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Gamification in Education


Submitted By TITERR
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Gamification in Education
Tina Terry
EDU 620 Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology
Instructor: Tamara Carter

Gamification in Education Gamification has the benefit of bringing people together to solve a problem or for you to defeat a problem on your own. Games can be used in a teaching environment to help promote specific learning skills. “Today’s schools face major problems around student motivation and engagement. Gamification, or the incorporation of game elements into non-game settings, provides an opportunity to help schools solve these difficult problems” (Joey J. Lee & Jessica Hammer, 2011). McGonigal (2011) states that “gamification recognizes the value of extended practice, and develop personal qualities such as persistence, creativity, and resilience through extended play” (Technology, 2010). Gaming used in any method can be used to increase students’ motivation through engagement. The use of gamification in classrooms has the benefit of making classes more task-oriented, through gaming students can collaborate regularly in small and large groups. Students can develop enhanced critical thinking skills by completing different tasks in group settings. There are many reasons gamification can be used in the classroom. According to Whitton, (2009) she argues that well designed games can provide authentic learning (p.78). She also believes that gamification helps provide a constructivist learning environment in the classroom. “The constructivist perspective hypothesis is that people learn by constructing their own perspectives about the world, by problem-solving and personal discovery” (Whitton, 2009, p. 78). The use of gaming in the classroom allows you to address multiple learning styles and cultural preferences. Games that allow for multiple users can help students learn from each other while sharing ideas and working on

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