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Mrs Thomson Case Summary

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When evaluating Mrs. Sampson’s claim for disability we must use Social Security Administrations, Sequential Evaluation Process (SEP), which is their five step evaluation process to determining benefits. Step 1; is an individual engaging in substantial gainful activity (SGA)? Step 2; does the individual have a severe impairment? Step 3; does the individual have an impairment that meets or equals the Listing? Step 4; can the individual perform past relevant work? Step 5; can the individual perform other work? When looking at Mrs. Sampson’s case on a step by step base step one she may fail due to the fact that she receives $350.00 a week, which equals out to about $1515.50 a month, for caring for her teenage grandchildren. Mrs. Sampson also uses this money to offset her substantial medical bills, and for future medical treatments she knows she will need. …show more content…
Both substantial and gainful activities are required to defeat an award of benefits.” Based on this fact Mrs. Sampson should pass she is not doing much work and it is for a relative where she does little activity to earn the money, in fact her grandson ends up doing work for her while he is there. Step two can be shown based on the fact that she is unable to perform her duties, and was terminated for not being able to return to work after a 6 month period. Mrs. Sampson meets step three based on SSA’S medical listing where she meets requirements for Musculoskeletal System 1.04 and Mental Disorders subpart

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