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Pro Life Vs. Pro-Choice Debate

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Abortion is one of the most contentious topics in the world today. Everyone has an opinion on it. The Pro-life versus Pro-choice debate has been going on for years. Pro-life argues that a baby has a right to live, while pro-choice argues that women have the right to decide what happens to their bodies. Other conflicting views such as religion have added fuel to the fire in this debate. There are several reasons why women have abortions, all of which are legitimate and valid. For or against abortion, a woman should have the right to her own body. If a woman wants to have the procedure done, she should have access to it in a sanitary and professional environment. The people protesting abortion are always screaming “Murderer” at the women who …show more content…
A great deal of thought and consideration is put into making the decision. It is a choice that people are trying to take away because they do not know the full story and choose to create their own. Some of the reasons women get abortions include: rape, incest, serious physical handicaps, serious genetic disorders, poverty, the mother’s health is put at risk, financial issues, or being afraid. In a research study it is said that 76% of abortion “turn-aways” became unemployed as opposed to the 44% who had the procedure done. If abortion were to become illegal again, people could have too many children for their household income, the children could be neglected by parents that don’t want them or don’t have time for them, and the mental health of the woman could be at risk. Marshall Medoff wrote “The empirical evidence finds that states with the most antiabortion policies are also the same states that have significantly lower indicators of infant/child well-being.” Both the mother and child could be put in situations that could be avoided by keeping abortion legal and protected. It isn’t selfish for people to do what they think is

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