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Submitted By vivi2
Words 5407
Pages 22
Living with prejudice - xenophobia and race CINDY WARNER and GILLIAN FINCHILESCU report on a study conducted with a group of refugees in Cape Town through which they explore the ways in which refugees experience xenophobia, and how they explain it
The contemporary anxiety about the perceived flood of illegal immigrants is well documented. A 1997 survey conducted by the Southern African Migration Project found that South Africans showed the highest level of opposition to immigration in any country where comparable questions have been asked (Mattes, 1999).
The hostility towards foreigners living in South Africa has translated into extreme acts of xenophobic violence.
In 2000 and 2001, Amnesty International’s annual online reports on South Africa singled out attacks and ill treatment of asylumseekers and suspected illegal immigrants as a major source of concern. The 2001 report also recounts reports of abuses of undocumented migrants and asylum-seekers.
These included unlawfully prolonged detentions, poor conditions and beatings of detainees by guards at Lindela
Repatriation Centre, assaults by police officers involved in the arrest of suspected illegal immigrants, and arbitrary and verbally abusive conduct towards asylum-seekers by
Department of Home Affairs officials (Amnesty International, 2001).
Xenophobia is defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary as ‘fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners or of what is strange or foreign’ (Mish, 1997). The literal meaning of the word suggests that xenophobic people would dislike all foreigners equally, as it is their ‘foreignness’ that makes them objectionable. However, the patterns that emerge of the targets involved in incidents that are attributed to xenophobia, as well as empirical research investigating xenophobia, suggest that this is not the case. Particular groups of foreigners are targeted, and the ethnic origins of

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