...Immigration in the United States: Past, Present and Future Immigration and the United States of America go hand in hand ever since it was first discovered by Christopher Columbus. It is a great nation built on and built by immigrants. There were many waves of immigration we can speak of in America, and all of them required a different approach from the government to handle. In the following research paper. In this research paper, I will attempt to demonstrate how immigration in the United States of America came to be what it is today, by taking a look at its overall, concise, immigration history from the colonial times until today, as well as the various state and federal legislations that were implemented with regards to immigration, whether...
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...Child Rearing Practices BY Ken Robertson This paper is going to compare the practices of childrearing among two cultural groups Cuban Americans and Latin Americans. The childrearing practices of Americans have been extensively documented. The picture which comes to light in this paper is that of a permissive and affectionate parent. Who relies more on psychological techniques of discipline that, on direct methods such as corporal punishment. There are several comparisons of childrearing practices of American parents and those of parents from other cultural groups. Childrearing patterns of Hispanic and Latin American groups haven’t been extensively studied. The few studies that do exist generally portray the Hispanic family as one where warmth and affection are readily dispensed to the child, obedience is emphasized at the expense of self-reliance, and physical punishment is overtly threatened but inconsistently used. And perhaps because they constitute conveniently accessible populations, most existing cross-cultural childrearing studies have Compared Mexican-Americans and Mexicans. The absence of studies involving other Hispanic American groups make it difficult to estimate the extent to which the obtained results are descriptive of Hispanics in general or Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in particular. Second, most cross-cultural research has focused on the mother, child, and dad. Finally, there have been few efforts to systematize the use of instruments...
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...|[pic] |ETH/125 Syllabus | | |Axia College/College of Humanities | | |ETH/125 Version 6 | | |Cultural Diversity | Copyright © 2010, 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is designed to educate students about issues of race and ethnicity by presenting historical and modern perspectives on diversity in the United States, and by providing tools necessary to promote a respectful and inclusive society. Students will complete several activities that allow them to examine their own values in relation to the values of various other racial and ethnic communities. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure...
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...Immigration is an Economic Benefit to the Host Country Name: Cindy Winata Student ID: 12413091 Professor: Vyas Utpal Immigration is an Economic Benefit to the Host Country Is immigration an economic benefit to the host country? As the world globalizes, this issue has become a topic of a debate in recent years. The inflow of immigrants may bring a positive effect or negative effect to the destined country. However, in some countries like the United States, their economic development has become dependent on immigrants. As Marco Rubio once said, “Americans believe in the value of immigration”. Immigration has made and is making favorable contribution in term of economy to the host country. Immigrants have benefited the U.S economy by filling in less-skilled job vacancies, increasing native’s wages and labor productivity, and lastly driving innovation. Immigrant Workers Fill the Growing Number of Job Vacancies Immigration plays an important role in filling in the less-skilled jobs vacancies in United States. The main reason why the United States has become significantly reliant on immigrants is because of the growing shortage of workers that are willing to do the less-skilled jobs. In recent years, American worker’s educational level has improved dramatically, thus result in the growing number of less-skilled jobs in which U.S-born workers are available. Less-skilled immigrants are needed to fill in occupations such as construction, farming, fishing, food processing, food...
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...usually for better pay or living conditions". Brain drain is usually regarded as an economic cost, since emigrants usually take with them the fraction of value of their training sponsored by the government or other organizations. It is a parallel of capital flight, which refers to the same movement of financial capital. Brain drain is often associated with de-skilling of emigrants in their country of destination, while their country of emigration experiences the draining of skilled individuals. The term brain drain was coined by the Royal Society to describe the emigration of "scientists and technologists" to North America from post-war Europe. Another source indicates that this term was first used in the United Kingdom to describe the influx of Indian scientist and engineers. The converse phenomenon is "brain gain", which occurs when there is a large-scale immigration of technically qualified persons. There are also relevant phrases called "brain...
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...Immigration is an Economic Benefit to the Host Country Name: Cindy Winata Student ID: 12413091 Professor: Vyas Utpal Immigration is an Economic Benefit to the Host Country Is immigration an economic benefit to the host country? As the world globalizes, this issue has become a topic of a debate in recent years. The inflow of immigrants may bring a positive effect or negative effect to the destined country. However, in some countries like the United States, their economic development has become dependent on immigrants. As Marco Rubio once said, “Americans believe in the value of immigrationâ€. Immigration has made and is making favorable contribution in term of economy to the host country. Immigrants have benefited the U.S economy by filling in less-skilled job vacancies, increasing native’s wages and labor productivity, and lastly driving innovation. Immigrant Workers Fill the Growing Number of Job Vacancies Immigration plays an important role in filling in the less-skilled jobs vacancies in United States. The main reason why the United States has become significantly reliant on immigrants is because of the growing shortage of workers that are willing to do the less-skilled jobs. In recent years, American worker’s educational level has improved dramatically, thus result in the growing number of less-skilled jobs in which U.S-born workers are available. Less-skilled immigrants are needed to fill in occupations such as construction, farming, fishing, food processing...
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...27, 2011 Abstract This paper illustrates the problems caused by large numbers of illegal immigrants in the United States. Through the analysis of illegal immigrant adults and illegal immigrant children, this study makes the statement that the government must provide free education to illegal immigrant children, though they would bring a heavy burden to the US economy. This paper also offers alternatives on how to improve the new immigrants’ English level, so that newcomers don’t feel alienated. Lastly, the paper suggests a possible way to calculate the cost of education of illegal immigrant children, and recommends a win-win policy for both government and the children. The Education of illegal immigrant children in the US In last 50 years, more and more immigrants go to America than before. The number of illegal immigrants is approaching the number of legal immigrants; this phenomenon causes many problems for the United States. In order to reduce the illegal immigrants in the United States, the government has set up a lot of restrictive laws to fight against illegal immigration trends, such as expelling the illegal immigrants and enforcing the immigration law. However, if the illegal immigrants are school-aged children, should the US government provide free education to...
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...country. These issues have affected the United States for many years. James Rubenstein notes that “unrestricted immigration to the United States ended when congress passed the Quota Act in 1921 and the National Origins Act in 1924. However over the years different issues arose on this topic; some of which are job threatening, deportation, population overgrowth, devaluing of property, and increased crime rate. Legal as well as illegal immigrants encounter problems to some extent. The questions of who belongs? Who stays? And who goes? Are often widely debated topics by citizens of the United States? It has also been a focal topic in presidential debates. Others made reference to the DREAM Act by claiming that the political parties fail to address the heart of the immigration problem. Immigration has impacted the United States socially, economically, and politically. Like Global migration, interregional migration also creates issues, in the United States. Introduction The topic of immigration can be broken down into many different categories, to deal with different aspects that affect people. Many Americans are of the opinion that America is for Americans and immigrants are not welcome. History teaches us that the Indians were the first set of people to live on this wonderful land. This means that all the other groups are descendants of immigrants. It is known that America was built by immigrants, which means this...
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...When will we see Change? A Critical look at Barack Obama and the democratic party. Charles Kerber POLS 202 9AM American Government Livingston This paper will take a critical look at the history of the democratic party, its most recent 2012 election, its current presidential candidate Barack Obama, and the latest platform. While the paper may read as being highly critical of President Obama, it should be caveated by the fact that this is an extremely trying time in the history of the United States, and the government is under considerable pressures from outside terrorism threats and international relations, to severe recession and domestic economic concerns. Nevertheless, one must look critically at President Obama, and answer has he really given us “change we can believe in”? Biography & history The Democratic party went through a number of iterations before it became the current democratic party. The party began as the anti federalists under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Thomas Jefferson a former secretary of state under George Washington's administration who had resigned to protest the fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton. These two rivals would become the basis of the first two political parties of the United States. Alexander Hamilton favored the constitution, the creation of a national bank and repayment of the revolutionary war debt with federal funds. Under this philosophy they would name themselves Federalists, for their leaders support of ratifying the constitution...
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...is well documented. A 1997 survey conducted by the Southern African Migration Project found that South Africans showed the highest level of opposition to immigration in any country where comparable questions have been asked (Mattes, 1999). The hostility towards foreigners living in South Africa has translated into extreme acts of xenophobic violence. In 2000 and 2001, Amnesty International’s annual online reports on South Africa singled out attacks and ill treatment of asylumseekers and suspected illegal immigrants as a major source of concern. The 2001 report also recounts reports of abuses of undocumented migrants and asylum-seekers. These included unlawfully prolonged detentions, poor conditions and beatings of detainees by guards at Lindela Repatriation Centre, assaults by police officers involved in the arrest of suspected illegal immigrants, and arbitrary and verbally abusive conduct towards asylum-seekers by Department of Home Affairs officials (Amnesty International, 2001). Xenophobia is defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary as ‘fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners or of what is strange or foreign’ (Mish, 1997). The literal meaning of the word suggests that xenophobic people would dislike all foreigners equally, as it is their ‘foreignness’ that makes them objectionable. However, the patterns that emerge of the targets involved in incidents that are attributed to xenophobia, as well as empirical research investigating xenophobia, suggest that this is not the case...
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...Feb. 11, 2016 Ethnic Studies Week 6 *Paper due in 3 weeks Immigration, Eugenics, White Ethnics, Mexican Americans U.S. Immigration Legislation (Tyner, 60) -1907: U.S. Japan Gentlemen’s Agreement -Denied entry to Japanese laborers -1917: Immigration Act -Denied entry to illiterates (meant to exclude Southern and Eastern Europeans) -Designated an “Asiatic Barred Zone” denying entry to people from the lands between India, Australia, and Japan 1924: Johnson-Reed Act (National Origins Act) -Promoted by the American eugenics movement -Designated to maintain national purity and security -America should remain a white, Protestant nation -All others must either assimilate or be relegated to a permanently inferior status. *Eugenics want to keep white/Anglo-Saxon -Product of scientific racism - Applied to Charles Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” theory to modern, industrial civilization (Social Darwinism) -1890s: popular with educated Americans concerned about an imminent “race suicide” due to low Anglo-Saxon birth rates -1903: American Breeders Association founded -1906: its Committee on Eugenics formed “to emphasize the value of superior blood and the menace to society of inferior blood.” -1908: first Eugenics Society (England) -1909: first professorial Chair in Eugenics established (University College, London) -By 1910: emergent international eugenics movement proclaimed itself “the science of human improvement through programs of controlled...
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...Name: Course: College: Tutor: Date: Illegal Immigrants Illegal immigrants are foreign persons who enter a country under circumstances that do not meet the legal conditions for migrating into the given country; they violate the written immigration laws of the country. In the United States, illegal immigrants’ population was estimated to be approximately twelve million people by the Center for Immigration Studies in 2008 (Haerens, 10).The foreigners relocate from different countries, for example, Mexico, Latin America, Europe, Canada and African countries. The causes that lead to immigrants relocating from their home countries include: poverty, overpopulation, wars and asylum and families reuniting. Different terms used to describe an illegal immigrant depend on an individual country’s political viewpoints: alien, clandestine workers, "without papers", un-naturalized immigrant, undocumented immigrant or boat people. Illegal immigrants face a great number of challenges as they attempt to enter a through a foreign country’s borders. They face being captured and sold into slavery, specifically, sexual exploitation; and death of immigrants has been recorded, for example, at the US- Mexico border or during hot summers, aliens have died in the South Western part of US. Common methods of entry include border crossing and overstaying a visa one has been given by the foreign authorities (Hanson and Council on Foreign Affairs, 25). There is, currently a debate in the...
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...Assignment 1.2: Research Paper Industrialization after the Civil War Shana Dukes History 105 Professor Tracey M. Biagas February 3. 2014 Introduction Industrialization after the Civil War was a period where Industrial city were being built, there were jobs for people and the political aspect was having corruption. In this paper the main points in this paper discussed the major aspects of the Industrialization Revolution, such as groups that were affected by the Industrial society, and the affects the life of the average working American. While the Industrial Revolution was a great turning point in the history of mankind, it led humanity to great technological advancements, middle and lower class, African American rights, woman equal rights, and many others. Three Aspects of the Industrial Revolution Three major aspects of the Industrial Revolution during 1865 to 1920 influenced society, economy, and politics. Society was a major aspect of Industrialization because companies were being built, railways was distributing goods to different states (Arrington, 2013). Also, a lot of people were moving from the South and farm areas to the Northern urban areas. Iron and steel had become more vital to the Industrialization of America, and the United States was becoming more Industrialized and less agricultural (Gilder Lehrman Institute, 2009). The society worked in factories to earn money; they also worked at steel plants, and other jobs. Society played a major aspect...
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...Assignment 1.2: Research Paper THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION AFTER THE CIVIL WAR Renee Whaley History 105: Contemporary U.S History Professor Michael Dixon February 7, 2016 The Effects of Industrialization after the Civil War Introduction This paper will focus on the industrialization period that followed the civil war and the effects it had on the society, economy, and politics. This paper will also touch on three different groups affected by this period known as the industrial age. Finally, this paper will look at the daily life of an average working American and how it was affected by the industrial age. Society, Economics, and Politics The Industrial Age (better known as the Industrial Revolution) had an affect on nearly every aspect of the American life. This included its society, its economy, and its politics. From the north down on through the south and eventually to the west, society changed through the Industrial Revolution. The north saw more of an ideal lifestyle. Factories and a surplus of jobs created more opportunities for people and as a result, many began to move towards the north in search for a better lifestyle. As population grew, housing became a problem. Companies would build housing close to factories so its employees could walk to work but poor building codes saw companies taking advantage of this. Plumbing became obsolete, the water system became polluted, and diseases would often sweep through the tenements. In the south, the...
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...Female Genital Mutilation (also incorrectly known as “female circumcision”) is an extreme cultural practice prevalent in much of North and West Africa as well as in parts of the Middle East and Asia, in which young women and girls are forced to undergo a procedure that alters or rather, mutilates their reproductive organs. Although Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM, is seen in many cultures as a way to promote purity and chastity, this paper will argue that it is in fact a reflection of the “deep-rooted inequality between sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women.” (WHO, 2014) Female Genital Mutilation is defined by any procedure that alters the exterior parts of a female’s reproductive organ. The literature describes four main types of FGM. The first type is called clitoridectomy. In this process surgery involves the full or partial removal of the clitoris. A second type is called excision and this occurs when the clitoris is also fully or partially removed. In addition, the labia minora is removed leaving just the labia majora intact. Infibulation is the most severe form of FGM and occurs when a seal is formed over the opening of the vagina by removing the inner or outer labia. A small hole is left for the passage of menstrual fluid and urine. The hole is...
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