...Cri du Chat Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic disorder which approximately affects 1 in 20,000 to 50,000 live births. The disease does not depend on ethnic backgrounds, but is most common in the case of women. The disorder gets its name from the typical cry of babies born with this syndrome. The baby sounds like a kitten, because of problems with the nervous system and larynx. The good news is that about 1/3 of kids recover by the age of 2. Negative aspects of this disease may be: * Feeding problems, because they can't suck and swallow well * Low weight at birth and poor evolution * Motor, cognitive, and speech delays * Behavioral problems such as aggression, hyperactivity, and repetitive movements * Uncommon facial traits that can change in time * What is Cri-du-Chat syndrome? The name of this syndrome is French for "cry of the cat," referring to the distinctive cry of children with this disorder. The cry is caused by abnormal larynx development, one of the many symptoms associated with this disorder. It usually becomes less noticeable as the baby gets older, making it difficult for doctors to diagnose cri-du-chat after age two. Cri-du-chat is caused by a deletion (the length of which may vary) on the short arm of chromosome 5. Multiple genes are missing as a result of this deletion, and each may contribute to the symptoms of the disorder. One of the deleted genes known to be involved is TERT (telomerase reverse transcriptase). This gene is...
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...High-Technology Acquisitions Final Project -Acquisition Proposal: To Acquire: May 2012 Table of Content Executive Summary I A. Purpose I B. Background I C. The Rational for the Acquisition I D. Standalone, Synergy and Premium Valuations II E. Integration Plan II Part 1 - The Rational of the Acquisition 1 1. Pfizer's Strategy 1 1.1. Pfizer Growth Strategy 2 2. Pfizer's Road Map 4 2.1. Pfizer's Acquisitions Rational 4 3. The strategy behind the acquisition 5 3.1. Acquisition Motives 5 3.2. M&A vs. Alliance 5 4. Target Identification 7 4.1. Protalix - an R&D Acquisition 9 5. Synergy Analysis 10 6. Standalone, Synergy and Premium Valuations 12 6.1. Market Value 12 6.2. Trading and Transaction Multiples Valuations 12 6.3. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation 14 6.3.1. DCF Methodology and Assumptions 14 6.3.2. Summary of the Standalone and the Synergy DCF Valuation 15 6.4. Premium 16 6.5. Walk-away Price, Net Value Creation and Financial Feasibility 17 Part 2 - The Integration Plan 18 Bibliography 21 APPENDIXES 22 Appendix 1 - Pfizer's Executive Leadership Team 23 Appendix 2 - Pfizer's Organizational Structure Scheme 24 Appendix 3 - Five Forces Analysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry 25 Appendix 4 - Pfizer's PEST Analysis 27 Appendix 5 - Level of Competition Between the Acquirers & the Uniqueness of the Acquired Company 31 Appendix 6 - Acquisition Motives 33 Appendix 7 - Protalix...
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...Chapter 1 expanding abroad: motivations, means, and mentalities Case 1-1 Cameron Auto Parts * Alex Cameron got the family biz when graduated in 2001, when the American economy fell into a recession * History * Auto Pact, big three ship car parts between Canada & US, with tariff free * Cameron focus on small engine parts and auto accessories * Car Sales dropped in 2000, because declining North America and entry of Japanese * High pressure for modernization and cost reduction * Operational survival: cut workforce, overtime, part-time, subcontracting * Recovery and diversification * The short-term future seemed positive, but the popularity of Japanese car forced it to diversify * Working as an OEM Cameron did little to be innovative * Alex brought in a team of designers, concentrating on developing products with a wider ‘non-automotive’ market appeal * The first year no progress, Alex lured away a key engineer from the Canadian firm, and mid-2003, developed its own line of flexible couplings * Marketing the new product * Hired eight field sales representatives, stress product quality, service and speed of delivery, but not price. * Financing plant capacity * Increasing sales of flexible couplings required a new separate plant, but the financial position is not strong enough to support it * Foreign markets * Took a European Patent * A licensing opportunity ...
Words: 18260 - Pages: 74
...family of large organic compounds involved in many important biological processes. Following their enzymatic hydrolysis during food processing or digestion, proteins may release fragments from their primary amino acid sequence. These fragments are called peptides, and many of them are known to be physiologically active. The possible beneficial effects of bioactive peptides have attracted increasing interest in recent years. On the other hand, there are also reports suggesting that some food-derived peptides might adversely affect human health. Among these, β-casomorphin-7 (BCM7), a peptide sequence present in the milk protein β-casein, has been suggested to contribute to an increased risk for certain non-communicable diseases, such as autism, cardiovascular diseases and type I diabetes. Some literature reports have proposed possible mechanistic explanations for such associations Recognising the alleged negative effect of BCM7 on human health, EFSA deemed it necessary to perform a comprehensive review of the published scientific literature in...
Words: 50772 - Pages: 204
...regarding social advancement. The Breadth Component studies societal and cultural development in terms of evolutionary, cyclical, and fundamentalist theories and demonstrates why it is important to looking beyond the popularly accepted knowledge about social development represented by economic and conflict theory. This approach provides a more robust generalization that more adequately describes social advancement, and concludes that classical researchers did not consider leadership as a social segment to be studied, that influences societal and cultural development. Leadership understanding of societal and cultural development is critical for enabling them to lead positive social change. ABSTRACT Depth The Depth section compares modern research in societal and cultural development to the theories of classical researchers in order to further develop the findings of the classical study, and to determine if leadership consideration has been addressed in modern times. The study shows that the theories of classical researchers are sufficiently robust to support a consistent, continued basis for understanding societal and cultural development into modernity. This study broadens the Breadth section presentation, and demonstrates that modern researchers continue the classical paradigm, adding depth and...
Words: 29149 - Pages: 117