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Puppy Mills Then And Now: A Case Study

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Following the end of World War II, American farms struggled to make a profit. With innovative technology that created an influx of goods in the market, the demand and therefore the price of goods, fell. The government, in an attempt to salvage the agriculture industry, began to offer subsidies to farms that left land unused, thereby reducing supply and inflating prices. Farmers were left stranded, incapable of providing for their families or producing means through which to stay above the poverty line. Most, if not all, were desperate. Meanwhile, the post-war American economy was booming. With the young families brandishing their new suburban homes bought with credit, the lifestyle of the middle class strove to exude affluence in comparison …show more content…
These “puppy mills”, loosely defined as “an inhumane dog breeding operation, which offers dogs for monetary compensation, where needs of the dogs are not being fulfilled due to inadequate shelter, nutrition, sanitation,, and/or inappropriate breeding”(“Puppy Mills Then and Now: A Decade of Progress” 2012), solidified themselves as a fixed market dependent on the demand for cheap purebred animals. Thus, the businessmen sought out ways to exponentially reduce the cost of maintenance at the expense of the dogs’ health and well-being. In some cases, puppy mills are purposefully overcrowded, with wired-cages are stacked on top of each other to maximize available space, forcing dog confinement at all times. Puppy mills that provide a larger roaming space still fail to maintain adequate living conditions, with unsanitary floors that promote the spread of disease (“A Closer Look at Puppy Mills”, 2017). Without the proper veterinary care and increased exposure to bacteria, these dogs are more susceptible to contracting major health problems and potentially fatal illnesses, including epilepsy, heart disease, hip dysplasia, giardia, parvovirus, distemper, and heartworm . In addition to these conditions, the puppies are prematurely separated from their mothers, who are forcibly impregnated during every heat cycle. Without adequate postpartum nutrition and interaction, the puppies …show more content…
With an estimated 10,000 puppy mills operating in the United States, as both licensed and unlicensed operations in connection to pet stores, the overpopulation problem seemed as bleak as ever before. Similarly, with the new technological advancements, the puppy mill industries have flocked to the internet as a new medium of transaction. Each year, anywhere from between 1 to 2 million dogs are bred in mills and forced to experience substandard living conditions (“About Puppy Mills”, 2015). It’s important to note that these numbers are inexact, largely because the USDA is only able to maintain records for the licensed breeding facilities across the United States, not any unlicensed or internet-based breeders (“The History of Puppy Mills and Why You Should Care”, 2015). There is, however, one slight difference that distinguishes the WW2 era industry from modern day, the growing societal opinion that animals are not things to purchase, but to be cherished. Starting noticeably in the 2000s, American culture shifted to reflect a departure from animal ownership towards cohabitation due to education and advocacy (Martin, 2016). As a whole, the American community tends to treat their animals as companions and not property. Likewise, this ideal extends to the national perception of animals, influencing the popularity of anti-animal cruelty organizations and animal shelters. This cultural change goes

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