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Becoming A Peak Performer

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A peak performer is someone who has a good attitude and set goals and reach those goals. To become a peak perform you should think positive at all times and focus on what you are trying to achieve in life. When you have a goal as a peak perform you set your goals in stages so that you can get to where you are trying to go in a timely manner because things just don’t happen overnight.

When you have a positive attitude as a peak performer you should stay motivated through out your process and try to have a positive supportive system because things are going to get rough during your process and you will need that positive support system to help push you along the way. I know that this is going to be a change for me but I can’t wait to begin this journey as a new student.


Betehel University College Orientation Experience …show more content…
I say this because you’re able to look at your own lifestyle both personally and professionally and see what you have accomplished and the outcome. When we visualize things we either put a negative thought inside our head or a positive thought inside our head. Growing up I was always taught you are responsible for your own acts so therefore I had to make sure I choose the right action to get a positive reaction. I was also told growing up if you think negative then negative is what you will get so always think positive to receive positive. After reading and attending my assignment for this unit I come to realize that if I follow the visualization 5 steps throughout my life they will help me create the results and achieve the goals that I want in

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