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Documentary Analysis: Why Our Food Is Making Us Fat

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Peretti, Jacques. "Why Our Food Is Making Us Fat." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 11 June 2012. Web. 10 June 2016.

This web article started with the author's point of view as he rode on a bariatric ambulance (an ambulance designed especially to care for the obese). The information gathered from this web source include facts from a twelve year study done at Plymouth hospital, Earl Butz, Surplus of corn, Hank Cardello, and many other important figureheads of the obesity epidemic. This web article will primarily be used as how the epidemic started and who is to blame. I trust this source by the links given within the article. Each important name, study, and association has a hyperlink that leads the reader to where the author has received his information. This article pertains to how the food industry has changed since the mid-70s, including history of the Nixon Presidency and what figureheads are doing now to reverse damages being made. The author gives strong reasons to blame the food industry.
Kenner, Robert. "Food, Inc." PBS. PBS, 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 10 June 2016. …show more content…
It had the power to change my whole perspection of the food industry. I recommend this documentary to everyone. The documentary shows the harsh reality of how the food industry warps society into eating more, and therefore giving more money into larger corporations. It goes deep and secretly films harsh treatment of animals that are stored inhumanly due to the demand of meat and diary. I will use the facts and information from this article such as hormones, chemicals, and preservatives that are unknowingly placed in our bodies without our knowledge. It really opens your eyes to how greedy our government has become and the effects it has on people's health and

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