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Gender Issues in a Diverse Society


Submitted By Edelyne
Words 767
Pages 4
Gender Issues in a Diverse Society

My biographical background is Haitian. As a little girl in my culture we were taught to cook and clean. I was also taught to respect my elders and authority figures. As long as I can remember my mother always made sure we attended mass every Sunday. Our religion was and still is Roman Catholic. Me and my sister were raised by a tough single mom; who gave us what we needed not what we wanted. She always made sure she showed us love but, was not afraid to discipline us when we got out of line. My mother had a quote she always told me and my sister “Don’t take my kindness for weakness”. When she said those words to us we knew we better get it together before she gets us. The culture expectations for men is to make something of themselves; so when or if they have a family they can be financially stable. Nowadays, if a man or woman leaves Haiti to come to the United States they would be expected to take care of their family back home. For some reason people in Haiti have this perception that the United States is easy to live in; and money comes from trees and you do not have to work hard for what you have. That dream is quickly squashed until they actually come here and see for themselves how it really is to live in the United States.

My initial thoughts of gender issues were the basic upbringing in male and female. Now, that I have started reading and discussing this topic it definitely involves much more. I thought that this subject was going to break down the difference between men and women; and the different obstacles each gender had to go through in society. I think the nature of this course is to open up your thoughts about the different stereotypes; whether positive or negative about a specific group or individual. It gives insight on how different influences play a big part on how an individual or a

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