Premium Essay

Gender Dicrimination


Submitted By DEVANSHIM
Words 719
Pages 3
We all know that discrimination is prevalent in our society even today and it continues with its detrimental effects on each one of us through our daily lives. We have witnessed discrimination in different aspects of life like inequality in income distribution, religion and race discrimination, discrimination in educational system, in sports, etc. But the most serious issue is the gender discrimination which has constantly degraded the values of society to which we belong. Among all the different kinds of discrimination, the most serious is the gender discrimination which we as a society have failed to deal with since ages.
Discrimination refers to inequality. Gender discrimination therefore refers to inequality between people of opposite sex.
Gender Discrimination at Workplace
There is an alarming rise in the rates of increasing gender discrimination at workplaces nowadays. Every now and then we come across reports related to gender discrimination at workplace. Researchers have also ratified this. Gender discrimination can take place in various forms in respect to unusual or unequal and harsh treatment to a person of one sex as compared to the person of the other sex.

* Often, there is discrimination in terms of wage pay to the women employees as compared to male employees as the women are often tagged as the ‘housewife material’ and hence is offered lower wages/salaries and men are considered hard working and dedicated comparatively. This is a common discrimination that women laborers face.
What do you think? * Many a times, women (housewives) generally step out of their houses during their difficult times to deal with the hardships to earn to provide the basic necessities to their family and hence the employers take the advantage of the situation by providing lower salaries irrespective of the qualities or qualifications of the

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