...The belief that mankind and the universe are intertwined in ways that strengthen the individual is best explored in the film, Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. The most clear example of how the concept is related in the film is with the training scene shared between the “mentor” character, Yoda, and Jedi-in-training, Luke. In this particular scene, Luke is struggling to understand the concept of the Force and how to properly harness its powers. Yoda, attempting to aid his struggling pupil, explains precisely what the Force is and how it relates to both Luke and the world around him. The master explains that the Force is created by life and strengthens the individuals who choose to embrace it. It is with this “definition” of the...
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...that would change the way people act, think, and live. A cinematic adventure that would do more than just entertain the audience for an hour and thirty-one minutes. A film with a name would be known throughout the globe, Star Wars. The first Star Wars movie spawned forth a universe in which fans dreamed they could become a part of. Despite all of its box office success, the greatest accomplishment of the Star Wars universe, was the change it caused to cultures worldwide. Star Wars pioneered modern cinema, brought upon us a new age of thinking, and created fans whose passion knows no bounds. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was the first film to be released in what is now known as “The Original Trilogy.” Along with its successors Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, A New Hope showed film studios and filmmakers around the world that movie trilogies can be extremely successful. With such an elaborate and lengthy storyline that spans across the three movies, it kept audiences entertained for years to come. This paved the way for many of the trilogies we see coming to theatres today. The box office successes of these films opened the door for an even greater success in merchandising. While the current revenue of the box office sales is estimated to be $4,277,000,000 the sales from toys alone is estimated at $12,000,000,000 and that number is increasing every day.[1] The success that Star Wars had from its...
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...from developer Dice, renowned for their largely popular franchise, battlefield. After being initially teased back at E3 in 2013, Dice and EA have been working collaboratively to produce possibly the best, modern star wars game to ever hit the gaming market. A trailer was revealed back in April of 2015 showing some in game engine cinematics, teasing some of the immense environments from the star wars universe. However this created an uproar of angry gamers on the internet complaining that the trailer did not represent what they may be seeing visually in the game. And in response, yesterday, at EA's E3 conference in LA, the team from sweden finally were able to silence their haters and blew them away with an incredible gameplay trailer featuring the map hoth on the multiplayer game mode walker assault. The trailer begins inside a hoth echo base on the rebels side, first highlighting that all footage was recorded off a PS4, and from what i can initially tell, the graphics look outstanding. It can be noted that the footage is from pre alpha which shows that graphics and performance in the game will be enhanced before the game ships late November 2015. The trailer throws you straight into the battle with familiar recognisable faces with the customisable character option where you can decide what face you want from the variety of races in the star wars universe. EA DICE went back to the archives of Lucasfilm and Skywalker Sound, pulling the models, props, and sound effects used in the...
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...Gandhi Serve. http://www.gandhiserve.org/information/questions_and_answers/faq4/faq4.html quotes, “"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide." Humor is a tool that makes people laugh. Humor describes the benefits of how humor helps people in situations or lifestyle. II. Thesis: Humor has interesting healing powers that enable us to reduce stress, to spread happiness, and to combat fear. Body I. Main Point: One benefit of humor is that humor reduces stress A. People who laughs enormously on a regular basis can have lower standing blood pressure than the average person. When people have a good laugh, the blood pressure increases but then returns back to normal. When watching TV, a movie, or even a comedian, there is comedy that excites people to burst out laughter. B. Health and wellness. Integral Research Center, from http://thinkexist.com/quotation/laughter_is_the_best/164086.html quotes “Laughter is the best medicine.” When laughter is shared, it brings people together and increases happiness. This free medicine is easy to use and uses excitement. II. Main Point: Another benefit of humor is that humor spreads happiness. A. Humor changes one’s perspective of happiness. Humor brings balance. Laughter creates distance, between what you fear. B. The key to being happy is by having happy people around you. When coping with people, they have a sense of humor, and they encourage...
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...to be true. Sometimes when I would struggle to stay on the path or lose motivation, my friends would try to cheer me up and help me keep going. Luke sometimes doubts himself however, his friends always stood by him to help keep going. Growing from a young man into adulthood can sometimes be hard but, with the right people in your life you can make it and push forward. Throughout the movie, Luke experiences many hardships. One struggle that stood out the most was the loss of his home. His hardships start when his aunt and uncle are killed and his home is set on fire. This leaves him grieving at the site of his only home. The loss of a home is one of the worst feelings anyone can have. I can say this from experience. A couple years back I suffered the same lost. My home, that I have lived my entire life, had been in a fire. The site of the remains had been horrific. A great sadness fell upon me and I too had to grieve just as Luke. Now we both had hard choices to make. We could choose to leave and find another home or rebuild. Just as Luke had to leave and find another home, I had to do the same. Through his hardships and growing into adulthood, he still had a determination to keep on pushing forward. When he was presented with an obstacle, Luke showed great determination in trying to save his friends even when he was out match. During his training with master yoda, he was put through vigorous test and yet, he never gave up. I many not have the same “force” as...
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...and a villain. Their stories each have a meaning on what is good and evil, most importantly sacrifices. They fight for what they believe and to save their own people. In Beowulf, King Hrothgar builds a great Mead-hall called Herot, where his people and warriors can celebrate and share stories. Despite their celebrations, Grendel, one of Evil’s sons, terrorizes them and kills them every night he hears them happy and cheerful. One day Beowulf, a Geatish warrior, comes upon Demark to defeat Grendel. He fights him unarmed and defeats him by tearing off the monster’s arm. Grendel is mortally wounded and dies in his swamp. However Grendel’s mother seeks revenge, killing one of Hrothgar’s most trusted advisors. Beowulf still fights back by killing her as well. Years pass and a dragon comes to terrorize Denmark, Beowulf also defeats this monster, but dies in the process. He had given all his strength and courage to save his people. In Star Wars IV, Darth Vader had intercepted Princess Leia’s ship and interrogated the crew and ordering his stormtroopers to search the ship for secret documents he believe is there. Princess Leia gets a message in one of her robots, R2, and lets them escape so someone can get the cry for help. Eventually Luke Skywalker finds R2 and stumbles across a bit of the message from the princess. However, r2 refuses to give out anymore of the message. Luke seeks out obi-wan because he is the one meant for the message. He then soon becomes a jedi...
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...Nick Martinez Professor Kevin Hastings Heroism 17 October 2014 Luke Skywalker and the Adventure of the Hero Joseph Campbell’s perception of a hero’s journey begins with a primary series of steps called the Adventure of the Hero. Many narrative heroes use all or many of these steps. One particular character is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. In his journey to become a Jedi he goes through these initial stages. Luke Skywalker lives with his Aunt and Uncle on a farm. Luke wants to be a pilot but his uncle has been holding him back from joining the academy so that Luke can help out on the farm. In order to get enough hands to compensate for Luke’s departure they must purchase droids to work on the farm. This is where he meets R2-D2, a droid that the family purchases from some space creatures called the Jowas. R2-D2 contains a message from a women name Princess Leia. In the message, she is addressing a man named Obi-wan Kenobi. Luke figures that she means Ben Kenobi who is an old man that lives on Luke’s planet. Luke decides that he will go later to look for Ben and figure out what the message is about. However, R2-D2 is determined to find Obi-wan Kenobi as soon as possible and ends up leaving in the night to find him. Luke finds the droid the next day but is unfortunately attacked by savage creatures called the Sand People. They prepare to kill him but he is saved by Ben Kenobi who happens to be passing by. Ben listens to the message that R2-D2 is holding and informs Luke that...
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...movie because it signifies the start of the adventure when it replays Princess Leia’s call for help. 5. Shapeshifter: Han Solo represents the shapeshifter because he is initially against the entire mission and is critical about the journey when he has to encounter it. He is reluctant to help rescue the princess, does not participate in the Rebellion’s initial attack on the Death Star, and only cared about himself and Chewbacca. However, when his presence was needed most, he showed up with a change of heart and was decisive in the Rebellion’s victory. 6. Shadow: The shadow is depicted by Darth Vader, who elicits evil by donning a black outfit and preying on all those around him, including his own crew. He is a ruthless leader of the Empire and attempted to crush the Rebellion, along with hero and his cause. 7....
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...It is the grand reopening of the Disney store in the mall. I am overly excited as the new store is undoubtedly going to have the new Star Wars toys. I rush over to the half scale Darth Vader statue standing on top of a circular shelving unit filled with numerous amounts of Star Wars plushes. I want the 3 ½ inch action figures not the plush Chewbacca staring me down with its huge black eyes. These aren’t the toys I’m looking for, I move along. Then I spot them hanging from racks on a shelf behind the circular unit. I grab one of the new Star Wars Rebels figures and look in disappointment as I notice it only has 5 points of articulation (its head, arms, and legs), made of cheap plastic and the paint applications are way off especially on the face. The figure is giving me a cross eyed look as it hopes I put it out of its misery. Is this what happens when Disney buys out Star Wars? Is this what they do with the beloved toy line? They replace them with McDonald’s toys? As an avid Star Wars collector with over three hundred figures plus much more memorabilia I am very disappointed with how Disney is handling the toy franchises they have taken over. They do offer a higher quality toy line for both Marvel and Star Wars toys but they cost way more than they used to. I was able to buy a high quality Star Wars action figure for less than $10 before Disney bought Lucas Films out. Now $10 will get you a figure that mirrors a figure from the 70’s only without the charm the vintage ones...
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...effect in Soylent Green (1973), Norman Jewison’s future worldwide society is controlled by corporations and a violent game known as Rollerball in Rollerball (1975), Michael Anderson’s futuristic post-apocalyptic survivors live in pristine dome cities with murderous population control done by “sandmen” police in Logan’s Run (1976), which leads right up to George Lucas’ Star Wars (1977), a new type of sci-fi fantasy that takes everyone by surprised, and after that the genre and the film industry is changer forever. The film Stat Wars begins with this passage: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. (A spectacular space battle ensues above the planet Tatooine) A period of civil war is taking place as Rebels flee from the evil Galactic Empire with stolen plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the Death Star battle station capable of destroying an entire planet. Rebel leader, Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), has hidden the plans inside R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) and along with his counterpart, C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), manages to escape the Emperor’s most sinister servant, Darth Vader (David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones). The two droids are later bought by farm boy Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), who later decides to join the Rebel fight with the old and wise, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness), after hearing the recorded message for help from Princess Leia. Kenobi tells Skywalker about the mystical energy that give the Jedi their power called the Force. At Mos Eisley spaceport...
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...The Focus of a Young Jedi George Lucas once said “ Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” In Star Wars IV and Homer’s The Odyssey, the heroes, Odysseus and Luke Skywalker, show themselves as focused,intelligent, men. Luke and Odysseus are both determined but Luke is more focused on his mission because of the situations, courageousness, and motivation. Unlike Odysseus, Luke is more focused on his mission because of the situations he was put in. An example of why Luke is more focused is because of the family troubles. His parents are unknown so he was forced into a family. He may feel like he has to be focused so that he can live up to his father's expectations. Odysseus has some key focusing points like when he had to figure out how to get away from the Polyphemus he could not have done that screwing around. On the other hand Odysseus has weak times, for example when rather than being focused on getting home he decided to stay with Calypso for seven years. Compared to Odysseus, Luke has the power and destiny to use the force for appropriate reasons. Luke feels entitled to use the force thus helping the focus on the mission because he can only use it if he concentrates. Motivation is key to finding yourself and trusting in yourself. Luke is more motivated because of his focus. Luke is well-known for his early love for Princess Leia. Love is a very strong connection that can lead one to follow until they get what they want or fail on the way there. Luke had the...
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...John Specht 2/22/14 Film Clerks Clerks written and directed by Kevin Smith. First off I picked a film made by Kevin Smith mainly because he is my favorite writer and director. He also makes it seem like anyone can become a film maker after Clerks was made and it was picked up by Miramax and it was only made for less than twenty eight thousand dollars. This was Kevin Smiths first film in which then several others has followed. Clerks main plot line is two convince store clerks who are in their twenties that go through their day to day lives while talking about their past and future. This movie is based on actual experience of Kevin Smith and is actually filmed in the same store in which he worked in. The whole movie is shot in black and white. You would think it is because of some mood or such Kevin Smith was trying to get. However though, the decision to film the whole movie in black and white was made simply because of the lighting that was in the store as they filmed the movie was interfering with the camera and so he decided to do it all in black and white since it was a lot cheaper than getting extra equipment to make the lighting just right. The two main charters names is Dante and Randal. Dante runs the actual store and Randal runs the video store who is Dante’s best friend. Dante’s charter is based on Kevin Smith and Randal is based on his long time friend from childhood Bryan Johnson. Some of the support charters include Dante’s current girlfriend...
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...RUNNING HEAD: Hotel Escargo Hotel Escargo AIU – MGT656 Abstract In this paper Hotel Escargo’s collected data is graphed and information for the work management and time study analysis is described. One area is area is focused on to create a fishbone diagram to capture the potential root causes. Hotel Escargo Hotel Escargo’s check-in process is expected to be completed in four minutes or less. The average check-in time for guest on July 31st was four minutes and 51 seconds, the minimum time the check-in process took was two minutes and 23 seconds and the maximum time was eight minutes 45 seconds. The issue that occurs during check-in is the average time for check-in is 51 seconds more than is to be expected and exceeds it by four minutes in some cases. Figure 1 will show the data in a table (Hotel, 2014). Work measurement is the application of time and motion study with activity sampling techniques that will determine the time a qualified worker can complete a specific job in a set level of performance. It’s used to determine the budget, planning for manpower, set the schedule, determine the cost, etc (Work, 2014). The work measures to do would be to find three of the least qualified guest service clerks to check-in ten people as efficiently as possible. Once the thirty people are checked-in, the average of their times should determine if there is a problem with the check-in times. A time study analysis looks at a specific job to find the most efficient method to do...
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...It’s around 1750 B.C, and the first civilization is evolving, and so are the Babylonian laws… With 282 Babylonian laws created by Hammurabi, once the ruler of the Babylonian Empire, many of the laws were unjust and unfair to his people, and many examples to prove this. To begin, stated in code 213, if a man strikes a slave girl and causes her to lose the fruit of her womb (her baby), he shall pay 2 shekels of silver. This law is unjust due to law 209, which states that if a man strikes a free woman and causes her to lose the fruit of her womb, he shall pay 10 shekels of silver. Although the woman is a slave, she is still a human being and has lost her child just as the free woman had. In addition, law 195 states that if a son strikes his father,...
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...countries armed forces to intimidate its rivals Unification of Italy and Germany: * Several short war’s fought * Never existed before 1870s as unified states * Italy unified by Kingdom of Piedmont, Germany unified by Kingdom of Prussia * Happened during industrial revolution Germany and France Rivalry: * Unification of Italy and Germany created a rivalry between Germany and France * In wars France was defeated and became Germany What is a dreadnought? - A ship that impressed people and was used in war A new Europe: * Europe now had 7 large states The Ottoman Empire – Ruled by? Main Religion? * Ruled from Istanbul in Turkey but controlled by Middle East, North Africa, and The Balkans * Main religion was Muslin but many others lived under Ottoman control Weakening of the Empire: * During 1800’s the Ottoman Empire was getting defeated by Russia in many wars and...
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