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Early Childhood Standards

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Comparing Standards
Educators use standards to gauge where their students are developmentally. In early childhood, there are three main standards NAYCE Standards, Head Start Standards, and Ohio Early Learning Standards and. All these standards are guidelines to help teachers and parents determine development and to hold educators accountable for the job of educating children. Along with similarities there are also differences and they will be explored in this paper. Starting with NAYCE standards, the main similarity with the other two documents (Head Start and Ohio Early Learning Standards), is the fact that the standards hold professionals accountable and it presents a frame work for making quality programs. For instance, the …show more content…
A teacher should be able to look at a standard and come up with an example on how it is being met in the classroom. The early learning standards and the Head Start standards include examples for the teacher to use but the teacher may come up with another way to address theses …show more content…
I hand out hats, gloves, mittens, caps, sun hat, sunglasses, goggles and other items. I used these items in conversations with the children modeling unfamiliar terms for the clothing items and encouraged the children to use the new words. I encourage the children to look in the mirror and point out the items and I describe how they look. I essentially narrate the child’s world to them. Next, when using the Head Start Birth to Age APPROACHES TO LEARNING Domain: Approaches to Learning SUB-DOMAIN: EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL SELF-REGULATION Goal IT-ATL 1. 9 (16-36 months) Child manages feelings and emotions with support of familiar adults. In my classroom, we have a cozy box with a feelings chart and children are encouraged to seek refuge in the box if they are experiencing strong feelings. We do not allow the students to do this alone. We go over to them once they are in a calm state and talk about how they are feeling and use out lap as a safe place while we have these

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