (hardware, software agents, protocols etc.) that work on behalf of different autonomous bodies (such as a user, a business etc.) and provide services to other similar entities. Internet has made is possible for many such geographically distributed antonymous entities to interact with each other and provide various services. These entities will work for their respective owners to achieve their individual goals (maximize their individual payoffs), as opposed to obtaining a system optima (that is socially desirable). This results in an entirely different paradigm of computing where the "work" is performed in a completely distributed/decentralized fashion by different entities where the primary objective of each entity is to maximize the objective of its owner. Therefore, it is important to study traditional computer science concepts such as algorithm design, protocols, and performance optimization under a game-theoretic model. This course aims to provide a basic understanding...
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...brilliant mathematician and also a paranoid schizophrenic. Even though Nash struggled with paranoid schizophrenia he was still able to revolutionize a concept called game theory. This work that he did with game theory greatly improved what was already established as well as created the Nash equilibrium. Game theory is the mathematical study of strategies used to win games. It began with games like tic-tac-toe and chess since they are easy to analyze because they are known as games of complete information. Complete information is when your opponent’s positions are in clear site. Game theory then went on to analyze card games where player’s cards aren’t seen, which is known as incomplete information. In card games there are elements such as bluffing that can become a variable in the analysis. Mathematicians continued to analyze more critical games such as economics, biology, philosophy, and even which girl to go after. This is around the time that John Nash developed a principle for mutual consistency of player’s strategies which is known as the Nash equilibrium. The Nash equilibrium can be applied to a wider variety of games than the original game theory. This equilibrium proposes that all players have a perfect strategy that becomes stable and if they stray it will make all positions worse off. In the games there are two or more people competing over money, ideas, and even for just a few examples. Each person comes up with an approach based on their objectives as...
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...EF 5010: Economics for Business Semester B 2014 Syllabus LI King King (李景景) Time and Venue Duration: 17January – 25 April 2014 (Every Friday) Time: 7:00PM-9:50PM Venue: AC2 -1503 Instructor Dr. LI King King Department of Economics and Finance Email: likingking@gmail.com Phone: 3442 7604 Office Location: AC2-5102 Personal Webpage: http://likingking.weebly.com/ Office Hours: Friday 5:00PM-6:00PM or through appointment via email. Email is always a great way to reach me. Course Website: Available on Blackboard Teaching Assistant WONG Chun Kit Christopher Email: chriwong@cityu.edu.hk Phone: 3442 9980 Office Location: AC1-P7706 Office Hours: Wednesday11:00AM-12:00Noon 1 Course Description The fundamental objective of this course is to introduce to managers the important economic concepts and tools to improve their decision-making and to achieve managerial goals. The course will emphasize the economic way of thinking, and will enable managers to better understand the economic environment in which business decisions are made. Developing innovative solutions to business problems will be encouraged throughout the course. Learning Objectives Ø Apply the tools and theories from microeconomics to perform demand and supply analyses. Ø Identify different market structures. Formulate different pricing strategies under different market structures or consumer characteristics. Ø Apply basic game theoretic models to formulate business strategies such as pricing. Ø Understand...
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...Game Theory Background An Illustrative Example Course Structure Introduction to Game Theory Econ 414 Jeff Borowitz Summer I 2010 Jeff Borowitz Introduction to Game Theory 1 / 18 Game Theory Background An Illustrative Example Course Structure Rational Choice What is Game Theory? Game Theory is really “Multi-Party Decision Theory” Outside of game theory, we think of just one actor (firms maximizing profits, workers deciding how much to work, etc.) Decisions involving many parties are very relevant to economics Oligopoly Public Goods Working together on a team project Jeff Borowitz Introduction to Game Theory 2 / 18 Game Theory Background An Illustrative Example Course Structure Rational Choice What is a game? Formally A game consists of Players The actions that the players can take How much each player values each potential outcome What each player knows Definition (A Game) A game Γ = (S, U) is a list of possible actions by each player S = (S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn ), and a list of payoff functions for each player under all possible combinations of actions by each other player U = (u1 (S), u2 (S), . . . , un (S)) Jeff Borowitz Introduction to Game Theory 3 / 18 Game Theory Background An Illustrative Example Course Structure Rational Choice What is a game? Informally Games Fantasy Football (drafting, picking line-ups depend on what others do) Rock-Paper-Scissors Risk Not Games Football (depends on skill, strength...
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