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Animal Abuse In The United States

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Every day animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Animal abuse is an issue that is extremely prevalent in our world today. Although the type of abuse, and the animals may vary from country to country we cannot discount the pain felt by these animals. There is also a direct link between violence against animals and violence against humans. If looked at this way then if we start to reduce the amount of animals abused it would also be a big step forward for reducing the number of people abused as well. Animal abuse is a phenomenon that occurs internationally and the general public needs to take every measure in their power to if possible completely stop it. To develop and grow as a global community, we must fight for …show more content…
Though many of us fail to realize it, Animal abuse is very prevalent in the United States. Due to the freedoms and liberties given to American citizens and the lack of restrictions and protections in regards to domestic animal treatment, animal cruelty is very widespread in North America. Media has definitely made huge impact on the way many Americans view animal abuse, however there is still a need for huge improvement. A major area of concern in the U.S is animal breeding, and how animal breeders treat the animals in their care, most notably puppy mills. Puppy mill facilities are “large-scale commercial dog breeding operations that place profit over the well-being of their dog”. In these mass-production factories, dogs are forced to produce litter after litter of puppies, supplying nearly 100 percent of the dogs sold in pet stores and directly to consumers online and through newspaper ads. Hundreds, sometimes thousands of dogs per facility live in overcrowded and unsanitary cages without sufficient food, water, grooming, socialization, or veterinary care and therefore they frequently suffer a multitude of social, emotional, and physical conditions, including genetic disorders and deformities.Other smaller puppy mills often keep their dogs in basements, garages, etc. away from sunlight and any exercise. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, animals in Puppy Mills have little hope as they live out their …show more content…
Nations across the world use animals for food products, clothing, and other raw materials. Our next case study moves into the vast nation of China. Year after year a variety products and goods are produced in China like technology, textiles, and other materials. One of the major production industries in China is the fur trade industry. The fur trade industry is a worldwide market dealing in the acquisition and sale of animal fur. This multi-million dollar operation can be traced back in history as far back as the beginning of civilizations.Today, the fur trade industry continues to be a very profitable practice with a global market. Though fur coats and scarves look appealing to the human eye, many people don’t stop to ask exactly where and at what kind of facilities are most of these valuable furs acquired and produced. China is the world's largest fur exporter, supplying more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the U.S.. Though China receives large amounts of profit from this business, there have been many shocking reports of a lack of ethical treatment of animals used in the fur trade industries. Currently in China, due to cultural values in regards to animal treatment and lack regulations for animals in captivity, there are no penalties against inhumane acts on these fur farms. “Foxes, minks, rabbits, dogs, cats, and other animals pace and shiver in outdoor wire cages,

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