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Gary Slutkin Crime

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The Disease Known as Violence:
The Product of Society
Tereso Flores

California State University Los Angeles

The Disease Known as Violence: A Product of Society
Violence is often interpreted as being binary, in the sense where there must always be a victim and an offender. Thus, giving the idea that violent acts are simple to define and the aggressor must always be punished. Gary Slutkin an epidemiologist talks about his experience in Africa where he helped suppress disease epidemics, such as AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Cholera after a decade of service Slutkin decided to retire and move back to the US where he soon realized that the US is also facing an epidemic of its own. Gary also stated that punishment for a violent …show more content…
Although Gary’s approach to the causation of violence is strictly a behavioral influential issue he completely ignores the probability of violence being linked to a genetic disposition. For example, being born with a low autonomic arousal, which makes people more prone to committing an act of violence and aggression (Angela Scarpa). If low autonomic arousal is a cause for violent and aggressive behavior can cognitive therapy, community activities, remodeling, public education really help grant a group immunity to committing violent acts? Gary’s experiment certainly proves it by reducing the rates of shootings and killings by significant margins multiple times but can violence such as gun violence and homicides ever be preventable through cognitive therapy, or is violence so deeply ingrained into our DNA that we as animals commit or is it a product of our societies culture, which views beneficial acts of violence as nonviolence and acts of heroism.
Robert Sapolsky a neuroscientist, talks about the ideology of violent acts and its perception and probable causation and its long embedded social construct used by those in power to instill hate. Thus, causing many to commit many forms …show more content…
Thus, we as human beings must be more aware of the behavioral studies and the effects our actions may have on others especially on a developing child. We must be aware of our influences onto others and the weight our actions and negligence towards others may have. Approaches like that used within the are a significant way to reduce the criminal acts of violence, and we as a society should implement to those in need to produce a significantly better future for the victims of a violent

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