...Eating meat is unethical In this few pages I’m going to discuss the topical subject of vegetarianism, whether it is or it isn’t a life choice to consider and why. I invite you here to consider that we have conscience of our acts and therefore we know the consequences they have in ourselves and the world; also we can live healthy, full lives without eating meat and finally it is not coherent or logic to defend certain animals while killing others. In a society where the constant battle is for freedom and rights of living creatures, I believe these aforementioned issues are things we should each consider seriously since they say a lot about ourselves; they are in the very core of who we are and the actions we are willing to take to build a better, more compassionate society. I’m going to defend why eating meat is unethical, not something entirely natural nor something we should encourage. To begin with, let’s clarify the concept of ethics. There are way too many definitions of this term, but I’m going to work with the one that is taken from the word ethos (Greek) which means “character” or “custom” and defines some appropriated morals (norms) to follow in a society, but also as individuals; they define what is virtuous and good and what is not in some way (not to be confused with rules and laws, which involves more of a legal and inflexible context). There are several fields of application for ethics and I’m going to support what I say by bringing up the utilitarian and environmental...
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